This Saturday, April 12th 2008, Midway United Methodist Church on US 158 a few miles west of Reidsville, North Carolina will be having its "Old Timer Festival", showing off a bunch of traditional crafts, vintage vehicles and farm equipment, stuff like that.
My father Robert Knight will be there too. He's been busy the past several months in his knife shop making several new blades for this event and he'll be set up at a table. Here's some of his handiwork that will be on display and for sale...
In addition to a number of Damascus (multi-layered steel) knives, Dad also has some horseshoe-made knives and several of what might be his specialty: railroad-spike knives!
By the way, the fancier knives that you see in the top photo each come with a custom-made leather sheathe.
I'll be at the festival too, shooting some video of the event. Y'all come see us, hear? :-)