Witness the latest sign of the decadence: President Bush has a new name for himself. Yesterday he said this:
"The question is, 'Who ought to make that decision, the Congress or the commanders?,'" Mr. Bush said. "As you know, my position is clear – I'm the commander guy.""I'm the commander guy"?
Two things that are so tragic about this: first, is that it has come to the point where we have gone from the eloquence that was once found in leaders like Thomas Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt, and come to where the height of presidential rhetoric is "I'm the commander guy". I mean, heck compared to George W. Bush, even Andrew Jackson was a classical orator.
The second thing that's so sad about this, is that there are poor fools that are going to be found who will absolutely lap stuff like this up.
"I'm the commander guy"... who possibly takes this president seriously anymore?