100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Monday, December 07, 2009

U.S. military developing zombie pigs

Those mad scientists at DARPA (who previously brought us such curiosities as the Internet) are now actively engaged in research to produce semi-undead swine.

Yeah you read that right: the Pentagon is working on zombie pigs now.

Before you reach for the nearest shotgun or chainsaw though, you should know that there's some practical applications being sought from this. The problem is severe injuries of military personnel in combat situations: massive blood loss from wounds that without immediate (and often nearly impossible) treatment leads to death or debilitating lifelong trauma that may stand a chance of being averted. So the eggheads at DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) are experimenting to see if a state of hibernation can be achieved in pigs, similar to squirrels and other mammals. If it can be made to work in pigs, humans could be the next step. Artificially slowing down brain and heart functions long enough to get an injured soldier to proper treatment could save many more lives from the battlefield.

'Course, another idea to drastically lower the number of combat deaths and injuries is to stop waging wars with no damn purpose or definite goal! But, that's just me...

Had enough of Johnny Robertson? Not enough apparently...

This blog hasn't had much to report on local cult leader/pathological liar/convicted felon/public menace Johnny Robertson lately. Been almost a month since I posted anything new.

This next item though is sufficiently wacky enough that it screams to be talked about.

Some people have been writing to let me know that Johnny Robertson and all of his followers (those being James Oldfield, Micah Robertson "The Lesser" and Mark McMinnis) have been conspicuously absent from the airwaves of local television station WGSR in recent weeks. Instead What Does the Bible Say? and A Word from the Lord (AKA "The Martinsville Taliban Show" and "A Word from James Oldfield") have been in reruns, one of which was Oldfield's two-hour spiel about why it's a sin to place money in the Salvation Army kettles. That particular screed prompted one person known to this writer to make a fifty dollar contribution to the Salvation Army on behalf of James Oldfield, but I digress...

So, wanna know where Johnny Robertson and his crew are?

Siddown. Y'all ain't gonna buh-leeeeve this one.

Robertson and his cronies are currently on a madcap dash around the country visiting the few other gatherings of their "Church of Christ" cult (which again, has nothing at all to do with the mainstream Churches of Christ) in a bid to raise money for more airtime on WGSR.

But wait: it gets better...

Currently, the "Church of Christ" cult broadcasts for four and a half hours each week on WGSR out of Martinsville, Virginia and Reidsville, North Carolina.

Johnny Robertson has decided that this isn't enough "information" (which approximately consists of 50% bragging about himself, 40% harassing other people and churches and 10% sloppy PowerPoint presentations and 0% about Jesus Christ).

So now he is attempting to raise funds to purchase TWENTY-FOUR HOURS OF AIRTIME PER WEEK!

That is about 3 and a half hours per day that Robertson and his co-villains will be attempting to fill with god-knows-what (not God that is, but the god of this world that Robertson and his cronies serve and commit evil for).

Wouldn't surprise me if Robertson ordered what few followers he still has to ramp up their attacks and intimidation tactics of innocent people and church congregations around here. Maybe even going as far as harassing Greensboro, Burlington and Winston-Salem since Robertson is apparently goading WGSR general manager/personal stooge Charles Roark toward expanding into those markets...

...But that also means that this blog will be expecting a lot more traffic in the near future as people start Goggle-ing about Johnny Robertson, "Martinsville Church of Christ" and the like as more begin to discover the brazenly unethical behavior coming out of WGSR and its current management.

Twenty-four hours per week? I don't know of any politician who's that conceited...

Pearl Harbor mystery solved: Japanese mini-sub discovered

It was sixty-eight years ago today that Pearl Harbor in Hawaii came under attack from the military forces of the Empire of Japan, propelling the United States into World War II. And we've known for awhile now that among those forces were a fleet of "mini submarines": five midget submersibles that were to enter the harbor and attempt to sink American battleships. However four of them ran aground or were destroyed before the attack and wound up playing no part in it at all.

But what of the fifth Japanese mini-sub?

There's been evidence for decades - particularly an intercepted radio transmission from the day after the ambush reporting on the success of the mini-sub - but no hard proof of the role it might have played. Historians have debated it for years.

But today history has one less mystery. The scuttled remains of the fifth Japanese mini-sub have been found three miles south of Pearl Harbor, its 800-pound torpedoes emptied and likely fired at the battleships West Virginia and Oklahoma and perhaps causing enough damage for the latter to capsize in in one of the most iconic destructive acts of the raid.

Amazing, isn't it? That even today, there are still things we don't know about World War II that every so often finally come to light.

Even as we remember those who fought and served and even perished in this most terrible of conflicts, let us pray that there may never again be such an occasion for enigma.

Back to regular blogging

Wow. I'd actually forgotten what this was like...

Can't help but feel like this day won't be complete without lugging a fireman's oxygen pack around though :-P

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Classic SESAME STREET: Ernie "helps" Bert give Baby Brad a bath

One of my fellow cast members of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever - namely Eric Smith, who portrayed Reverend Hopkins - told me during the show's run this past week that he loves it when I post vintage Sesame Street sketches and whatnot on this blog.

So Eric, this one's going out to you especially :-)

This is one of the few appearances of Bert's adorable baby nephew Brad, who is staying with his uncle and about to get a bath. Of course, Ernie has to show up and... well, be Ernie.

The results? Hilarity!


Eight shows in four days.


This was my third productions with Theatre Guild of Rockingham County and I can see how it's true, that each show has its own vibe, dynamic, spirit, whatever that the cast and crew imbue it with. This one... was certainly unique in that right, but there was also something else at work that I'm at a loss to find words for. Our final show this afternoon once again played to a sold-out house and no doubt as with the rest, there were more than a few people in the audience that were brought to tears as much as they were laughing out loud.

Darn. I'm gonna miss doing this. Yeah, even the fireman's gear and heavy oxygen pack that I wore while running up the aisle and onto the stage :-)

But this might not be quite as final as we are usually conditioned to believe. There are whispers... whispers mind ya... that The Best Christmas Pageant Ever could be in production again and sooner rather than later. If that happens, I would gladly don the firefighter getup again... if only just to once again bellow out "HEEEELLLPPP!!!" at the top of my lungs :-)

To everyone who came and enjoyed our show: Thank you for your patronage! We are glad you got to see it :-)

And to everyone that I have worked with during the past seven weeks: I thank God for the opportunity to have collaborated with good friends once again, and to have met and made many new friendships along the way as well. Looking forward to doing another show with y'all ;-)

Just one more performance of THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER left

Can you tell how wrapped-up I've gotten in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever that I've barely been able to blog during the past few days? We did two performances yesterday. Had good friends come to see both of them (thanks y'all!). And in light of what happened during opening night, some of us wondered if we might have invoked the curse of "the Scottish play" during a discussion we were having about it with the younger kids in the dressing room that evening. So just to be on the safe side (and also 'cuz I thought it would be fun to be able to say that I've actually done it) I performed the "counter-curse" before the 2:30 p.m. show yesterday: walking around the building containing the stage three times, then spitting over my left shoulder and muttering a profanity. Did it work? No way to be sure, but everyone is in agreement that both shows yesterday were terrific!

And now we do it for the final time of this production his afternoon at 2:30. Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's website has all the info you need about the show. Hope to see you there :-)

Saturday, December 05, 2009


Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever packed the entire house for its first public performance: not an empty seat in the place and they even had to bring in some more chairs for the extra-sized audience!

The show was great! The kids in the cast are especially doing a phenomenal job. The one thing close to an Opening Night calamity though happened to Yours Truly, when I was leaving the stage after the fire scene and tripped on the risers in the dark... while wearing all that firefighter outfit and oxygen pack, mind ya. I didn't "fall off stage". I actually "fell onto off-stage", LOL!

The upshot is that I have a slightly sprained ankle. And I've still gotta run up that aisle with the heaviest costume in the show three more times. There is no understudy in community theater. But hey: The pain is temporary, the play is forever! :-)

Next show is this afternoon at 2:30 and then again tonight at 7:30 p.m., with one more tomorrow at 2:30. Performances are at Rockingham Community College Advanced Technologies Building Auditorium. Visit the Theatre Guild's website for ticket pre-ordering and other information.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Man in Taiwan "beats" WORLD OF WARCRAFT

A World of Warcraft player in Taiwan calling himself "Little Gray" has become the first person in the game's history to acquire all 986 achievements that are currently in the game. He has effectively "won" at World of Warcraft.

Click here for many inevitable jokes on Slashdot about this hard-earned... victory?

Thursday, December 03, 2009

How community theater can help YOU lose 15 pounds in 5 days!

So tonight we had the fourth performance of Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. That was four performances we did on this first day of the show (mostly for elementary students). We don't take to the stage again until tomorrow night at 7:30.

A lot of people in the cast and crew have mentioned that in the past few days, that I might have lost weight. So after getting home I got on the scales.

Since dress rehearsals began Monday night, I've lost fifteen pounds. All from wearing the full firefighter gear and carrying the oxygen pack around.

Wondering how much of that might be water, 'cuz inside that thing, under the lights, you can't help but sweat like a pig. I've said it before but it merits saying again: I now have a whole new appreciation for firefighters, after experiencing just this very small bit of activity they go through regularly.

Four more shows to go before the end of the weekend! And call me crazy but... I'm beginning to think about going into firefighting now. Hey, who says I couldn't ride a ladder and do filmmaking on the side too? :-)

The first three performances of THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER are already notched on our belts!


Cast and crew was in the auditorium at 7:30 this morning. The first show was at 9 playing to a packed house of elementary students. Then we did it again at 10:30. And again at noon!

Looks like we've got a hit on our hands: the kids loved the show! Many of them said they'd be coming back and bringing their parents (which is always good :-)

So we've got three shows down, five more to go. The next one is a closed performance tonight and then it opens to the public tomorrow evening at 7:30. Visit the website for Theatre Guild of Rockingham County for ticket information and directions to Rockingham Community College.

And now... I'm going to take a nap before showtime! :-P

A "Zhu Zhu Pet"? What's THAT?!?

Back in my day we had nothing but Wacky Wall Walkers... and we liked it, dang-nabbit!!

Up early, prepping for four performances of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever today (three this morning and afternoon for the county's elementary students, and a closed performance tonight). Then four more across the weekend.

And there's a chance of wintery weather for Saturday. As if the kids in the cast weren't excited enough already... :-P

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Late Wednesday night theological thinkin'...

It is the living in Christ and not the preaching of church by which the Kingdom of God will grow.

Fun behind the scenes of THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER

Last night we finally got our dressing rooms!! Awright, to be honest they're conference rooms in the Advanced Technologies Building at Rockingham Community College, which the Theatre Guild just appropriates for shows. We're thankful for Rockingham Community College letting us perform there but all the same: it will be much nicer when we have the new civic center with a bigger stage and dedicated dramatic facilities.

Anyhoo, during our dress rehearsal last night we often found ways of entertaining ourselves until our cues (we know when we're about to go onstage because of the baby monitor that's broadcasting live from the auditorium: can you tell now that we really are community theater? :-). Here's Eric Smith (who plays Reverend Hopkins) strumming a tune on his new banjomer (a combination of banjo and dulcimer)...

By the way, word on the street is that Eric has been wrecking all kinds of good-hearted mischief running around town in his reverend getup :-P

During our first dress rehearsal on Monday I found that my firefighter pants have a tendency to drop. Not so much that it would be a hazard or, ahem, expose me (even though I'm wearing bluejeans underneath) but I was wanting a bit of extra piece of mind. I asked Dad if he had any suspenders that I could use with my costume.

So he found a set...

And if you click on that photo to embiggen it, you can make out the Miller Beer logo printed all up and down the front of them bracers! Yah I know: not completely the most appropriate attire for a play with a large cast of children, but nobody is going to see the suspenders under my firefighter jacket. And besides: every fireman needs red suspenders for his outfit! :-)

Here's a better pic of me in full costume, including the real oxygen pack...

Opening Night for Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is this Friday at 7:30 p.m. Click on the Theatre Guild website for more information and ticket pre-ordering. Hope to see y'all there!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Last night was our first full dress rehearsal for Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. We've got three days 'til the show opens, but really it's two days for the cast and crew 'cuz on Thursday we do something like four or five shows for the county's elementary students...

...and I hope I can keep up the pace 'cuz I'm wearing what many are saying is the heaviest costume in Theatre Guild history! Yesterday evening I wore the full firefighter getup again, plus a real oxygen pack on my back. That's something like one hundred pounds of costume that I've got to put on and charge up onto the stage in. But the story and the message of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is so touching (not to mention entertaining) and this is such an amazing bunch of people that I'm getting to work with, that I'd gladly do this five times a day between now and Christmas :-)

Anyhoo, since we're getting so close to the show, how 'bout some photos to whet yer appetite for Christmastime community theater?

They're the meanest kids in the entire town: The Herdmans (Left to Right: Aaron Boles as Claude, Jared Brown as Ollie, Donna Owens as Gladys, Peggy Wasmund as Imogene, Nathan Tolodziecki as Ralph)

Bob Bradley (Tony Hummel) reacts to hearing about this year's church Christmas pageant from daughter Beth (Faith Jones), son Charlie (Logan Brown) and wife Grace (Jessica Gray)

Charlie (Logan Brown) brags to Leroy (Deuce Mills) and sets into motion a chain of events that will astound the entire community.

Mrs. Armstrong (Arlean Christman) can't believe what she's hearing!

One of the Firemen (Chris Knight) tries to no avail to calm down a hysterical Mrs. McCarthy (Tish Owens).

Grace (Jessica Gray) and Reverent Hopkins (Eric Smith) share their concerns that this could very well be the worst Christmas pageant ever.

Click here for more information at the Theatre Guild of Rockingham County website!

Disney to remake THE BLACK HOLE

Disney's 1979 science-fiction space oddity The Black Hole is one of those "guilty pleasure" films for me. On one hand there are things like the U.S.S. Cygnus (my all time favorite design for a sci-fi spaceship) and then there are the multitudinous violations of physics and other scientific impossibilities (running around on the outside of a spaceship without suits and oxygen? Ummmmm...).

And now Disney is getting ready to "reinvent" The Black Hole. Aim here for the details from TheHollywoodReporter.com.

The Black Hole was Disney's first foray into "serious" storytelling beyond the G rating (meriting a PG instead). If the same film had been made today it might have well been a PG-13. The Black Hole was also Disney's first movie that literally sent small kids seeking therapy. Those cute lil' robots voiced by Roddy McDowell and Slim Pickens? Yeah, just let them weave their seductive Artoo-ish spell, while red robot Maximilian (another favorite design) looms silently over them. And then the themes of slavery and obsession that build up to that horrifying crescendo, before the trips to Heaven and Hell...

What in the world was Disney thinking?

Here's the ending sequence from The Black Hole. If you've never seen this before it will probably shock you that Disney in 1979 produced this movie, much less envisioned it to begin with...

"More light."

iPod therapy helping Alzheimer's patients and stroke victims

My sister is a physical therapist in a hospital that uses Nintendo's Wii to engage patients in stimulating sports-like activity as part of their regimen. And now another toy of the modern era is finding employment in medicine: Apple's iPod is helping patients recovering from strokes and suffering from dementia (like that which is symptomatic of Alzheimer's) to reconnect with memories and emotions...
Listening to rap and reggae on a borrowed iPod every day has helped Everett Dixon, a 28-year-old stroke victim at Beth Abraham Health Services in Bronx, N.Y., learn to walk and use his hands again.

Trevor Gibbons, 52, who fell out of a fourth-floor construction site and suffered a crushed larynx, has become so entranced with music that he's written 400 songs and cut four CDs.

Ann Povodator, an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient in Boynton Beach, Fla., listens to her beloved opera and Yiddish songs every day on an iPod with her home health aide or her daughter when she comes to visit. "We listen for at least a half-hour, and we talk afterwards," says her daughter, Marilyn Povodator. "It seems to touch something deep within her."

Caregivers have observed for decades that Alzheimer's patients can still remember and sing songs long after they've stopped recognizing names and faces. Many hospitals and nursing homes use music as recreation, since it brings patients pleasure. But beyond the entertainment value, there's growing evidence that listening to music can also help stimulate seemingly lost memories and even help restore some cognitive function.

"What I believe is happening is that by engaging very basic mechanisms of emotions and listening, music is stimulating dormant areas of the brain that haven't been accessible due to degenerative disease," says Concetta Tomaino, executive director of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function, a nonprofit organization founded at Beth Abraham in 1995.

Dr. Tomaino, who has studied the therapeutic effects of music for more than 30 years, is spearheading a new program to provide iPods loaded with customized playlists to help spread the benefits of music therapy to Alzheimer's patients even at home. "If someone loved opera or classical or jazz or religious music, or if they sang and danced when the family got together, we can recreate that music and help them relive those experiences," she says.

The Wall Street Journal has plenty more about this fascinating new use for personal media devices.