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Showing posts with label robin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robin. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How about a double dose of beautiful?

Because you asked for it (well, a lot of the masculine gender among you anyway) here is once again my too-lovely-for-words and incredibly sweet second cousin Lauryn... and her equally gorgeous mother Robin!

No wonder they've often been mistaken for sisters :-)

I would like to also show you a photo of Bob, Lauryn's dad and Robin's husband, but that would prolly ruin the effect...

(Just kidding Bob. Mostly :-P)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I don't post "Beautiful" nearly enough on this blog...

...so here is a photo of my second cousin Lauryn, who is celebrating her 22nd birthday:

And here is a photo of Lauryn and her mother (and my cousin) Robin. They could be - and have been - mistaken for sisters!

And in case any of y'all are wondering: Yes, ALL the women in my family are this beautiful! :-) Not to mention very sweet and among the most Christian ladies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Anyways... Happy Birthday Lauryn!