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Showing posts with label the sopranos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the sopranos. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2007


This has to be the biggest coup in the history of this blog. Yes, ladies and gentlemen it is true: this evening the absolute very last page of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was sent to The Knight Shift. This is it! This is how the entire saga ends for good. This is the most absolute toppest-top secret that J.K. Rowling has been sitting on for over ten years now.

If you DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED, you are advised to TURN BACK NOW!

I mean it!


You sure you want to know?

Okay, let it be on your own head. Don't say that I didn't warn you.

Here it is, the final page from the very last chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

"Is there anything you would like from the menu?" Rosmerta asked.

"Three bottles of butterbear and an order of onion rings, please" replied Ron.

Rosmerta said "coming right up" and left for the kitchen. Harry looked around the pub: a family was laughing at a table close to the window. At the bar, a wizard was nursing a mug of meade.

Hermione turned to Ron. "You told her we would be here, right?"

"Ginny said she was going to come right after Apparation practice," Ron told her.

A trio of tough-looking Slytherins walked through the door. Harry watched them sit down. At the bar, a wizard in a Member's Only jacket was getting up and headed to the restroom.

Without warning, the scar on Harry's head began to tingle madly in pain.

The front door of the Three Broomsticks opened.

Harry looked up.

There you go folks: the conclusion of the Harry Potter saga. Discuss!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

"The Spockranos": Star Trek and Sopranos mash-up

Remember the classic episode "A Piece of the Action" from the original Star Trek TV show? That was the one where Kirk and Spock beam down to the alien planet that had its entire culture based on 1920s Chicago mob wars. What happened was another Federation ship had come years earlier and accidentally left a book about the Chicago mobs behind and the aliens on this planet, being curious and innovative, re-engineered their world around what they learned from that book. It was a great episode with a lot of humor (and not entirely unplausible when you think about it).

Anyway, someone has taken the "A Piece of the Action" episode and turned it into a parody of The Sopranos intro! It's also got a "Scientology" spoof commercial at the end. I think it's one of the most hilarious things that I've ever seen on YouTube! Check out "The Spockranos"...