Yes, I realize that this post might bother some people. But I'm going to say it anyway...A few minutes ago I published my review of Django Unchained. A movie that some have condemned as being "insensitive", "racist", "offensive", and too many other epithets that are wildly, wildly wrong.I will not only stand by what I've written about Django Unchained - that it's not a film about slavery or even race at all but instead an epic quest to find one's...
Monday, January 21, 2013

My biggest regret so far as movies go right now is that I've yet to see Les Misérables, because everyone I know who's watched it has been raving about how spectacular and downright beautiful it is. So that's currently on my short list, along with Hitchcock and Zero Dark Thirty.Last weekend however, we made time to catch Django Unchained: the first Quentin Tarantino film that...
"It's not a free-speech zone when we did it!"
I did not watch President Obama's inauguration today. There is nothing particularly interesting about a leader with no real vision. Sadly that's a trait that has been shared by every president since Reagan. But I digress...It does interest me this afternoon however that President Obama continued the tradition established by former president George W. Bush of having a "free speech zone" marked off for the event...Freedom Plaza is the site of one...
Back from the break
I needed to unplug from some things for the past couple of weeks. Including this blog.Nothing traumatic or crazy happened. 'Cept I chose to focus on a few things and getting other things re-focused that had been lingering too much for too long.This blog has been around for nine years now (wow!). In that time it has become quite a chronicle, a collection of documentation, about the evolution and development of that strange and bizarre creature...
Thursday, January 03, 2013
It had to happen: BACK TO THE FUTURE and DOCTOR WHO mash-up!

A friend in our community theater guild is fond of wearing a t-shirt with this graphic on it...
So what would happen if Doctor Emmet Brown's DeLorean crashed head-on with the Doctor's TARDIS in a game of chicken?Probably something like this...Props to Kristen for coming across this uberkewl video by James Fa...
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Aaron Goins Jr.'s 2012 in Review

For me personally, the best part about this New Year's Day is that I made it through the rest of 2012 without getting any more speeding tickets! Having three in the past twelve months really was going too far even for me, but at least I'll have that "defensive drivers class" coming up to write about :-)
Which one is Honey and
which one is Boo Boo?
Anyhoo, there was plenty...
Sunday, December 30, 2012
One last photo from 2012 Holiday Season

Kristen and me on Christmas Day at her parents' house...
Despite everything she says, I still insist that she is far too sweet, fun and beautiful for a guy like me to be blessed with :-)I am feeling led to say something here. That this Christmas was, for more reasons than I can possibly count, THE best Christmas that I have been able to enjoy in a very long, long time.It...
Out-of-whack priorities
Good friend, Baptist minister and wise Christian brother (he's certainly wiser than I shall ever be) James Hodges made an observation earlier today. I'm sharing it here, because in so few words it speaks volumes...Why should we worry about the 'fiscal cliff' when we have already fallen over the 'moral cliff.'Unfortunately, all too true.Perhaps there would be no concern of a "fiscal cliff" at all if we had chosen to long ago steer away from the moral...
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Truly scarier than the Sith...

For as long as we've been watching Star Wars movies, I can't recall anyone drawing attention to this one fleeting but horrifying image from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi...
Ewoks. With blaster rifles.For the good of the galaxy, let us hope the triumphant Rebels never allow them to leave End...
Friday, December 28, 2012
THE WALKING DEAD set to Adele's "Skyfall"
Massive spoilers in this video, 'cuz it covers everything from the start of the first season on up to the third year's mid-season finale.If you're caught up on The Walking Dead, you still won't be ready for the abundawundawesomeness of Jonathan Wong's video. He's masterfully edited together clips from The Walking Dead and set it to Adele's hit song "Skyfall", the theme from the latest James Bond movie.If you only watch one YouTube video this week,...
"Taps" for a true soldier and statesman

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf"Stormin' Norman"1934 - 2012&nb...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
"The Snowmen" is blowing every DOCTOR WHO fan's mind right now!!

HOLY &#@$!!!
I was prepared to write up a review of 2012's edition of what has become a much-anticipated holiday tradition: the Doctor Who Christmas special. And then showrunner/writer Steven Moffat louses it up by making everyone's job at writing about it ridiculously almost impossibly hardcore crazy difficult.
So on this side of the pond "The Snowmen" just finished...
To a very many people...
To friends in far places,
To friends not forgotten,
To friends never to be seen again within the circles of the Earth,
To friends who will ever be cherished across the the years, until we meet again at last on that distant shore,
To friends who will be loved always, though they may never know it...
Merry Christm...
Monday, December 24, 2012
"It wasn't us Protestants, honest!"

This evening I had the opportunity to do something that I've wanted to do for most of my life: attend the Christmas Eve Mass at a Roman Catholic Church.I am very happy to report that it was as beautiful as I had long expected it to be. Although I am not Catholic, nonetheless I came away from the experience feeling that God had ministered to my spirit in a way that I have...
It's Christmas Eve and the snow is falling

Awright, so it's hard to make out in the pic... but trust me, it is snowing at my location. And at a pretty good clip too! Maybe we'll get a White Christmas. There was one in Reidsville two years ago. Where I am now, perhaps a chance for an even bigger one.Oh yeah, no traditional Christmas post this time as in years past. May be some pretty neat stuff that I'll be putting...
Tammy's first Christmas

Don't ever let it be said that anybody in this wacky family lacks for gifts on Christmas!This pic is actually a few days old, but I wanted her to go ahead and start enjoying it. Here is Tammy - now a very psycho eight-months old - with her new doggie bed :-)She's come a long way from the bed she made on her first day with us...
Sunday, December 23, 2012

After dinner tonight (which may or may not have been in celebration of today being the Festivus holiday) Kristen's sister-in-law Melissa presented me with a gift: her rendering of one of the many memorable moments from our trip to Oregon this past June...That's Uncle Bob and yours truly, when I suggested we drive from our rental house in Hood River all the way to the Pacific...