No, I am still not going to "write" a blog post using artificial intelligence. I'm sitting in front of a keyboard composing these words. If you ever do see a product of AI being displayed, it's going to state as much. Which is what I'm doing now. What you are about to read is definitely the product of artificial intelligence. It also represents the first time that I've used a "chatbot" to generate text. Up until now I've avoided such things. But as I'm currently involved in a project necessitating some familiarity with AI, there was little choice but to see what it is that I'm getting into.
A friend encouraged me to try ChatGPT. I've been playing around with it since last night, firing hard at its walls. And I have to say, I am intrigued. One of the things I asked it to do was to describe the impact that the television series The Dukes of Hazzard had on high school football. ChatGPT returned a thorough response in less than seven seconds.
This morning I tried something else: making the AI be "creative". And now is where things start getting spooky. The idea of a poem about the Orks from Warhammer 40,000 came to mind. So I asked ChatGPT to compose some poetry featuring those wacky greenskins.
Here's what it came up with in the space of less than five seconds...
(I know I said previously that I wouldn't "copy and paste" an AI generated product, that I would only post screenshots. I tried to make a screenshot with this but it was too big to fit onto one screen. Sincerest apologies for that.)
"An Ode To WAAAGH!"
by ChatGPT
05/19/2024 10:15 am EST