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Showing posts with label rudy guiliani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rudy guiliani. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

VIDEO: Giuliani staff uses police to arrest independent journalist

If only YouTube had existed in 2000...

In October of 2000 I was a reporter with an independent newspaper. And - through legitimate channels mind ya - I had been given an invitation to attend a rally for George W. Bush during the presidential debate at Wake Forest University. I was hoping to get a chance to ask Bush a few questions: nothing rude mind ya, but I was gonna try to make the most of the opportunity.

Bush staff found out that some "non-corporate" journalists were there and sent Winston-Salem police to track us down. One of them demanded to see my driver's license and I asked why. About then a Bush staffer with a bullhorn came over and told me that I should do what she says "because whenever someone in a uniform tells you something you're supposed to obey."

This guy demanded to see my invitation. He snatched it out of my hands and said that I wasn't going to be attending this function. When I demanded to know why he threatened me with physical violence.

The cops escorted another reporter and myself to "the protest area" (this was the first time I'd ever heard of this little Bush concept) and told us if we tried to return to our vehicles through the fair grounds that we would be arrested.

A few years later I heard - and I've not found any reason to doubt this - that we were rounded up and sent packing on Bush's orders, after he heard that there were non-corporate media present and he told his staff to "haul those assholes out of here".

That night I saw the true side of the George W. Bush mindset. I'm not bitter about it now though: I'm just thankful that God showed me what a loser Bush really is, before I ever had a chance to vote for him (never have).

Almost the exact same thing happened last night to journalist Matt Lepacek following the Republican debate in New Hampshire, except Lepacek actually got ask Rudolph Guiliani some questions. Or tried to anyway. Giuliani's staff had police arrest Lepacek. Here's the video:

Y'know, the only thing that kept me from standing up to those goons that night any more than I did was the fact that my best friend was coming in from way out of town to spend a few days at my apartment, and if I was in jail then I couldn't be there when he arrived. If that hadn't already been on my schedule, I think years later that it would be with a lot of pride that I could look back at being arrested on orders from Bush.

I hope that Matt Lepacek will feel proud about what he did tonight too: he stood his ground against an evil man. And he didn't back down.

That's something that nobody will ever be able to take away from him.

Giuiliani said WHAT...?!

I missed this the first time but it's been confirmed: during tonight's debate (actually last night's debate since it's now way early Wednesday morning) Rudolph Giuliani said that we need to use the American military for more "nation building".

Seven years ago George W. Bush said that we shouldn't engage in "nation-building". He went ahead and did it anyway. It didn't work. And now tonight Giuliani said he wants to do more of it.

If this guy does get nominated and then winds up actually elected President, then... I don't know what else to say, except that we will be screwed as a nation and we will probably have deserved it.

Like I said last month: when the "front runner" of the Republican party is a pro-abortion, anti-Second Amendment, pro-amnesty for illegals, pro-"nation building", pro-big government in every way, drag queen...

...there is something very, very wrong with the world.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

America is f***ed

And I don't know how to say it any plainer than that.

There is going to be amnesty for millions of illegals, as of tonight. That deranged man-child known as the President of the United States has seen to that and is practically laughing about it.

(And the Democrats in Congress were all too willing to help... with a little aid from too many Republicans.)

I have said it before, and I will say it again: if we cannot maintain strong borders and enforce them, then we are no longer a sovereign nation.

The two-party system is absolutely bankrupt of principle or any other value. I already knew that to be true of the Democrat party. And as of this week, it's glaringly obvious to all but those who choose to be most blind that it is true of the Republican party also.

Let's face it: when the "front runner" of the Republican party is a pro-abortion, anti-Second Amendment, pro-amnesty for illegals, pro-"nation building", pro-big government in every way, drag queen...

...there is something very, very wrong with things.

Oh, by the way, Republican party officials are trying to have Ron Paul BANNED from all future Republican presidential debates. Because Ron Paul (gasp!) had the audacity to tell the American people that our foreign policy is not working and perhaps, just perhaps, that is why bad things sometimes happens to America out there in the world.

Is "isolationist" really a bad thing to be? Is it too much to be expected of us that we kindly stay out of other countries' problems? Is it even meant for us to intervene in everything, anyway?

Speaking of the 2008 presidential race, James Dobson has said that he will not vote for Rudolph Guiliani. But it doesn't look like he's found anyone else to endorse, either. Which just indicates to me that much more that all this time, Dobson has been more interested in power than principle. There are at least two candidates just on the Republican side of things alone that should strongly merit his consideration, and quite a few other independents and "third party" candidates...

...except those are all "too fringe" to take seriously. Yes, a respected "Christian leader" has to greet the rich man and ignore those who are too poor: the ones who he has nothing to gain from by associating with them.

I can't believe that I almost went to work for that guy.

Hell I'll say it for all the world to see: I thank God every day now that He didn't let me go to Colorado to work for that hypocrite James Dobson. For one thing, because if I had moved out there then I would never have met my sweet and beautiful wife Lisa... who challenges me every day to live that much more for God. But for another thing, because I doubt if I would ever have been able to wash off the stink of Focus on the Family.

Don't think that my rancor at the Republicans exonerates the Democrats, bub. If "the drag queen" is supposed to be the GOP's cream of the crop, then I shudder far more so that it's Hillary Clinton who is expected to be on the Dems' side of the ticket come 2008.

I swear, if Hillary is elected President, I will expatriate my family out of the country and I will blast to Hell anyone who gets in my way.

Iraq is the biggest mistake this country has made of the past fifty years, and quite possibly more than that. We will be paying for that mistake for decades to come. The Iraqi parliament is about to take a two-month vacation. How many other people are inclined to believe that this is going to turn into an indefinite "leave of absence"?

There's more... oh yes there is much more... that I could rant about tonight. I mostly started this because I heard about the deal to give amnesty to the illegals. That was just in the last little while that news reached me about that. Before then I had spent a wonderful lil' evening with Lisa: talking about stuff, watching last night's episode of Lost again, having dinner. Seems like the bad stuff happens most when I'm not paying attention.

It's about time we all started paying some attention... what ya think of that?

Maybe more important than that, now that we know how totally screwed-up America is, and having come to realize that our political and even our religious "leaders" have utterly failed us...

...what exactly are we going to do about it?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

About what Ron Paul said last night ...

He's right.

The biggest attacks against Dr. Paul for his comments on terrorism and 9/11 are coming mostly from those who proudly call themselves "neoconservatives": the ones who can't get enough of American intervention in the rest of the world. And that's what has invited so much hatred against America to begin with. I defy anyone to tell me that there hasn't been a correlation between our trying to be the world's policeman, and anti-American sentiment.

As for Rudy Giuliani's tantrum: to me it seemed more like an act of desperation than something of solid principle. So he took what Paul said out of context and tried to spin it to make Paul look like a "kook".

But I've no problem with what Ron Paul said last night. It was an honest and intelligent answer. What else are we supposed to want out of a potential future President?