(Hah-hah-hah, did you see what I did there? Did you?!)
Word breaking this afternoon is that TWO sequels to the 1996 sci-fi blockbuster Independence Day are in the works. Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich are trying to get everyone from the original back on board. Right now the follow-ups are titled ID Forever Part One and ID Forever Part Two. How clever...I have extremely mixed feelings about this. Yeah, even considering how much of a fan I was - and always will be - of the original. 1996's Independence Day was a unique product of its era. It should remain as much. At the same time it was such a great concept now tied down to being so dated a film that it's one of the few movies that I could see a reboot/remake being in order. Just as long as those eyeball-goggling practical effects make a return.
Oh yeah, it's also been announced that the sequels will be filmed in 2-D and then converted to 3-D in post-production...
A tip o' the hat to this blog's good friend Drew McOmber for passing along news of this... thing.