Why is Johnny Robertson dressed like Batman tonight?
(Some have written to me asking if that's a bulletproof vest that Robertson is wearing on his show this evening. Hey, that might be. I've certainly never seen a getup like that worn on live TV before...)
Secondly, does anyone seriously trust any statistics that Robertson and his bunch produce as "evidence"? These people have lied about everything conceivable. Robertson could claim that he's hired Gallup to run a poll, and he still couldn't be believed.
And at the moment Robertson is running that clip that I posted on YouTube a little over a year ago.
It's not just my opinion: Robertson's broadcasts are descending into madness. And that's not the local view either: as far away as Pepperdine University (a Church of Christ-affiliated college, interestingly enough) in California, Johnny Robertson and his cult are being derided and condemned as "slimy, quackish, and frauds".
Now, who are we to believe: students who are paying to attend a Church of Christ school, or "students" that Johnny Robertson is paying to attend his own "Church of Christ school"?
Strange days, friends...
EDIT 1:15 p.m. EST 10/05/2009: Some new information has been put forth regarding what Robertson was harping on about last night in regards to the incident this past Friday night between Robertson's son/follower Micah Robertson and the staff of BTW 21(also in Martinsville). On a forum devoted to Martinsville and Henry County discussion BTW 21's Chad Hall reports that...
"not sure if yall watched Johnny do-right last night but he took an event out of context. His son Miach [sic] follwed us around forever. We couldnt move without him tailing us and not sure why. my guess is to provoke us to do something so they can have a filed day with it, so we obliged. These men are bent to make evil out of a sitation... We were not doing anything wrong and was being tailed for no reason except to cause a response. I guess when your ratings are down you resort to desperate measures."
If true, then it doesn't sound like an unwarranted provocation at all. Seems like once again Johnny, Micah and the "Church of Christ" cult
went out of their way to instigate something.
It also throws what Johnny Robertson was going on about last night into a whole new light also: he was comparing my attempt to take him at his word outside the WGSR studio in June 2008 with what happened to Micah at the football game over the weekend. Well, I didn't follow Robertson into the studio that night. And as a matter of fact, as my own footage shows, Robertson certainly took it upon himself to exit the studio and come to me prior to his show's live broadcast. If he didn't want that, he should have just stayed inside. Hey, I understood then that he'd bought the airtime for his own show: I wasn't going to violate that by "raiding" his slot. But isn't that what Micah Robertson did at the football game? Chad and his crew paid fair rental for seats at the stadium in order to attend an event on their own time: nobody in that kind of circumstance deserves to be hounded and harassed by anyone... and much less by sociopathic cult members!