100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Wanna see Bill Cosby and Harvey Keitel driving around in an ambulance?!

I was just checking the TV listings for this evening and if you've got the Fox Movie Channel and haven't "gotten" into Lost yet, you got a real treat tonight. At 8 p.m. EST they're running Mother, Jugs & Speed, starring Bill Cosby, Harvey Keitel, and Raquel Welch. It's a nice little gem from 1976 about a private ambulance company that's fighting both a competitor for...

C.S. Lewis did not want live-action Narnia movie

The BBC is reporting about a 1959 letter by C.S. Lewis wherein the author stated he did not want a live-action movie of his Narnia books to be produced. An animated version would be another matter but not if it were done by Disney... which Lewis slammed for its "vulgarity"! Lewis further considered that a human-operated Aslan would be "blasphemy".Gotta wonder what Lewis would think of this coming month's movie, since he was writing decades before...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I pity da fool who don't read this story!!

The Sun over in Great Britain has a great article about the return of Mr. T to the public eye. For the past ten years or so T hasn't been in the spotlight much, mostly because he fought hard (and won) against lymphatic cancer. But now T is set to have the biggest time of his life since he first exploded onto the scene in the early Eighties...A battle against cancer forced...

Good news: Diebold Voting may be leaving North Carolina

Diebold - one of THE MOST EVIL companies in American history - may be leaving North Carolina and taking its damnable voting machines with it. A judge is refusing to protect the company from having to release the source code behind its voting software.When it comes to voting there MUST be a paper trail, something that can be readily tabulated by hand if need be. The bastitches at Diebold have - maybe even intentionally - been undermining the sanctity...

Superman returns... through Development Hell

The Agony Booth has an extremely detailed synopsis of the bizarre saga of the last 15-some years regarding the attempt to make a new Superman movie. The story begins in 1987 with what went wrong on Superman IV on through the mid-90s, up to 2004. Among the story's more insane moments: Jim Carrey as Brainiac, Warner Brothers' Jon Peters not knowing who "this Kal-El guy" is (?!?), attempts to strip Superman of his ability to fly (?!?!?!?), and more...

Man caught stealing $200,000 worth of LEGOs

A 40-year old man is sitting in jail in Oregon after being caught with more than $200,000 worth of stolen LEGO bricks...To haul away the evidence, agents working for the U.S. Postal Inspector said they had to back a 20-foot truck to William Swanberg's house in Reno, Nev., carting away mountains of the multicolored bricks...Target officials contacted police after noticing the same pattern at their stores in the five western states. A Target security...

Forcery on iPod

If you own one of those snazzy new iPods with video capability and you're looking for some new content to put on it, this one's for you. I spent the past few days working on a new encoding of Forcery that's optimized for play on the iPod. My goal was to have a version that's not only tailor-made for the iPod but also have the same average specs as the new episodes of Lost...

Monday, November 28, 2005

Lisa's review of Walk The Line

There was one line from the movie that really stuck with Lisa, so she made it the title of her own review of Walk The Line. She's really getting into this blogging business now :-) Sometime between now and Christmas we're going to work on some custom graphics for it, make it look sweet. In the meantime, enjoy her thoughts on the new Johnny Cash biop...

Bush: All hat and no cattle on illegal immigration

So, Bush is now trying to "talk tough" on the topic of illegal immigration. Based on all the polls I'm seeing, it's heartwarming to know that the American people are REALLY seeing through this latest charade of his.More than any other issue, this is why George W. Bush is the most traitorous President in American history. He's had five years and counting to stem the flow of illegals coming in across the border. He has done worse than sat on his...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Review of Walk The Line

There's a moment in the music video of "Hurt" that has anguished me to look at from the first time I saw it. June Carter Cash - just months before passing away - watching her husband Johnny sing his balladic paraphrase of Ecclesiastes. If you've seen the video, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, do whatever it takes to see it. It's been called the most haunting...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Walk The Line review coming soon

Watched it earlier this afternoon along with Lisa and Dad, who's just about as big a fan of Johnny Cash as they come. This one put me away bigtime. It's rare for me to have to take a step back and collect my thoughts on something, but Walk The Line did that to me. It's too late to finish a review that would do it justice: I'm going to sleep on the rest of it. Later on I'll talk about what worked so well here, something that disappointed me about...

Thanksgiving turkey 2005 and report on Marinade X

Here's the pics of the 15 lb. turkey I fried for this year's Thanksgiving, from before it was lowered into the oil and after...There was no noticable wind last night like what plagued us later on Thursday, so I fried the 6 lb. turkey breast that I had injected with "Marinade X": the first real experimental seasoning that I've cooked up. I'm not quite ready to reveal what...

Friday, November 25, 2005

What aren't "they" telling us?

A former Canadian minister of defense is warning of an "intergalactic war" between Earth and UFOs.No need to worry. When the time comes we'll just send up Jeff Goldblum and his Apple notebook comput...

"Season's Beatings"

73-year old Josephine Hoffman is shown here getting trampled on by maddened shoppers at a south Florida shopping mall early today. There've been several reports since this morning of people getting knocked down and beaten up on "Black Friday"... or "Black and Blue Friday" from the looks of it. I used to really like going out the day after Thanksgiving, if for nothing else...

Mister Miyagi screams "BONZAI!" for the last time: Pat Morita has passed away

This just reeks. I'm literally at a loss for the words I'm looking for to convey how low my heart feels right now. Being a child of the Eighties, Mister Miyagi was one of my heroes. One minute he was this cute little handyman trying to catch houseflies with chopsticks. The next he was this engine of rage karate-chopping hoodlums into pain and agony. "Wax on, wax off!"...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

HBO may deny Rome a second season?!?

Ain't It Cool News is reporting that HBO - which apparently had previously greenlit a second season of Rome - may now be having second thoughts on any further installments of the hit show.If HBO did this, they will have truly joined the ranks of the galactically stupid. Rome is one of the best shows on TV right now, maybe even one of the best ever attempted. The producers have taken already great history and turned it into a well-executed bloodthirsty...

Happy Thanksgiving! And an after-action report

First of all, hope you and yours are having a really terrific holiday today...Oh yeah, Lisa was sent something that I think is just too darned hilarious not to make a mention of. Mash down here for a really wicked Flash movie that's just perfect for this day.The main turkey we were using for Thanksgiving dinner today came out very beautiful. It not only looked terrific,...