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Showing posts with label mtv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mtv. Show all posts

Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Hold still, dumb-ass!" It's the first new BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD since November 28th 1997!

I choose to take this as a sign that there is hope yet for our culture.

At Comic-Con 2011 going on this weekend in San Diego, Mike Judge announced that Beavis and Butt-head - one of the most classic and beloved shows of the Nineties - is coming back with new episodes this fall!

'Course, things have changed for MTV since the boys last graced (?) that network with their presence in the autumn of 1997. For one thing, MTV doesn't do the music videos thing like they did back in the day. Based on the following clip, looks like Beavis and Butt-head are gonna now be ragging on things like reality television and such.

So look! New Beavis and Butt-head footage!

Looks fresh as ever! Now I'll just have to clear some space on my DVR for when the show begins running :-)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

MTV's DJ & THE FRO ran my school board commercial tonight!

(I just wish that it didn't have to be followed up immediately by MTV running all of Michael Jackson's classic music videos...)

As several folks have written in about: Tonight's episode of MTV's new show DJ & The Fro, titled "Birds", featured a good-natured mocking of my "Star Wars"-inspired campaign commercial for Rockingham County Board of Education in 2006.

In the episode someone calling himself "Inbred Velcro Warrior" sends the Fro a link to the commercial. "In space, nobody can hear you scream" notes Fro as he and DJ cheer on the Death Star destroying the little red schoolhouse. Fro continues: "That's also true for his mother's basement, where this guy clearly lives!" DJ says "That's the biggest loser in the desert since Moses!" I had some friends over to watch this ('cuz the good folks at Titmouse Productions told me last week it would air this evening) and suffice it to say, everyone in the house thought it was hilarious! I got to show off my lightsaber and rotoscopin' skillz before a national audience, Rockingham County North Carolina got a shout-out, Melody Hallman Daniel's awesome vocal talents got a lot of airtime (well about as long as the commercial anyway)... and I might very well have become the first and last person to get the words "No Child Left Behind" and "unfunded mandates" spoken on MTV!!

The "Birds" episode is scheduled to air quite a few more times over the next several days and weeks. Check yer local listings if you wanna take a gander :-)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

DJ & THE FRO will mock my commercial on MTV!

Earlier this evening the good folks at MTV sent along word that their new show DJ & The Fro will be premiering on June 15th (just less than two weeks from tonight). It's a new animated show that in the words of its creators...
Deep in the soul-crushing cubicle maze of Oppercon Industries sit DJ & The Fro, two 20-something slackers who spend their days blowing off work while they find and mock the sickest and most hilarious videos ever to grace the Internet.

What Beavis & Butthead were to the music video generation, DJ & The Fro are to the YouTube generation. They find the best web videos and make jokes about them so you don't have to.

When they're not watching videos, DJ & Fro kill time by doing things like blackmailing pedophiles into doing their work for them, drinking the breast milk of a co-worker, stalking alpacas and sexually harassing one another. Work at Oppercon Industries is a mere distraction from their true passion: being idiots.

And what will be among the first of the videos that DJ and Fro will be wasting their time watching?

None other than my "Star Wars"-ish campaign commercial from when I ran for Rockingham County Board of Education in 2006.

If this is gonna be anything like Beavis and Butthead, then I was already gonna be tuning in. Can't wait to see what they do with my ad :-)