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Showing posts with label toilet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toilet. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Most disturbing SESAME STREET clip I've posted yet

The innuendo in this song is so horribly bad. I have to feel sorry for whoever it was that wrote it. What was Sesame Workshop thinking??

Here is Baby Elmo's dad serenading his son about "Potty Time"...

"So here is your new potty!
When you have to pee or poo
It's where you sit to do whatcha gotta do-do!"
You've got to wonder: How does Elmo - or any Muppet for that matter - use the potty when someone's hand is shoved hard up their intestinal tract?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The state of things ...

Or to quote Scatman Crothers's character in The Shining: "Just between you and me, we got a very serious problem with the people taking care of the place. They turned out to be completely unreliable assholes."

To wit:

- Oil today hit $111 per barrel.

- $200 per barrel is possible, says Goldman Sachs.

- The value of the dollar is plummeting.

- We are now in a recession, according to most economists.

- Some are now saying that there is a "perfect storm" brewing for another full-blown depression.

- Next week will be the five-year anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq War, with no end in sight. We have now been engaged in military operations in one small Mid-East country for far longer, with no clearly defined end-goal or even rationale for our presence there, than the United States fought in World War II in both the European and Pacific theatres.

- George W. Bush desperately wants to be remembered as the President who legalized torture and government spying on Americans. If you are so foolish as to support Bush on this, remember that eleven months from now Hillary might have this power too.

- Considering that it cost one guy $80,000 and a job as governor, that must have been the greatest sex ever.

- If members of law enforcement are trying to shut down a website called RateMyCop.com because it exposes abuses they commit, does that mean that America now has "secret police"?

And finally: A woman in Kansas sat on her toilet for two years. Her flesh became meshed to the ceramic. Her boyfriend is now being charged with... something or 'nother. The sheriff in the case is named Bryan Whipple.

Only in America...

Friday, June 08, 2007

My first video for the Ron Paul cause

It's late. I've been working on this video since yesterday afternoon. Had some weird encoding problems. But the first "political advertisement" I've made in support of Ron Paul for President is all finished now, and uploaded to YouTube for your viewing pleasure. I call it "Sick and Tired and Needing a Doctor" ...

This is like the third or fourth production I've done lately that involves me being shown with a toilet: parse that as you will. But all the same, I think this turned out rather nice. What do you think? :-)

Okay, this is a good enough post to close out the week with. I'm going to take a break from blogging for the next few days. Have a great weekend y'all!

EDIT 11:47 a.m. EST: The video has been posted on Daily Paul! After this update I really am stepping away from the 'puter for a few days. The video seems to be spreading around. Wonder how many views it'll have when I get back...?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

AMC is running PSYCHO II right now

Funny story about that movie...

It was like early 1987 or so and one day at the video store my sister and I rented Psycho II (actually we got Mom to rent it and she said the original Psycho was a good movie but they didn't have that one). So Anita and I popped it in the VCR and watched it. Even without seeing the original, I was able to understand Psycho II pretty well.

So the movie ends and Anita and I are getting up from the floor and walking down the hallway and just as she's passing by the bathroom I point and scream out "BLOOD'S COMING OUT OF THE TOILET!!"

My sister screamed like you wouldn't believe. To this day, I don't think she's ever forgiven me for how bad I scared her like that.