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Showing posts with label swine flu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swine flu. Show all posts

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Obama declares national emergency because of swine flu

Read it here folks.

That's a helluva over-reaction to something that otherwise hasn't been inordinately differently from the typical garden-variety influenza. But to hear it from some people, it's already akin to the 1918 pandemic that killed millions in a very short period of time.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Something clever...

Composed by a friend this evening...

In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two,
Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

In Two-Thousand freakin' Nine,
we all fear a flu called 'swine'.

-- Brett Williams

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Swine flu has FINALLY infected swine!

It's taken more than a week, but tonight the first confirmed case of the swine flu infecting REAL swine has been reported.

The plague-laden pigs were found in Alberta, Canada: a loooong way from what's thought to be the initial hot zone down South of the Border.

Meanwhile, news agencies all over have been struggling with what to call the epidemic, since it's apparently "not nice" to refer to it as "swine flu". In the past few days there's been a dramatic shift on the part of journalists toward calling it simply the "H1N1 virus".

Can't say that really rolls off one's tongue, aye? So I noted to one reporter that it adapts well in "leet-speek"...

...so maybe we should start calling it the "Hiney-virus" :-P

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine flu PSAs from 1976!

Three decades ago there was another swine flu scare. In retrospect, the government then over-reacted and a lot of folks who received the flu shot got sick from that. Some even died.

But I must admit: even knowing that, these public service announcements from 1976 about swine flu are darkly hilarious...

Thanks to Lee Shelton for finding these!