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Showing posts with label not cool man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label not cool man. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Bill Gates pours out plague of mosquitoes on captive audience

This has been one of the most hyperactive days for crazy news. First it was the "Klingon convenience store robberies", then the zombie street signs. Now this...

At some kind of pretentious pow-wow called TED, Bill Gates spoke to the audience about the efforts his foundation is undertaking to wipe out malaria. But being not content to deliver a simple speech, Gates engaged in some rather disturbing performance art... and unleashed a swarm of mosquitoes on the assembly of technocrats. "Not only poor people should experience this!", Gates declared, as he released his airborne vector of blood-sucking insects at the crowd.

Doesn't this come awfully close to being an act of biological terrorism? I mean, it's not too far a stretch from this stupid stunt by Gates, to purposefully introducing mosquitoes laden with weapon-grade pathogens into a major metropolitan area.

And then again, some people will say that Bill Gates has been disseminating bugs all his career, so why should this be any different...