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Showing posts with label multiculturalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multiculturalism. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Turkish group claims LEGO Jabba's Palace is racist, offensive to religion

Let's compare some fiction and fact...

- Jabba's Palace was first built by the B'omarr Monks, who continued to live within it and practice their religion long after after Jabba the Hutt took over and made it his headquarters.

- The Hagia Sophia was a Christian basilica until 1453 when Ottoman Turks forced their way inside, slaughtering thousands of innocent people whose blood poured into the streets of Constantinople. From that time on Christians were forbidden from worshiping within their own building.

Got that? Good. Because it only makes the claim by a group of Turkish Austrians that LEGO's new Jabba's Palace set from its Star Wars line is "racist" and an affront to religion all the more ridiculous.

LEGO version of Jabba's Palace (left) and Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (right)
One is a place that has known murder, slavery and intolerance toward others. The other is a children's toy.

From The Telegraph article...

Austria’s Turkish community said the model was based on Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul and that the accompanying figures depicted Asians and Orientals as people with “deceitful and criminal personalities.”

The Turkish Cultural Community of Austria released a statement calling for Lego to apologise for affronting religious and cultural feelings.

The anger was provoked by “Jabba’s Palace”, a model of the home of Jabba the Hutt from Lego’s Star Wars product range based on the blockbusting series of science fiction films.

Jabba is the large slug-like creature who holds Han Solo captive in the film Return of the Jedi, and his palace is the setting for several crucial scenes, including using Princess Leia as his slave.

Jabba’s domed home and accompanying watchtower bare, according to the statement, an unwanted resemblance to Istanbul’s great Hagia Sophia, and another mosque in Beirut


The Jabba case came to light after an Austrian Turk complained to the organisation after his sister had bought his son the box set.

Austria’s Turkish community also took issue with the figures that went with the palace, including Jabba.

“The terrorist Jabba the Hutt likes to smoke a hookah and have his victims killed,” said the statement posted on the organisation’s website.

“It is clear that the ugly figure of Jabba and the whole scene smacks of racial prejudice and vulgar insinuations against Asians and Orientals as people with deceitful and criminal personalities.”

The crimes associated with the figures, the statements adds, include terrorism, slavery, murder and human sacrifice.

Taking into account that many of the Lego figures carry weapons, the Turkish organisation also urged parents “not to buy toys of war or toys of discrimination” as the model goes against the “peaceful coexistence of different cultures in Europe”.

As an indication of the anger felt over Jabba’s Palace, the organisation said it was considering taking legal action against Lego for inciting racial hatred and insulting human dignity.

Hit the link for plenty more of this ludicrous story, including a statement LEGO released in response to what the Turks are insisting.

How about some more comparison? Like, how the Turks in Austria are claiming that "The crimes associated with the figures... include terrorism, slavery, murder and human sacrifice."

There are numerous accounts written by those who survived the conquest of Constantinople about how Sultan Mehmet II allowed his soldiers to plunder the city for three days: butchering anyone who got in their way, stealing from homes and separating families. Mehmet II took the city's most beautiful young women - and men - to be in his private harem (those who resisted were beheaded). Many boys were pressed into the service of the Janissary corps. Not long after the conquest, the Ottoman Turkish sultan sent several thousands of children to each of the major potentates of the Muslim world to be slaves.

So far as we know, the only criminal activities that Jabba the Hutt and his gang engaged in were spice-smuggling and gun-running.

Nor do I ever recall Jabba employing suicide bombers, declaring jihad against anyone or even declaring that Luke's announcing himself as a Jedi as being "blasphemy". Come to think of it, Jabba tolerated a lot of "coexistence of different cultures" at his court.

Yup, Jabba the Hutt and his palace are insulting to certain cultures and religions, no doubt about it...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Taxpayer-funded segregation? Indianapolis airport to give Muslims their own sinks

Indianapolis International Airport is going to install floor sinks by this fall - at the cost of $750 each - for Muslims to wash their feet before praying.

There is certainly a question here about the constitutionality of such a thing. I mean, these are public funds that are being used to support an establishment of religion: a notion that some people in this country have spent their entire lives toward stamping out, sometimes with dedication bordering on paranoia.

So yeah that's a concern. But what I want to know is: What's going to happen if a Christian or a Jew uses these same sinks, too?

I suppose it's possible that someone other than a Muslim could receive an injury to the foot that requires immediate flushing. Would an "infidel" be "desecrating" the Muslims' floor sink by using it? Are we going to see airport security personnel - i.e. taxpayer-funded "religious police" much like those of Saudi Arabia - patrolling around the floor sinks, making sure that nobody apart from the Islamic creed is using them?

Isn't this the very definition of "segregation"?

I grew up listening to stories about how black people were once not allowed to use the same facilities as whites... such as water fountains. In some places it was even punishable by law for a black to drink from the same fountain that had been designated for whites. So how is installing a floor sink that purportedly is only meant to be used by Muslims different from installing a water fountain that is only supposed to be used by whites?

Jim Crow was supposed to be dead and buried. But this move to accommodate Muslims at Indianapolis International Airport by giving them bathroom fixtures verboten to others threatens to not only dig Jim Crow back up, but to also dust him off and put him to work.

I don't care that this isn't a "white and black" thing. It's still a return to segregation, if not in active practice yet. And if violence ever occurs because someone other than a Muslim uses the floor sinks, there will be demands for even more concessions in the name of being "tolerant toward religion".

On a related note, what would happen if someone dumped strips of uncooked bacon into these floor sinks. Would they become so spiritually unclean that they would have to be ripped-out and replaced with new ones?

Just wonderin'...