100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

"Happily Ever After": Post-episode reaction to this week's LOST

Before uttering a word about Lost, I just wanna say that Buzz Aldrin was all kinds of kewlness on Dancing With The Stars and even though he's gone from competition, his was a presence that truly moonwalked on the dance floor. Looked like he had a heck of a fun time!

Now, on to "Happily Ever After"...

The episodes of Lost that center on Desmond Hume have been some of the very best of the show's entire run: witness "Flashes Before Your Eyes" and "The Constant". "Happily Ever After" is likely the last time we'll see an entire episode devoted to Desmond and the Lost showrunners went all out to make this an electrifying episode (yes I'm being quite punny tonight :-).

(Part of me wants to say that maybe this episodes should have been titled "Flashes Between Your Eyes", in keeping with the names of some of this season's episodes and how they're a play on words of past seasons' episodes. 'Twould make heaps o' sense, but at this late in the game I can understand it.)

So apart from the prologue (featuring Desmond breaking bad on Charles Widmore's ass and didn't EVERYONE holler "GO DESMOND!!" when we saw that?) and the extreme beginning and end of the episode, "Flashes Before Your Eyes" was all about Desmond in the flashsideways timeline: a universe where he's seemingly a happy globetrotter who gets treated at last to Charles Widmore's 'spensive bottle of booze. As such the more longstanding mysteries of Lost were barely addressed at all, which with seven hours left for this show to wrap up everything is ordinarily a bit troubling. But "Happily Ever After" did give us hard answers at last to this season's biggest quirk: the flashsideways-es showing us what the world would have been like had Oceanic 815 landed in Los Angeles.

I thought this was a brilliant episode. And it would be destined to be a fan favorite even if it hadn't seen the return of so many familiar faces, like Charlie Pace and Daniel and Eloise (who just as in the regular timeline apparently knows more than most) and even George Minkowski. And then there's Penny: anyone else catch how without stating as much, that she is Desmond's constant even here in the alternate reality? Is that related in some way to why Widmore had Desmond brought back to the Island?

Can you tell I've watched this episode a few more times since it aired yesterday evening? :-)

I'm gonna say that "Happily Ever After", when all is said and done, is going to prove to be one of the most pivotal episodes of Lost's entire run. And for that alone, it gets the full 10 out of 10 from this viewer.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A libertarian thought for a Tuesday morning

To live for the satisfaction of a government of men is the most seductive and evil slavery of all.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Congrats Duke Blue Devils: 2010 NCAA Men's Basketball Champions!

And to the team and student body of Butler University: Congratulations to you for being one of the classiest and best-playing teams that I've ever seen in the history of this tournament! Y'all made a new fan in me... and quite a lot of other people too.

Hilarious Irony: Why Johnny Robertson MUST side with Fred Phelps before the U.S. Supreme Court!

If the local cult calling itself the "Church of Christ" (which as I've stated before has nothing to do with the mainstream Churches of Christ that most people respectfully acknowledge) has any sense at all, then its leader Johnny Robertson had better direct those mysterious attorneys of his to begin filing amicus curiae briefs with the United States Supreme Court on behalf of Shirley Phelps-Roper: his longtime nemesis (among many others) and spokesthing for the infamous Westboro Baptist Church run by her father Fred Phelps.

(Having been in the same room with both of these soulless wretches and witnessed them screeching at each other, I can only begin to imagine what the reaction of either Robertson or Phelps-Roper to that assertion would be like...)

But it's true: if Johnny Robertson and his followers want to continue harassing innocent people in what should be the comforting environments of their places of worship and even in their own homes, then Robertson's "Church of Christ" cult had better make nice with the Phelps clan and like right now.

To your right you see Micah Robertson - the sooo very booooring son of "Church of Christ" head magus Johnny Robertson - during the live broadcast this past Thursday evening of what many people in the Reidsville, Martinsville and Danville area refer to as "The Martinsville Taliban Show" on WGSR. See that sheet of paper that Micah Robertson is holding? That's the arrest warrant he was served from the Danville Police Department stemming from his criminal trespassing on the grounds of Westover Baptist Church in Danville earlier this year. Robertson the Lesser and Mark McMinnis (right side of photo, wearing what more than one person has called "that sh*t-eating grin") have stepped up their campaign of terror on local churches in the past several weeks, all the while trying to make themselves out to be harmless and non-threatening and only interested in "discussing". They haven't the nerve to understand that normal people don't want to discuss anything with these loons. I guess it just bothers Robertson's cult that real congregations don't want to play with them, and so their desperation is getting more and more noticeable.

But anyway, Micah Robertson now has to appear in court later this month, and could go to jail: a possibility that he claims to have gratitude for because this somehow marks him even more as a "real Christian". Strange: I never read in the Bible where the world knows us as followers of Christ because of how much we break the law and common decency. I thought the world knows we follow Him because we demonstrate love for one another. But maybe that's just my interpretation...

Would Micah Robertson's imprisonment deter Johnny Robertson, James Oldfield and the rest of their nutty enclave from bothering innocent people? I doubt it. However, THIS might put a stop to their antics once and for all: the case of Snyder v. Phelps, which the U.S. Supreme Court is to hear arguments about this coming fall.

This is the lawsuit that Albert Snyder filed against Rev. Fred Phelps, the founder and leader of Westboro Baptist Church: the bunch of inbred hooligans that go around with "GOD HATES FAGS" signs and in the past few years have been picketing at funerals of soldiers who have died in wars overseas. Mr. Snyder's son Matthew Snyder, a United States Marine Corp corporal, was laid to rest in 2006 after being killed in Iraq. The Westboro Baptist gang came to the ceremony and began acting in their typical asshole fashion. Albert Snyder sued Fred Phelps in federal court in Maryland for "defamation, invasion of privacy (intrusion on seclusion and publicity given to private life) and intentional infliction of emotional distress".

Last month the court went against all semblance of sanity by ruling for Phelps and the Westboro Baptist members! From the UPI article...

In pretrial orders, the judge found for Phelps on the defamation and publicity given to private life claims, saying the extreme comments were meant in terms of religious opinion. The jury heard the remaining privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress claims and awarded Snyder $10.9 million in compensatory and punitive damages. The judge cut the award in half.

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the verdict and threw out the case on First Amendment grounds. Unlike the trial court, the appellate court looked solely to the nature of the speech and not to the status of the parties as public or private figures. (A private figure has an easier time proving speech-related harm.)

The 4th circuit characterized the Phelps picketers' speech as "hyperbolic rhetoric" for the purpose of igniting public debate. The appellate court said: "A distasteful protest sign regarding hotly debated matters of public concern, such as homosexuality or religion, is not the medium through which a reasonable reader would expect a speaker to communicate objectively verifiable facts. In addition, the words on these signs were rude, figurative, and incapable of being objectively proven or disproven. Given the context and tenor of these two signs, a reasonable reader would not interpret them as asserting actual facts about either Snyder or his son."

Phelps's picket signs, therefore, were protected by the First Amendment because they were found to have been a series of generalized -- albeit obnoxious -- rantings not specifically directed at Snyder or any other particular individual, they didn't disrupt the funeral and they pertained to matters of public concern, such as controversial issues like gay rights and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Albert Snyder isn't paying a nickel. He's now taking this before the U.S. Supreme Court.

So here's how I think it should play out, if there's any sense left to this world: the Supreme Court will overturn the federal court's earlier decision and rule in favor of Albert Snyder. The "free speech" argument, per the strictest interpretation of the Constitution, will be addressed as being about protection against government suppressing the right to freedom of expression. Given that no one is free to yell "fire" in a crowded theater, there is precedent for this kind of decision. At the same time the Supremes will bolster the rights to freedom of religion and religious practice: that these also are not subject to intervention by any party (per the understanding that such freedom goes as far as the rights of others to enjoy them also). As such, although the Westboro Baptist Church members will in effect be told that they can do whatever the hell they want in their own "place of worship" (which is pretty much a fortified compound in Kansas City) and traditional public venues, they have no right to inflict their "religion" on others who are seeking out of good conscience their own appeal to a higher power as best they understand it.

Yes, I do believe that would be protecting the freedoms of speech, freedom, and assembly. Regardless of how much the Westboro Baptist idiots cry foul.

But if the Supreme Court does rule in this fashion, it will also mean that Johnny Robertson's "Church of Christ" - which has in many ways been acting worse than the Westboro Baptist Church - will be even more curtailed by the Supreme Court's ruling than Fred Phelps and his own church. Robertson and his followers will have no legal pretense for their antics at all... unless Robertson wants more of his followers to be sitting in gaol.

So he really has no choice in the matter: Johnny Robertson must support Shirley Phelps-Roper and her father Fred Phelps. Either by praying for them, or by doing everything possible to lend them legal support in what is very much their mutual crusade for the rights of insane cultists across the fruited plain.

Would Robertson overcome his hatred for Shirley Phelps-Roper by coming to the aid of her family, on principle and because he himself has much to lose if Fred Phelps gets turned down by the Supreme Court? I doubt it. But this is gonna be a downright interesting and fun thing to watch from my perspective, no doubt!

In the meantime: If a couple of cult members begin to harass you at your home, use 9-1-1. And if that fails, use 9mm.

NCAA Basketball Championship tonight: Butler vs. Duke

As much as I have to be cheering for Duke, I would not mind it at all to see Butler win the whole thing.

Maybe that has a bit to do with the fact that I'm feeling tonight's game is going to be eerily reminiscent of the 1983 NCAA Championship between "invincible" slam-dunk powerhouse Houston and a scrappy little team from North Carolina State coached by an Italian kid from Queens named Jim Valvano.

Yay! Lent is over!

And y'all know what that means, right? It means that my fast from pleasure reading is finished with also!

Yah, I didn't read any books except my Bible since Ash Wednesday well over a month ago. It was a very fulfilling experience. But I'm compelled to confess that I have missed the occasional novel or comic book. And I must also confess that I have had A Thousand Sons, the latest novel of The Horus Heresy series, still sitting in the bag from when I bought it earlier last month. Factoring in the withdrawal symptoms, I should have it devoured within a couple'a days :-)

Sunday, April 04, 2010

He is risen...

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem
Thought by many to be the site of the burial and resurrection of Jesus

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.' " Then they remembered his words.

When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles. But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened.

-- from the Book of Luke
Chapter 24, verses 1-12

Happy Easter from The Knight Shift!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Want a double dose of "Beautiful" for yer Saturday?

Because some (okay, lots) of you (all guys, curiously) have demanded it, here are more of the ladies of my family!

These are my cousins Rachael and Angela yesterday, after Angela made a surprise visit to her sister Rachael for the Easter holiday. That said surprise visit took place in Sydney, Australia makes it all the more impressive...

Excellent work Angela! 'Twas a well-synchronized and executed operation... and one well worth celebrating! :-)

Don't be ashamed to admit it if you did...

I'm just curious how many of you were some of the poor saps who camped out yesterday morning at the Apple Stores to get an iPad.

No, I'm not one of them. Fer pete's sake, it took me six years before I finally broke down and got an iPod! Probably be just as long before I spring for an iPad (which I still think has one of the silliest names for a gadget ever :-P)

Friday, April 02, 2010

NCAA may expand men's basketball tournament (to NINETY-SIX teams!)

The first thing that popped into mind when I read this was, "Is this what it takes to make sure Chapel Hill never again has to play in the NIT?"


I can tell already that I'm going to get heaps of grief from Chad and Eric about that :-P

The NCAA is now pondering the idea of expanding the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament from 65 teams to a whopping 96 schools going to the annual tournament. Under the proposed plan the National Invitational Tournament would be discontinued, the top 32 teams would receive byes and whole new brackets would be created for the embiggened tournament.

This sounds more like a hella big mess than the big dance, if you ask me. The current system ain't perfect, but it's about as nicely balanced as there's likely to be. Enlarging the field to 96 teams would do nothing to enhance the spectacle of the NCAA tournament and indeed, it would more likely as not diminish the passion and enthusiasm of March Madness as a whole.

And in case anyone's wondering: I still hope to see Elon go to the tournament some year. But I don't want to see my alma mater get to it like this.

When insects sleep...

Miroslaw Swietek, a physical therapist in Jaroszow, Poland, has perfected the art of going out with a camera and flashlight in the early morning hours to capture stunning photographs of insects asleep and covered in drops of dew. That's a dragonfly resting on a leaf that you see above.

Nothing else needs to be said: Swietek's photos speaks for themselves. But if you want to see more of his handiwork, The Daily Mail in Great Britain has several other "sleeping insect" images that Swietek has made.

April Fools 'Fess-Up Time, 2010 Edition!

All good things must come to an end. Which as more than one person has noted, means that my jokes are cursed to live forever! :-P

You know what I like most about April Fools Day? It's that my birthday is March 31st. So for me it's like a two-day long extravaganza of hilarity and thanks to this blog, I get to share that good-natured nuttiness with a wide audience!

Okay well anyhoo, obviously this year's April Fools Day on The Knight Shift was nothing like last year's infamous "Johnny Robertson arrested at the Vatican" stunt that saw this blog slammed with visits from such places as the U.S. State Department and Vatican City itself. This time, I wanted to do something a bit quieter, but no less funny. And as things turned out I wound up running three prank stories on this blog.

Let's count 'em off...

1. "Governor Bev Perdue considers a tax on all things NASCAR-related for the state of North Carolina": This one generated a surprising amount of traffic for the blog. More than I was expecting in contrast to the other two. Obviously not true, but also something that I could kinda see happening in a state that has gone crazy on taxation.

2. "George Lucas is remaking Porky's": Until this past weekend I had never seen Porky's but having grown up during the Eighties, of course I'd heard about it. It came on one of the Starz channels on Saturday night and when I saw that it was set during the 1950s, something just "clicked". The big clue that this was a fake-arooni was the part about Porky's being "based on the bestselling novel by Richard Hooker". There was never an original Porky's novel and Richard Hooker may or may not have written it if there was one... but Richard Hooker did write the novel MASH, which became the basis of the movie of the same name. This April Fools prank apparently did shock and surprise a fair amount of people :-)

3. "Rock Band: 'Weird Al' Yankovic": AHHHHH the piece de resistance! I literally had the idea for this one during last year's April Fools Day, and kept it quietly to myself and a few trusted confederates since then. The "Cowcatcher Calamity Festival" bit, I've no idea where that one came from but it sounded plenty Weird Al-ish. Lots of folks again thought this was the real deal (and just as many want this to be a real game, hint-hint Harmonix ;-) Incidentally, my friend and filmmaking collaborator "Weird" Ed Woody took it upon himself to make this awesome faux-Xbox 360 game cover for Rock Band: "Weird Al" Yankovic, loaded with easter eggs for sharp-eyed Al fans!

And for the sake of good-humored confusion, I did utilize some links to real-life news outlets. Obviously GeekTyrant didn't really break a story about George Lucas rebooting Porky's, but they're such a terrific site that I wanted to give 'em a shout-out via this lil' gag. They've become one of my favorite sites and after you visit a few times GeekTyrant no doubt will become one for you too.

And that's it for April Fools 2010. But be warned: April Fools 2011 is already in the planning stages, muhahahahahaha....

Thursday, April 01, 2010

George Lucas to remake PORKY’S

I remember a few years ago when Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith came out, and one of many interviewers asked George Lucas "Will you make any more Star Wars movies?" And the Flanneled One said "no". He remarked that he wanted to make "smaller, more personal, more intimate films" for a bit, as opposed to big-budget blockbusters. You know: "art-house movies".

Well, we've known for quite awhile that after he was done with Star Wars movies that Lucas wanted to proceed on Red Tails, his long, long, LONG-awaited film about black aviators during World War II. But what would Lucas possibly want to do after Red Tails is in the can?

As of yesterday evening, now we know. GeekTyrant was the first to break the news that George Lucas will – of all the things that he could afford to spend his time and effort on – produce and direct a remake of 1981's hit teen lust comedy film Porky's!

The original Porky's, based on the bestselling novel by Richard Hooker, was directed by Bob Clark (who later went on to make A Christmas Story). It was about a group of high school guys in Florida during the 1950s who seek revenge on the owner of a brothel after he does them wrong.

Okay, I can kinda see Porky's being remade, since nowadays everything from Police Academy to A Nightmare on Elm Street is getting remade or rebooted. But why in the world is GEORGE LUCAS doing this? GeekTyrant's source at LucasFilm reports that "Lucas wants to go back to his American Grafitti roots and show the dark side of the Fifties. And he wants to take another stab at making a comedy. Porky's became one of the most successful film franchises of the Eighties and Lucas saw that the time was ripe to not only bring it into the modern era but also apply new cinematic technology."

Ummmm... all right, I guess. But if Uncle George has any notion about making Porky's in IMAX or (heaven forbid) 3-D, I'm going to avoid this thing like a mange-ridden Ewok.

Ahhhhh... who am I kidding? You and me and everyone else will see anything that George Lucas puts on the big screen :-P

ROCK BAND: "WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC coming October 27th!

We already knew that ROCK BAND 3 is scheduled to retail later this year... but I am already drooling about this one even more: Rock Band: "Weird Al" Yankovic has just been announced by Harmonix and MTV Games! It'll publish on October 27th, just over seven months from now.

Here's the press release that IGN Games posted a short while ago...


Harmonix and MTV Games is proud to announce ROCK BAND: "WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC is in production for a release date of October 27th, 2010.

The latest in the popular Rock Band series of music and rhythm video games, ROCK BAND: "WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC is a homage to the unique character and career of "Weird Al" Yankovic: the best-selling comedy musical artist in history.

Much like last year's critically acclaimed and commercially successful ROCK BAND: THE BEATLES, ROCK BAND: "WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC will take the player on an interactive journey across Yankovic's phenomenal career which has spanned four decades and counting. The game begins with a seventeen-year old Alfred Yankovic recording original songs on a cassette player in his bedroom at the home of his parents in Lynwood, California to submit to Dr. Demento's radio show. Other stages of the game will take place in fully-rendered reproductions of the men's restroom across the hallway from the radio station at California Polytechnic State University, a Japanese variety show, and Al's now-infamous 1987 performance at the Cowcatcher Calamity Festival of Lizzard Lick, Nebraska.

ROCK BAND: "WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC will also include sections inspired by Weird Al's famous music videos, beginning with "Eat It" from his 1984 album "Weird Al" Yankovic: In 3-D. Reaching 1988 will give players the opportunity to perform in Weird Al's custom-tailored "Fat" costume within a reproduced virtual set of Michael Jackson's "Bad" video. There will also be playable songs with videos that have never been produced before. "'Albuquerque' will challenge the players' sanity like no song in ROCK BAND history," Weird Al confidently predicted, speaking of the nine-minute long song from his 1999 album Running With Scissors.

In addition to on-screen versions of Yankovic himself, ROCK BAND: "WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC will feature the likenesses and actual voices of Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz, Jay Levey, Jim West, Rubén Valtierra, Dr. Demento, Jay Levey, Victoria Jackson, Harvey the Wonder Hamster and several other legendary personalities from the Weird Al mythos.

As players work their way throughout Weird Al's career, they will be able to customize Al and his band with a variety of costume choices such as Hawaiian shirts and hundreds of pairs of Vans shoes. Among the game's many surprises, unlocking the "Jedi Knight" costume will enable players to perform the Yoda Chant at the end of the final concert.

In unprecedented collaboration with an original artist, Harmonix is working alongside Weird Al to create a special accordion peripheral for ROCK BAND: "WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC. Players will have to coordinate finger movements along with using the accordion controller's pneumatic system in order to produce the proper music. The game can also be played without the accordion controller.

ROCK BAND: "WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC will be available as a single game, as a game with accordion controller, and as a special "Al and the Band" bundle with game, accordion controller and the standard ROCK BAND instruments. Pricing is not available at this time but is expected to be comparable to other ROCK BAND products.

I will gladly pay good money, sell my spleen, betray my Scoutmaster, do ANYTHING to get my hands on this game when it comes out. Heck, I might have to camp out a week in advance for it, just to show my devotion and lust for this! October 27th can NOT get here fast enough!!!

“The NASCAR Tax”?! Don’t go there Governor Perdue!

What. The. #&@$ ?!?!?

Just saw on the website for the Raleigh News & Observer that Governor Bev Perdue is talking with members of the General Assembly about levying a tax on all NASCAR-related sales within the state of North Carolina.

I say again: What. The. #&@$ ?!?!?

According to the article, if enacted into law the tickets for NASCAR stock car races will have a 10% tax imposed upon them. And it's not just that, friends and neighbors: the NASCAR merchandise is going to be hit extra-hard too! Want a scale-model replica of "King" Richard Petty's famous Number 43 car, or a calendar highlighting Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s career? Well in addition to the regular sales tax it's gonna have 5% extra added to the final price as well.

I can guess why Governor Perdue might be trying to do this. North Carolina is already the most-taxed state in the southeastern United States! Heck we're taxed to DEATH here! We're taxed so much that there's nothing... and I mean NOTHING... legitimate left to tax. So Perdue is going to go for the jugular.

I put her chances of getting elected for another term to be about as much as those of most of the Congress-critters who voted for Obamacare. If this is true, this is about the DUMBEST move in political history.

Anyone else wanna burn up the switchboard at the State Capitol?!?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jaime Escalante has passed away

The sad news is coming out of California today that Jaime Escalante has died at the age of 79, following a battle with cancer.

Escalante, originally from La Paz, Bolivia, was a teacher of math and physics in his own country for many years before coming to the United States. When he got here he could speak no English, began taking night classes to earn degrees in biology and calculus, and eventually received credentials to begin teaching in California.

And that's where Jaime Escalante's life really began to get interesting. After accepting a position at Garfield High School in East Los Angeles, Escalante - appalled at how the school taught very little in the way of higher mathematics - took it upon himself to challenge the students at Garfield to take an advanced placement calculus course. Eventually the students proceeded to blow away darn nearly everybody's expectations of them and with each successive year Garfield High began consistently outpacing most other schools in the state of California. In 1988 Jaime Escalante's story was made into the hit movie Stand and Deliver, with Edward James Olmos playing Escalante.

This dude was everything that the art of teaching is supposed to be about. As some have noted, Escalante took gang members and turned them into aerospace engineers.

Farewell Mr. Escalante. And thank you for sharing your ganas with us.

Another random rumination on religion

For something based on the assumption that all people are imperfect, it's curious that religion makes too many people willing to cause suffering based on the assumption that they are perfectly right about it.