Dear lord, will this madness ever stop?
I couldn't help myself. It just happened.
We were flicking through the high-def channels and I wound up on UNC-TV, the state's PBS system. And they were doing their annual "Festival" pledge drive. The moment I saw that 800 number, my lips quivered and my hands started shaking.
Lisa couldn't stop me. I ran to the phone, and I... did it.
After all these years, I still can't stop doing it.
I picked up the phone and dialed the toll-free number. A nice lady answered and asked would I like to make a pledge to support public broadcasting. I told her "yes".
Then I told her that I would like to pledge $10,000...
...but only if PBS brought back the old Doctor Who reruns.
Then I hung up.
This has been going on FOR ELEVEN YEARS NOW! Somebody please, make it stop make it stop make it stop!!