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Showing posts with label rachael. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rachael. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2015

Here it comes: The Knight Shift SWIMSUIT EDITION!

You couldn't resist, could you?  You were duly warned.  You were told that there was nothing that I could do.  And yet some of you couldn't keep yourselves from asking me about her.  SOME of you even went so far as to offer money for her Facebook page.  And I can't do that either.

But never let it be said that this blog doesn't try to deliver.

So it is that today, I bring to you the first ever...

The Knight Shift

Featuring my beautiful cousin Rachael as she models a variety of cutting-edge swim attire.  As well as more about her, in her own words.

"I'm local in Miami but plan to travel internationally this summer. I'm happily single and plan on that for awhile lol"

"I eat honey every day. And I love God and life!"

"I hope to stay in the light and be a light no matter the darkness I've faced or will ever face ahead."

"It's all about perspective and keeping our minds stayed on peace is key to getting through anything crazy that life brings."

"I'm hard on myself and def not anywhere close to perfect but pray for me that I will stay strong!"

"Life is tough, but God is more powerful than all that."

(Editor's note: the one below is my personal favorite of the suits that Rachael is modeling.  I've never seen a piece of fabric engineering like that.  A real work of art!)

Yes, she's beautiful no matter what she's wearing.  But Rachael also has an amazingly beautiful heart.  She is a remarkably sweet young lady and her devotion to God has inspired me to seek Him first also as I embark upon my own endeavors.  I am very blessed and honored to call her my cousin.

I've learned something from these photos, something I never understood before.  I have not ever been a real fan of "swimsuit issues" of magazines or television specials or what have you.  Yes, I'm as red-blooded a guy as you can get, but that sort of thing has never been what I go for in terms of lovely attire on a female.  What I mean is: girls in swimsuits have never "turned me on".  But in looking at these photos I've realized something: that the purpose of swimsuit photos is NOT so much the woman and how "appealing" she is, but it really is a showcase of fashion design and creativity.  A beautiful woman in a well-conceived and realized swimsuit is a magnificent work of art, to be enjoyed and appreciated as a single entity.

Well, that's what I took away from it, anyway.

And so concludes the first (only?) The Knight Shift Swimsuit Edition.  Lord only knows if there will be another :-P

Friday, May 15, 2015

How about something beautiful for a change?

This is my cousin, Rachael:

No, guys: you may not ask me for her phone number.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Could it be?! ANOTHER picture of Lauryn AND Rachael?!?

It has been an unconscionably long time since my blog has seen a photo of either Lauryn or Rachael.  And some of you have been whining and crying for one all along.  Oddly enough they've all been guys.  Whenever one of these two cousins of mine have had their picture on this site, the traffic seems to ramp up considerably.  Funny, that...

Y'all owe Lauryn herself some thanks for this, boys!  Last night her grandmother, my aunt Billie (who also demonstrates how this family is unfairly blessed with lovely ladies) posted a photo of Lauryn and Rachael on Facebook.  I commented (not for the first time) how beautiful they are and a few minutes later Lauryn replied...
"Lol, Did we make the blog? ...It's been awhile ;-)"
Awright, she asked for it!!  And Rachael seems to be having fun with this too (but have a care fellas: she's now ENGAGED!  And her dad is a big, big dude along with being a pastor...)

You wanted it, you've got it!  Here are Rachael and Lauryn: two of the sweetest, most Christian and incredibly beautiful women you are ever likely to meet in this world...

And if y'all are really good, there might be more of them still to come :-)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Two beautiful things in one photo

So for the past several weeks your friend and humble blogger has been busy.

How busy? I was at ActionFest in Asheville two weeks ago, and I still haven't had time to do a decent write-up about it (including pictures of me with Tom Berenger and a few other folks). Heck, I'm dying to tell y'all about just Solomon Kane (easily the finest and most faithful adaptation of a Robert E. Howard character I've yet beheld).

That's all coming soon, I think, Along with a piece that I've been wrestling with for some time now, and now is the time to finally unload it.

But since a number of nice e-mails have come in asking "where the heck are you Chris?!" and since it's been too gosh-darn long since I've posted any more photos of the lovely ladies in my family, I thought I'd make up for it.

Want to see a new picture of my ravishingly beautiful cousin Rachael?

Of course ya do! So here you go...

Hee-hee-hee!! Well, that is Rachael, whether or not you wanna take my word for it. Along with a beautiful sunrise on the coast of Florida. Two beautiful creations of God, together in one photo.

Now let me get back to work, and maybe there'll be more to come this weekend :-)

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Time to post something beautiful again...

So it's been a few months since my ravishingly beautiful cousin Lauryn got married. She had been The Knight Shift's official pin-up girl for a number of years and she did a magnificent job... and we all wish her well :-)

But don't y'all think that this place could use some more loveliness from my family? 'Cuz I sure can't offer any of my own!

So then, here is The Knight Shift's new pin-up girl: amazingly sweet, talented, beautiful, and one of the most wonderful young ladies in the Lord that I have had the pleasure of knowing: Rachael!

I know what some of y'all of the masculine persuasion are already thinking... and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Rachael is taken, fellas. Not only that but her father (I was the ringbearer for her parents' wedding years ago) is like eight feet tall or something. So even if you get past me, you'd have your work cut out for you :-P

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This blog needs more beautiful... and LOTS of it!

I can't recall posting a picture of my extremely lovely and incredibly sweet cousin Lauryn for the month of February. Even though I know that many of The Knight Shift's male readers can't get enough of her beautiful visage (I got two e-mails this past week complaining about the lack of Lauryn of late).

So since I've been posting too many videos showing my ugly mug in recent weeks, I'll more than make up for it. Here is Lauryn, flanked by my equally stunning cousins Rachael and Angela!

Remember fellas: Lauryn is a taken lady, but she doesn't mind being The Knight Shift's poster gal. As for Rachael and Angela, I don't know if they're seeing anyone. However I feel strongly obligated to mention that their father is something like seven and a half feet tall and is a minister.

Parse that as you will :-P

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Want a double dose of "Beautiful" for yer Saturday?

Because some (okay, lots) of you (all guys, curiously) have demanded it, here are more of the ladies of my family!

These are my cousins Rachael and Angela yesterday, after Angela made a surprise visit to her sister Rachael for the Easter holiday. That said surprise visit took place in Sydney, Australia makes it all the more impressive...

Excellent work Angela! 'Twas a well-synchronized and executed operation... and one well worth celebrating! :-)