100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Ray Harryhausen, stop-motion genius, has passed away

Ray Harryhausen poses one of the many skeleton warriors
from 1963's Jason and the Argonauts.

For no reason that I can determine at all, late last night I found myself thinking about Ray Harryhausen.  Maybe it was because I caught the original Clash of the Titans a week or so ago and not for the first or last time, found myself marveling at the stop-motion magic that this man wrought over the course of his long, long career.

It occurred to me that if and when he passed, I was going to have an awful hard time choosing one photo that best conveyed Harryhausen's spirit, his ingenuity and his passion.  But that hopefully, Lord willing, that day was going to be a long, long time to come.  Instead here it is less than twelve hours later and I'm having to do just that.

Clash of the Titans is what introduced me to Ray Harryhausen's work, and I'm always going to consider Medusa and how he brought her to life as his most terrifying creation.  But that's such a classic image of him doing one of the skeletons from Jason and the Argonauts that, it had to be that one.  It had to be a photo of him doing what he did best: making us believes that there really were monsters and other incredible creatures up there on the big screen.  From 1949's Mighty Joe Young on through 20 Million Miles to Earth, Jason and the Argonauts and many other legendary science-fiction and fantasy films, Harryhausen pulled off nothing short of magic... or pretty dang close to it.

This was a man without whom, there would likely have been no blockbuster movies as we have come to know and love them.  Harryhausen was a special and visual effects maestro who forever left his mark on cinema.  Without his pioneering work, there may have never been a Star Wars series.  George Lucas himself remarked as much earlier today.

I'm gonna say something, and I dare anybody to tell me otherwise: Ray Harryhausen's work will always stand up against anything done with computer-generated special effects.  The Clash of the Titans remake proves my point.  The remake's creatures were as cold as their silicon spawning.  But the Kraken, Medusa, Bubo and the rest?  They lived and breathed with a life all their own.  Because at their heart really was the drive and soul of a living man.  And what a life he lived...

This afternoon the sad word has come that Ray Harryhausen has passed away at the age of 93.

Thoughts and prayers going out to his family.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Internet sales taxes: Does the United States Senate NOT understand the Constitution?

A short while ago the members of the United States Senate voted 70 to 24 to pass the "Marketplace Fairness Act": AKA "Internet sales taxes".

The Senate has approved collecting taxes on goods sold on the Internet.  We'll examine that in just a sec.

("Marketplace Fairness Act"?  God, I hate how these people try to govern by emotion instead of intelligence...)

Anyone who voted for this bill should be removed from office at the earliest possible legal opportunity.  For one thing, it is insanity for government to be levying more taxes upon us at a time when you and I and most other Americans are being obligated to tighten our belts.  How much more do our supposed "representatives" believe we can take?

But what is most on my mind tonight is how this bill is a flagrant violation of the Constitution of the United States.

According to Article One, Section 7:
All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
 "All bills for raising Revenue shall originate n the House..."

Why then is a bill for raising revenue now originating in the Senate and not only that but has been approved??

I do not have time to watch C-SPAN but I wonder: were there any senators who brought up this fact during debate on the bill?

In a sane world, the House of Representatives would reject the bill from even being admitted into its presence, given how it's unconstitutional.  But I seriously doubt that will happen (though it should).  Barring that, the House should overwhelmingly defeat it.  If it does pass though and President Obama signs it, the obvious thing in this blogger's mind is that the Supreme Court should strike it down.

The Supreme Court shouldn't have to do that though, given that any fifth grader would tell you that the bill has been unconstitutional to begin with.

Y'know, there could be a lot of trouble saved if those in government just followed the directions instead of pulling stuff like this out of their collective ass...

Sunday, May 05, 2013

"The Crimson Horror": Everything a tight lil' DOCTOR WHO story should be!

Before sharing my thoughts on this week's delightfully entertaining new episode of Doctor Who, check these pics out.  The first is from the set of the fiftieth anniversary special, still filming right now.  Here we see guest star John Hurt wearing some rather intriguing attire...

Doctor Who, John Hurt, fiftieth anniversary, costume, filming

Ignoring the modern jacket and Hurt looks... almost like a renegade Time Lord?  Let the speculation run amok!

But here's the pic that has gotten this fan-boy stoked most of all...

Doctor Who, fiftieth anniversary, Totter's Lane, junk yard, scrap yard, junkyard, scrapyard, special, An Unearthly Child

eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!  And there's also a photograph floating about of Coal Hill School with a sign reading "I. Chesterton" as its headmaster.

Looks like the Doctor Who Fiftieth Anniversary special is going back to where it all began.  And bay-bee, when I say "where it all began", I mean where it REALLY all began!

Now, onto this week's episode: "The Crimson Horror"...

Doctor Who, The Crimson Horror, BBC, televisionI found this story to be a drastic and much-appreciated improvement over most of this past half-season.  It was considerably more entertaining than last week's "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" (an episode which after two more viewings I am even more of the opinion that it was one of the most wasted opportunities in recent memory about this show).

"The Crimson Horror" is a story filled with mystery, with grotesque imagery (the leech will have some remembering "the baby" from David Lynch's Eraserhead, which was something I've tried to forget having ever seen), with beat-skipping terror, with humor, with wild-eyed surprises and more.  The thing is: all of that is in the first third of the episode... before The Doctor finally shows up!  Mark Gatiss turned in a great story with this episode: rife with lots of twists along with some positivalutely sweet and snappy dialogue (especially from Strax!).

Yes, everybody's favorite trigger-happy lovable Sontaran (played by Dan Starkey) returns, alongside Madame Vastra (Neve McIntosh) and Jenny (Catrin Stewart).  The year is 1893 and our favorite Elizabethan-era trio of paranormal investigators are called upon to look into the "Crimson Horror": something that is killing people and leaving them with shock-filled faces alongside a sickening red and waxy skin coloration.  Vastra recalls the old tale of how a person's eyes capture the very last image they have seen before they died, and with a bit of photography turns up with the final thing one victim saw upon this Earth: the face of The Doctor.

The trail leads Vastra, Jenny and Strax (who insists upon a more ummm... "aggressive" approach) to the seemingly idyllic community of Sweetville: a place pitched by proprietress Mrs. Gillyflower as a refuge against the coming apocalypse.  But all is not as it seems in Sweetville.  And then there is the matter of "the monster" that Gillyflower's daughter Ada has secreted away...

I thought that "The Crimson Horror" was a rollickin' wild romp across a lot of genres: notably horror but also a healthy helpin' of steampunk.  The Doctor (Matt Smith) and Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman) continue to grow their chemistry together.  However the core strength of this episode is to be found in Vastra, Jenny and Strax.  Especially Strax: I love the part where he accuses his horse of "failing in your mission" and is about to summarily execute it.  Jenny finally gets to show her chops in combat (bold prediction: prepare to start seeing leather cat-suited ninja girls alongside the guys in tweed jackets and bow ties at the cons) and Vastra proves she's every bit a skilled investigator as The Doctor himself.

But I would be negligent if I did not praise the appearance of Diana Rigg: considered one of the most sincerely sexy actresses ever (yes, I used to watch The Avengers.  No, not the Marvel Comics characters and if anybody mentions that atrocious movie with Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman, so help me I'll box your ears).  Don't expect however to see a hint of Emma Peel, because "The Crimson Horror" has Rigg veering hard into territory that many have never seen her in before.  Rigg's portrayal of Mrs. Gillyflower is intense, vicious and cold: one of the reasons why "The Crimson Horror" is such a gripping episode.  Rigg's real-life daughter Rachael Stirling plays Gillyflower's daughter Ada, and from the beginning we sense a persuasive (if also bitter) dynamic between their in-episode personas.  It's a work of brilliant casting and Mark Gatiss deserves bigtime props for writing an episode with this mother/daughter duo expressly in mind.

Listen for a reference to Tegan (aka the "Mouth on Legs") from the classic series which will have old-school fans snorting with laughter!  And there can never be enough Strax.  I wanna see him and his newfound human friend/GPS Thomas-Thomas cruising the streets of London (with Vastra and Jenny in the buggy) in their own spinoff series.  Tell me that idea for a show wouldn't fly.  Go ahead, I dare ya...

"The Crimson Horror" gets Four and 1/2 Sonic Screwdrivers out of a possible 5.  It's a model self-contained story that can be enjoyed by anyone, be they brand-new viewer or longtime Doctor Who fan.  I think the humor content alone will merit this episode as one that will be watched and rewatched for a long time to come.

Only two more episode left in this season of Doctor Who.  Next week: the much-anticipated "Nightmare in Silver", written by Neil Gaiman.  And then the season finale: "The Name of the Doctor".  And I found out this afternoon that because of circumstances beyond my control I won't be able to see it until two days later!  Ahhh well... gotta see it together with the girlfriend.  No ifs and buts about it.  But it's a small price to pay to be in love with a fellow geek :-)

Saturday, May 04, 2013


Wednesday, May 01, 2013

BEING BIPOLAR, Part 7: Taste The Rainbow

Being Bipolar, The Knight Shift, bipolar disorder, mental illness
This is the latest in a series of articles that The Knight Shift and its strange proprietor is glad to present about what it is to have bipolar disorder.  As always, I am attempting to chronicle and document my journey through a life with mental illness thoroughly, with honesty, and at times with a healthy dose of humor!  If you are new to this blog (hey, stick around!  I  try to keep things interesting around here :-) then you may wish to read the previous entries of Being Bipolar.  Whether you have kept up with the series or are just now discovering it, this new installment takes us into the wild and unpredictable realm of medications and mental illness.

Let's talk about... drugs!

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, medication time

I've had five possible installments for the next Being Bipolar sitting on my desktop for the better part of a year because I hadn't been able to figure out where to go next.  But finally I decided to go with the one about the chemical carnival that is finagling with pharmaceuticals.  Why?

Bipolar disorder brings a lot of pain, confusion and frustration into one's life.  And treating it with medication plops an entirely new layer of frustration on top of that.  There are a very few fellow strugglers with bipolar who've had the grace to never have to "juggle drugs" to reach a place where their condition can be better managed.  I however am not one of those people.  Sometimes I find myself thinking that I could have had a much better life all along already even with bipolar disorder, were it not for what I've gone through doing what I can to get the meds figured out.

So that's why I'm writing about medications for mental illness.  To share my tale of woe and occasional wackiness that has come from using them.  Not just as a kindred spirit for others with bipolar but also for those who must live with a bipolar person.  Because they are just as affected by this condition as those at ground zero and too many times there is intense suffering that must be endured because of the rigmarole a bipolar person goes through to "get it right".

That’s certainly been the case for me and the people in my life...

"Climb in the back with your head in the clouds, and you're GONE!!!!!"

I have literally lost count of the number of variety of meds that I have been on since early 2004.  Okay, for longer than that.  My first hospitalization was in the spring of 2000, because of extremely severe depression following the death of my grandmother.  I was put on Paxil and remained on that for more than two years until I realized that it wasn't doing me any good. That's not to say that the drug itself is ineffective, but that it wasn’t effective for me.

It was one particular incident which led my wife at the time to compel me to see a medical professional about my... "problem", which by this point was clearly something well beyond mere clinical depression.  At the time I had not yet been diagnosed as having Bipolar Disorder I (the more severe kind).  I think my doctor, after she heard about all the stuff I had been going through (death of family members, loss of a job, discovering I had inadvertently been working for a swindling operation... I wish to God I could tell you I'm making this up) wanted to "play it safe" and I can't fault her for that.  I mean, it could have been bipolar.  It could have also been a lot of other things, too. 

The doctor put me on two drugs: Wellbutrin and Risperdal. I will never forget the return to my apartment later that morning. The doctor had written prescriptions but she also provided samples to help get me started. I got home, took each as prescribed and laid back on the bed and thought to myself: "This is the first day of the rest of my life and it really is going to turn into something beautiful.  Thank you Lord for the knowledge and the wisdom that went into making drugs for people like me!"

'Course, in the end it didn’t turn out that way.

Wellbutrin is an antidepressant. Risperdal was prescribed to treat anxiety. And that combination worked pretty well... for a few months anyway.  And then as summer approached I sensed an increase in manic thoughts and behavior.  At the time I thought that perhaps it was just my system developing a tolerance for one or both of the drugs.  Much later I discovered that Wellbutrin, in some cases, can heighten the probability of having a manic episode for those with bipolar. And that's what was happening to me.

There were two other things that I was experiencing as well: an inability to have a solid night's rest, and being unable to focus my thoughts for very long.

It was the summer of 2004 that I was working on Forcery: that parody of Stephen King's Misery, about George Lucas being held hostage by a crazy Star Wars fan.  I now wonder how much better that first movie could have been if I "had my act together".  During those months of filming whenever we could all get together I felt driven by a need to get it finished and out the door and... I put Chad and Melody and Ed through hell at times.  The very first time we shot at my parents' house (which was the main bedroom set) I tried to film it all in one day.  I don't know what’s the more miraculous: that I didn't burn the house down (seriously) or that Chad, Melody and Ed didn’t walk off the project then and there.  Was I that manic?  Hell yes!

(I’m declaring here and now: Melody Hallman Daniel is an INCREDIBLY beautiful, sweet and strong woman and immensely talented actress.  She not only drove as far as she did each time to film Forcery but far more than that, she put up with me for the whole crazy time.  I’m always going to be thankful to have her as a friend, along with everyone else who I have been blessed to have met during my filmmaking projects.)

It was around this time that the diagnosis for Bipolar Disorder I was handed to me.  My doctor suggested that I go off the Wellbutrin and give something else a try.  That turned out to be small doses of Lorazepam: in larger amounts a strong sedative but it has also been used as a mild sleeping aid and relaxant.  Instead of daily doses I was only to take it "as needed".

Lorazepam isn't meant to be used long-term, because a person does tend to develop a tolerance to it pretty quickly.  It helped to get me back on a normal sleeping schedule.  However my thoughts running too fast remained a problem.  So I went off the Lorazepam and was put on Adderall.

Of all the experiences that I’ve had with meds, nothing... and I mean nothing... comes close to what began in the fall of 2004 and my time with Adderall.

The medications I had been taking were having a very blunting affect on me creatively.  We were wrapping up filming Forcery and then right as we had got all our footage together… my mind went every which way but loose.  I wanted to edit the film but couldn't get myself together for the task.  And I was feeling excruciatingly desperate for something that would get that creative side of me flowing again.

Well, Adderall worked.  Oh bruddah did it work.  My thoughts and feelings became tightened and focused again, and along with that came a return of my passion and creativity.  A huge chunk of Forcery got spliced together.  The holiday season was going well and I was already thinking about what I could do as a film project next.

I had Christmas Day in North Carolina that evening my then-wife and I drove to her parents' place in Georgia.  And for some reason or another while cruising south down I-85 in the darkness of Christmas Night, my mind wandered onto the subject of God.

That was the real beginning of one of the craziest periods of my life.  Something which I hope and pray will never happen to me again.  It was when my mind became so fast and so powerful and seemingly so capable of anything that I felt as if I had become omnipotent.

It started innocuously enough.  I mean, for most of my life I’ve pondered theology.  Wondering if there is a God and after accepting His existence, contemplating how and why it is that He chooses to work in the ways that He does.  Things like that aren’t new to me.  Except that during that drive I found my thoughts focusing with startling circumspection on God and His place in the universe.

I'm going to do my best to describe what was happening to me: what began as a passing musing about God and His relationship to the world around us, began to grow at a geometric rate into an unceasing process of analysis, theoretical supposition and uncontrollable thinking about not just God, but about mass and energy and the speed of light and space and time and angels and the concept of free will and sin and what sin really is and how it correlates with the entropy of the universe...

It could not be stopped. Not by my own choice. When it finally did stop, my mind had conceived of a personal theology about God which fit perfectly within what I had known and have come to know about the physical universe and its laws.  There is nowhere else that I can really take that subject matter: it's been played out in my mind and I don't see how it can go further.  My mind knew that too...

...so it decided to focus on other things instead.  Which turned out to be anything at all.  Practically overnight I found myself capable of understanding some higher mathematics, which should have been impossible for a guy who hasn’t been able to do much past comprehending square roots.  A passing fancy about genealogy turned into a weeks-long study of my family history going back to the time of the New Testament.  For the first time in my life I could conjugate verbs in Spanish (bear in mind that I flunked Spanish in high school... twice).

Darkseid, DC Comics, New Gods, Jack Kirby, Fourth World
Artist's rendering of Chris Knight when he was taking Adderall(tm)
Then there was what really did nearly drive me over the brink of insanity.  My mind began trying to comprehend the scale of the cosmos, from the Planck length (considered the shortest possible distance between two points) exploding outward to the megastructures we see in the patterns of distant galaxies.  That particular phase went on for months, well into the summer of 2005, long after I had gone off the Adderall.  I would sometimes lay awake at night, only able to think about that vast, vast darkness punctuated by mere iotas of matter and light.  Wondering what my place in all of that was.  Wondering, even, if I should want to be dead and not having to think about it all anymore.

It was a video game franchise that I had just begun playing which gave me a new terminology for what I was going through.  In the mythology of the Halo series, characters like Cortana and other artificial intelligences can only function for seven years before they go "rampant": their neural structures become so developed and hyper-active that they literally "think" themselves to death.  Before that happens however comes a period of psychosis and instability.

That's what I was going through.  Rampancy.  Because of a prescribed drug interacting with my bipolar in a very unpredictable fashion.  My mind was becoming too much more powerful than one mortal being should ever be.  “Knowledge is power”, it is said.  The Bible also teaches that with much learning and wisdom, there also comes grief.  I had to learn that the hard way.  In fact, my experience with Adderall taught me that there is such a thing as too much understanding, and that there is a bliss to be known when one chooses not to fixate on the nuances of things we aren’t meant to fully comprehend.

"Rampancy" was the word that I used to my doctor.  When I explained where it came from she said she thought that was a good word for that kind of condition.  She took me off the Adderall.  It remains however the one drug which I know I have developed an addiction to... and I went through a hella withdrawal as a result.

But for a few weeks and months, I really did feel like I had become a god.

I never want to feel like that again!

"…A whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…"
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Johnny Depp, Doctor Gonzo, Raoul Duke, Hunter S Thompson, Benicio Del Toro, drugs
"Not that we needed all that for the trip,
but once you get locked into a serious drug collection,
the tendency is to push it as far as you can."
 Then is where I began to lose count of the kinds of meds I was placed on and off.  Let's see: I know Strattera is in there somewhere.  So was Abilify.  And Xanax.  Yeah I'm pretty sure Xanax came and went at some point.  There was trying Zoloft, and that worked for awhile before it started to have no effect whatsoever. Was I ever on Pristiq?  I can’t remember. Somehow I totally missed being on lithium. Yeah they put me on everything else but I didn’t get lithium...

I would guess that there have been between a dozen and twenty different medications that have been prescribed to me during most of the past ten years.  I can't remember all of them.  It literally strains my memory to try to recall every single one of them.

But I remember their side effects well enough.  Indeed, one of the reasons why I don't remember them all is because of the side effects. Not "loss of memory" in the clinical sense, but rather how I lost track of the variety of drugs amid the swirls and chaos of my mind veering this way and that, trying to compensate for how it wanted to go in the opposite direction instead.  I know when I went off Risperdal. It was the summer of 2007. And I thought... I thought... that I was losing my hair because of Risperdal.  I wasn't at all. But that's what I was perceiving and that I had read about Risperdal causing hair loss didn't help matters at all. "Imagination running wild"? Give "deduction in overdrive" a try sometime and come talk with me.

And then there is Seroquel. Something which I have come to call "that rotten shit". Very, very few things in my life have merited such harsh vernacular. Seroquel is one of them.

I was involuntarily placed in a behavioral health facility in September, 2008. The doctor I had been seeing all of this time decided that we should try Seroquel.  What with everything else that crashed down onto me at once, I became very glad to be taking it.  For a while, anyway...

Okay, I know and accept that Seroquel is a "big gun" in the treatment of bipolar disorder.  That it has worked wonders for many people.  In those first few months following my hospitalization it went a significant distance toward helping me manage my mind.

But I'm not like most people.  Come to think of it, I don't like the idea of anyone being like most people.  Each of us is an individual and it's not only going to be impossible to apply one "fix" for a problem on everybody, it should be impossible.

I'll run down the grocery list of what Seroquel did to me: dulled thoughts.  Lethargy.  A loss of creativity.  A loss of interest in things I had long been fascinated with.  Tremors in my hands and fingers (predominantly with my right hand, for reasons unknown).  Chronic heartburn and acid indigestion.  More of an appetite than I was used to having.  And with that came a horrid gain in weight.

How bad was that?  When I was first brought to the hospital my weight was about 170 pounds.  By the end of that year a few months later, I was up to 220 pounds.  And it kept going up until my weight crested at 270.

I will confess: there were other factors that figured into my weight gain (the most significant was depression from my wife’s departure) but none of that... none whatsoever... would have led to my being overweight without the Seroquel.

Yeah, my bipolar was becoming more manageable all right.  Unfortunately the rest of me was getting in piss-poor shape because of the very thing that was making that possible!

I decided on my own to quit Seroquel cold-turkey. Now that's something which a patient should NEVER do without consulting his or her physician.  But in my case I had come to a point where the Seroquel was more hassle than it was worth.  And by that point I was on another drug (more about that soon) which seemed to be having a more positive effect than anything I had taken previously.  And also, I had a new girl in my life: she fast became the best encouragement God had ever put into my life on this earth, and I decided to take a chance and trust in the support system He has blessed me with.  Also, I did want to get in better shape for her (y'know, being a guy and all...)

That was in November of 2011.  By the time Mom passed away the following month, I had already lost a lot of weight and before she left us Mom told me that I was looking much better.  I am now 4 pants sizes less than where I was before quitting Seroquel.  I lost 50 pounds within the space of a few months and today my weight hovers around 200 pounds.

And now I'm torn between losing more and maintaining what I have now.  Because at the risk of coming across as immodest, this is the most buff that I've looked in my entire life!  A lot of people have told me that my appearance is the best it's ever been.  And my girlfriend certainly has no complaints :-)

The Mistake We All Seem To Make

But going back to something: I cannot reiterate enough how a person considering stopping a medication should NOT do so without first consulting a doctor.  That goes for any prescription drug but in the case of a mental illness like bipolar it is especially so.  I admit and thoroughly acknowledge that I wasn't being that responsible when I quit Seroquel. That was an awfully big risk that in the end proved was worth taking.

But I'm not going to write about this and deny that I have tried doing that before and got burned bad as a result of it.  Not just me either, but several other people.

When I went off the Risperdal, I thought that I was "better". That I didn’t need it or any of the other drugs anymore.  I was feeling so much more improved that I honestly believed that whatever this bipolar was, that I had conquered it.

Big, big mistake.

Whatever happened to me pharmacologically in the months after that, I was definitely going through a sense of elation and euphoria... but in reality I was getting worse.  Downright dangerous, even.

It's something that I'm still not comfortable with writing about on this blog.  But I'm okay to share this much: I became a danger to my wife, to friends, to family, to myself.  Because I stopped taking the medication.

It wasn't the absence of the drug itself that caused all of that so much as the shock to my body trying to compensate for it.  But I didn't know that until much later and by then it was too late for too many of my life’s most cherished aspects.

I had no idea what was going on or what I was doing, and I could not have known at all to begin with.  But my mistake cost me very, very dearly.  In fact, there isn't a day that goes by that I have some lament for what happened because of my loss of judgment.

And unfortunately I'm not alone.  It seems that many if not most of those who suffer from mental illness in whatever form, have also abruptly halted their intake of meds. Sometimes it's because of perceived physical effects.  Others, because a person feels that the meds are having no effect at all, or that they have magically "cured" that person.

Let this much be clear if nothing else I've written so far is: there is no cure for mental illness.  It can only be managed and controlled, but never fully rid of.  The meds are part of that management, and you can't go by "feelings" about that. Bipolar disorder wrecks havoc with your mood and your feelings but when it comes to the drugs you’re prescribed, you absolutely can NOT trust your feelings about that!  It could result in serious injury, or worse.  Potentially even being driven to commit suicide.

I don't want that to happen to anybody.  And if you're bipolar or have some other mental illness, I don't want it to happen to you especially.  Do the right thing and call your doctor in the morning instead.  Or tonight if ya wanna (hey, you're paying him for this anyway, right?).

Stability(?) At Last!

It took from the earliest days of 2004 until the summer of 2010 before I finally, finally found something that worked and is still working.

How did I realize it was working?  It was a turn of events nearly three years ago that dropped me hard out of the fog of disease and denial and brought me to the realization that things had gone terribly, terribly wrong in my life and that I had to do what I could to make up for it all.

I’ve tried to do that.  Some things worked out.  Others, never did.  But God has a way of letting things turn out for the best even if you can't possibly imagine how. And I like to think that is what has happened to me...

Currently I'm on a daily regimen of Citalopram (also known as Celexa) and Lamectal (also called Lamotrigine).  I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on teevee (or the Internet for that matter) but Citalopram has become the one true wonder drug which I have needed and benefited the most from all this time.  There have been no deleterious side effects from it. Lamectal is for treatment of my depression and it has likewise proven extremely effective. After some trial and error I am now taking one 150 mg of it daily: one-half a tablet in the morning and the other half at night.  I've found that it’s the best way to manage the depressive episodes if they happen throughout the span of a day, and it helps me to sleep better at night.

That's two teeny tiny tablets I'm taking every day.  The total cost for them per month is less than $20.

I won't lie: I had to go through hell to find those meds.  To find anything that would let me live some semblance of a normal, productive life.  And a lot became lost along the way.

But I've a real chance now.  I have real stability for the first time in my life.  A lot of things to live for and look forward to.  I’m going to keep taking the medication.  It's a very small price to pay for being able to enjoy so much.

My life is finally my own.  And there's no turning back now.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

All I'm going to say about Jason "Look At Me I'm Gay" Collins

Jason Collins is no Jackie Robinson.

In 1947 there was an institutionalized discrimination against non-white athletes playing in major league sports.  Jackie Robinson broke through that barrier not because he happened to have been a black man but because he was very, very good at playing baseball.

In 2013 there is no institutionalized discrimination against gay athletes, lesbian athletes, bisexual athletes or transgender athletes.

So what does Jason Collins think he is proving by telling everyone "I'm gay"?

Does that make him a better basketball player?  I thought the whole point of sports as a multi-billion dollar commercial venture was to hire the best players possible, manage the team to the best of your ability and turn a profit by winning lots of games, selling lots of tickets and letting fans buy lots of over-priced beer.

So where does "I'm gay" figure into the scheme?

I've worked many jobs over the years.  Including alongside individuals who were gay or lesbian.  I respected them because of their talents and their abilities, and even sought to emulate their skills as professionals.  What they did on their own time wasn't my business and they had the maturity to not make it anyone's business either.

I used to work in a sandwich shop.  What would I have thought if one of my co-workers declared to everyone in the place "Look!  I'm gay!"?  Not much, truth be known.  Maybe it's just me but I've never been able to tell the difference between a straight sandwich and a gay sandwich.

Jason Collins however may have shot himself in the foot with this one.  He has put the emphasis on himself and his sexual orientation, not on his abilities as a player.  That has never been a good thing for the morale of a sports team.  If I were the owner of an NBA team, I would have to deem Collins a liability to my franchise.  If Collins goes no further with his career, he'll get lauded as a "sports pioneer".  If he decides he wants to keep playing professionally well... that's the thing, isn't it?  How many team owners are going to turn Collins down at the risk of being branded "homophobe" by the media?  Even if bringing him aboard solely because of his orientation means surrendering legitimately superior talent?

"Culturally progressive"?  Whatever.  But it sure as hell isn't good business.

It used to be that a person's merit and identity was base on his talents, his abilities, his beliefs and his virtues.  Today the notion of "identity" has become diminished to the point of meaningless.  Too many people want to feel significant and important because they feel entitled to it and not because they've earned it.  And there is no more cheap and gutteral way of demanding respect for that alleged identity than to say "I'm gay!  LOVE ME!"

Jason Collins and too many others want acceptance for their choice of lifestyle, not appreciation for their talents.  It's enough to make this writer wonder how much talent Mr. Collins must have, at all...

End of an Era: THE RHINOCEROS TIMES is no more

When I first heard the news I didn't expect to be feeling this much heartbreak.  But I am.  Maybe 'cuz I'm understanding how much The Rhinoceros Times was an influence on my early years as a writer and for long, long after...

The Rhinoceros Times, The Rhino Times, The Rhino, newspaper, Greensboro, North Carolina, John Hammer, William Hammer
Just one of the many fine editions of
The Rhinoceros Times produced
between 1991 and 2013.
It was first reported this morning that The Rhinoceros Times is going out of business.  The issue on the stands right now is the final one that will be printed.

So for those not from this are who are wondering: The Rhinoceros Times (or simply The Rhino Times or just "The Rhino") found its origins in a bar called The Rhinoceros Club in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina.  From a one-sheet newsletter started by John Hammer in 1991, The Rhinoceros Times fast found an eager audience among those who hungered for an alternative to the region's "mainstream" media outlets.  By the time the presses stopped the average issue of The Rhino boasted 150 pages.  Often way more than that.

The Rhinoceros Times was a free periodical: you could pick up a copy at many restaurants, grocery stores and other places of business throughout Guilford County and the surrounding area.  My favorite place to snag a copy was at the original PieWorks location at Pisgah Church Road and Lawndale Drive.  I'd order my pizza and breadsticks and enjoy The Rhino while waiting for the food to arrive.  I fast learned not to read it while eating, as the no-holds-barred style of John Hammer and the rapier-like wit of Scott Yost could cause one to choke from laughter.  The same held true for Geoff Brooks and his zany cartoons which were always dead-on target.

It was a very, very successful weekly news magazine (or "Greensboro's Only Newspaper" as the masthead declared for many years).  During its time The Rhino attracted such writing talent as Orson Scott Card and Jerry Bledsoe.  The letters to the editor were the liveliest and most passionate that I've ever seen in a local publication.  Then there was "The Sound of the Beep": you could call The Rhino's answering machine and leave a message for printing.  Some of those were downright kooky.  I made a few of them back in my college years (yeah some of the kooky ones too...).

This morning John Hammer posted a statement about The Rhino's closing down.  The website will continue for the foreseeable future but the print edition that started it all has been shuttered.  The fault is primarily the economy, the cost of running a newspaper and competition from the Internet which has hurt everybody in the business.  I'm rather surprised that many traditional newspapers in this area are still being published.  That The Rhinoceros Times lasted as long as it did is a testament to itself as a product and the people behind it.  I sincerely hope that it will continue to have an online presence for many more years to come and that it will keep boasting its fiercely independent spirit.  The way the press has become of late, we need The Rhino and other outlets like it more than ever before.

Going on twenty-two years is a good solid run.  Regardless of what happens next, John and William Hammer and their staff have much to be proud of.  And this blogger gladly takes off his hat in salute to a newspaper which broke the ground for many to follow after.

STAR WARS EPISODE IV getting a Navajo translation

Exemplifying how Star Wars is truly a universally beloved saga, this July is seeing the release of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope dubbed in the language of the Navajo nation of Native Americans.

Star Wars, Navajo, language, translation, A New Hope, Native AmericanThe Navajo Nation Museum has been collaborating with Lucasfilm to translate the first Star Wars movie into Diné bizaad: a language currently spoken by nearly a quarter-million people, most of whom live throughout the American southwest.  And if you speak fluent Navajo you'll have a chance to get in on the action because auditions are slated to start later this week at the museum in Window Rock, Arizona.  For now everything about the Navajo script is being held close to vest (even the title, which TIME.com speculates could be Sǫʼ Baaʼ).  The classic phrase "May the Force be with you" could translate into "May you walk with great Power", or many other possible permutations.  It's much the same issue that was confronted by the Navajo code talkers who served in the American armed forces during World War II: there were no direct Navajo words for guns, bombs etc. so those became "tapes" and "eggs".  Australia became "Rolled Hat" after that country's signature headwear, and America was called "Our Mother".

So... how is terminology like "lightsaber", "hyperdrive" and "Grand Moff" going to work out in Diné bizaad?  Apparently the staff at the Navajo Nation Museum and the crew at Lucasfilm have figured it all out.

The entire effort is being called an "entertaining and educational" project toward preserving the Navajo language for future generations.  Maybe even a fun way for those who don't speak Navajo but who do know the Star Wars movies verbatim (raising hand here) to learn an indigenous American tongue!  Hey who knows: maybe next there can be a dubbing of a Star Wars movie into Aniyawiya for those of us who are Tsalagi or part Tsalagi (more commonly known as the Cherokee :-)

Very big thanks to Tilly Godbudak for finding this great story!

"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS": Latest DOCTOR WHO felt like a trip wasted

Doctor Who, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, BBC, television, science fictionIn the past few days since watching it I've tried hard to make myself enjoy "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" and I simply can't.

The title of the latest episode of Doctor Who promised an awful lot.  I mean, how many times over the years have we gotten to see anything substantial of the TARDIS past the Console Room?  The only thing that comes to mind is "The Invasion of Time" from the Tom Baker era (how many times could a single episode use the same descending stairs in one scene?).  The Cloister Room has been shown a number of times, notably in the 1996 television movie.  And there was a fleeting look at the wardrobe in "The Christmas Invasion".  But that's shockingly little to be seen for a time/space ship that's at least as spacious as a skyscraper packed within an old-school police box can be...

So in "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" we got corridors on top of corridors of the TARDIS' interior.  Clara comes upon the Library (and that tantalizing tome titled The History of the Time War).  We see the swimming pool (now much bigger than that little kiddie pool in "The Invasion of Time").  I noticed that the TARDIS also has an observatory (how it's supposed to work, I can't figure out).  And at long last we got to see the Eye of Harmony itself.  Which if you can ignore that whole "soul-sucking" business from the TV movie, was actually pretty cool.  There were a LOT of sounds and bits of dialogue from the entire span of Doctor Who (including at least one from "An Unearthly Child", the very first story from November 1963).

Speaking of which: books in the form of vials containing liquid.  Is this Doctor Who or Harry Potter?

Yes yes yes, all well and good.  But I still thought that "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" was too flat of an episode than it should have been.

Maybe it was the heightened expectations about seeing the TARDIS finally revealing its full glory to us.  With more and more time since it was first broadcast/transmitted, I think the biggest problem with the episode was its execution.  Having the TARDIS picked up by salvagers and The Doctor conning them into helping him rescue Clara from the bowels of his own ship wasn't the best of plot devices.  Incidentally, I didn't feel much empathy for the Van Baalen Brothers, except for the very end of the episode.

Maybe the purpose of "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" was to tempt us with more of what I'm calling "mythos porn" in the lead-up to the fiftieth anniversary special.  But there could have been better ways of pulling it off.  I remember one of the Doctor Who novels from the Nineties that had the TARDIS "exploding" into a vast city-scape that The Doctor had to navigate through in order to repair it.  This could have been an epic adventure filled with wonder and mystery, and instead it felt as thrilling as going down into the basement to fix the plumbing...

I'm going to give "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" Two and one-half Sonic Screwdrivers out of five possible, and that might be too generous.  There are only three episodes left in this season, including Neil Gaiman's next entry and then the eagerly-awaited finale "The Name of the Doctor".  Let's hope that Steven Moffat and crew can knock the next few out of the ballpark.

This week's Tammy Tuesday is a case of equine envy!

Poor Tammy.  Ever since I brought her home last year, she has often sat alongside the horse pasture next to our land and watched the horses.  I can't help but think that deep down, she believes she's going to grow up to be that big someday, too!

Tammy, miniature dachshund, dog, horse

I always tell her that she doesn't need to be a horse and I wouldn't want her to be one either! I mean, a horse can't snuggle up next to you on a sofa while you read a book. It can't play with you indoors. It can't sit patiently at the dinner table with those irresistibly cute eyes waiting for a tasty morsel of steak or barbecue chicken.  It can't lay against your bedroom door as you sleep at night, guarding you against monsters and the bogey-man.

And for my money, I think a miniature dachshund can outrun a horse any day!  For short distances anyway :-)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Bullying from Boy Scout big-wigs?! Executives manipulating data?! Gay policy under fire from on high?!

If true... IF this is at all true... this represents the most insane turn of events that I have ever seen coming out of the Boy Scouts of America in my thirty-some years affiliated with the organization.

The honor of a Boy Scout, painting by Norman Rockwell
First, I wish to direct your attention to an article by Austin Ruse on the website for Catholic publication Crisis Magazine.  Titled "Something Rotten in the Boy Scouts", Ruse raises a red flag about apparent manipulation of data at the Boy Scouts home office regarding the possible change of policy that would allow boys of homosexual orientation to have membership in the Boy Scouts.

Awright, let me be put it this way: the home office is ignoring the data from its own survey!  From the article:
There’s deception going on in the front office of the Boy Scouts. It includes deliberate misrepresentation of polling data, and threats to pack an upcoming meeting with anonymous and unqualified voters so that the Boy Scout policy on homosexuality gets forced on the majority of Scouts and parents who don’t want it.
The Boy Scouts are considering changing their policy of not allowing open homosexuality in either their Scout or leadership ranks. The policy has placed the Boy Scouts in the buzz saw of the zeitgeist and up until recently they have resisted. There are some weak-kneed leaders who want to throw over the policy and appear willing to violate the Scout Law to do it.
The Scout front office released the result of a national survey and “listening” process that purported to show that the Scouts—boys, parents, leaders and donors—favor a change in the policy. The Boy Scouts say the process reveals great changes in attitudes and that a majority of those at all levels of Scouting “tend to agree that youth should not be denied the benefits of Scouting.”
This was dutifully and even triumphantly reported in the mainstream press. The only problem is the news reports were wrong. And the news reports were wrong because the Boy Scouts misrepresented the results. One close observer of the Boy Scouts calls the poll “a pack of lies.”
The results of the BSA Membership Standards Survey:
A solid majority polled want NO change
to the current policy.
Do Scouting parents want to overhaul the policy and allow open homosexuality in the Scouts? The Executive Summary of the Poll says, “yes”, but the numbers say “no.” Fifty percent of Cub Scout parents support the current restrictive policy while 45% oppose it. A whopping 61% of Boy Scout parents support the current policy.
How did Boy Scout leadership get anywhere near the assertion that a majority of those in Scouting support homosexuality in Scouting? Part of what they did was what is known as a push-poll, a questionnaire designed not to elicit an accurate opinion but one designed to change opinions.
What is going on here? Deception, that’s what. There is a small group on the Executive Committee of the Boy Scouts who want this policy to change. What they face is a membership that largely opposes the measure. So, they try to get their way by lying about a poll. But there is more deception than that...
The entire article cannot be recommended enough because Ruse's piece is by a wide margin among the best and most informative that I've found about the matter of homosexuality in the Boy Scouts.  Which, shouldn't be a matter at all.  The Boy Scouts are not meant to be a tool of politics.  Especially the politics of radical homosexuality.  The Girl Scouts of America let that happen to them and look at them now: a pitiful shadow of their former selves.  And one that has lost significant numbers of past and potential members to competing organizations for girls and young women.

But then comes this bit of information, which is even more full-tilt whacko.  A week ago I wrote about the Boy Scouts of America and how homosexuality is a concept which is in total conflict with the principles of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.  In that post I mentioned OnMyHonor.net: a group of Scouts, Scouters and supporters who "are united in their support of Scouting's timeless values and their opposition to open homosexuality in the Scouts."  OnMyHonor.net has become a significant presence in this discussion, its leaders appearing on nationally televised news broadcasts in recent days.

So look at what was posted on the official OnMyHonor.net Facebook page a short while ago...

"Today, top BSA officals contacted OMH coalition partners to ask them to stand down! LOL. (not a joke)."

What the...?!?!? 

Is this right?  OnMyHonor.net has been told to cool it by the executives of the Boy Scouts of America's national office?

How the hell is what the BSA head office doing honorable?  HOW is it at all honest, "morally straight", or respecting the Scout Law?

It is not.  It is NOT!!

There is other information which in recent days I have been made aware of regarding next month's vote to keep or change the policy.  I haven't had enough corroboration about that information to confidently write about it but if there is any substance to those as well, in the mind of this blogger the executive are guilty of even more shameful acts, apparently for the cause of political correctness.

And if there is the least shred of truth to these assertions, if the Boy Scouts top executives are behaving in such a manner, then they should do the honorable thing and step down and leave the Boy Scouts of America.  They should make way for true leadership which is sincerely dedicated to the principles of Scouting which Lord Robert Baden-Powell knew were needed for young boys to become the responsible leaders that this world sorely needs.

Could it be?! ANOTHER picture of Lauryn AND Rachael?!?

It has been an unconscionably long time since my blog has seen a photo of either Lauryn or Rachael.  And some of you have been whining and crying for one all along.  Oddly enough they've all been guys.  Whenever one of these two cousins of mine have had their picture on this site, the traffic seems to ramp up considerably.  Funny, that...

Y'all owe Lauryn herself some thanks for this, boys!  Last night her grandmother, my aunt Billie (who also demonstrates how this family is unfairly blessed with lovely ladies) posted a photo of Lauryn and Rachael on Facebook.  I commented (not for the first time) how beautiful they are and a few minutes later Lauryn replied...
"Lol, Did we make the blog? ...It's been awhile ;-)"
Awright, she asked for it!!  And Rachael seems to be having fun with this too (but have a care fellas: she's now ENGAGED!  And her dad is a big, big dude along with being a pastor...)

You wanted it, you've got it!  Here are Rachael and Lauryn: two of the sweetest, most Christian and incredibly beautiful women you are ever likely to meet in this world...

And if y'all are really good, there might be more of them still to come :-)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Threading Through Byzantium: Visiting a Greek Orthodox Church

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Roanoke, Virginia
Icon of Jesus Christ on the ceiling of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church,
Roanoke, Virginia
What is "church"?  Jesus told Peter that he was "the Rock" and upon it "I will build My church".

My Catholic brethren hold that Jesus was entrusting Peter and his predecessors as the exemplars and leaders of the church.  There are others who contend that Jesus was speaking of Peter's faith, and how such faith would be the foundation of His body upon this earth.

My personal understanding of "the church" has grown and developed in recent years, especially as I have visited the congregations of brothers and sisters in Christ with whom I share the faith, but also have differing perspectives about that faith.  There are some who will claim that such divisions do not represent true Christianity, but I disagree.  In fact, I don't believe that "denominations" are a bad thing at all.  There is even biblical precedent for them.  The seven churches of Asia Minor we read about in the Book of Revelation were as unlike from each other as there might possibly be.  And yet, Christ did not cast any of them from His sight.  There were some He praised and some He castigated, but they were still counted as being of His flock.

It was the coincidental visits by two dear friends which opened my eyes to a beautiful truth.  One is a Baptist minister and the other is a true renaissance man of many skills.  It was the latter who noted, as we discussed some spiritual matters, that "we're having church right now".  Because as Jesus taught His disciples, "where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am also".

That is what "church" is.  A gathering of imperfect people in the name of the One who is perfect and covers all our transgressions.  And if we see Him in different ways but still strive to cast our eyes upon Him, I've no reason to believe that His grace isn't beyond such minor incongruencies inherent to our carnal minds.

Yet even so, the professionally-trained historian of my nature wonders: where is the long, long line of fellowship through the ages, before and beyond the ekklesia of our sanctuaries and meeting houses and little gatherings of two or three?  Is there such a thing, even?

A week and a half ago my girlfriend Kristen and I visited a Greek Orthodox church: something which I had never done before.  Kristen is pursuing a master's degree and one of her classes requires attending the worship services of a culture not one's own.  There are a number of congregations in the Roanoke area which fit that criteria.  In the end, she chose the Greek Orthodox one.  She had to visit it twice and I went with her the second time.

It was a worship experience unlike anything that I had ever had the pleasure of watching.  Indeed, more than a week later and I am still trying to take in the beauty, the tenderness and the devotion that I witnessed.

We arrived at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church on Huntington Boulevard in Roanoke at around 9:30 in the morning.  A gentleman greeted us in the narthex, and Kristen introduced us to him.  The first thing that I noticed was a kind of table to our right, laden with votive candles (I'm assuming that's what they are called in Orthodoxy).  Many were lit and placed standing in a rectangular area of white sand, at the center of which was drawn, as with a finger, a Greek-styled cross.  I didn't ask anything about it but it is something that has stuck with me since.

Incidentally, it is the narthex where Orthodox baptisms take place.  Why?  Because it is by baptism which one enters into the church.  And fittingly, it is through the narthex which one comes into worship as a church.

Kristen and I took seats in the furthest pew at the back of the sanctuary, and settled in to watch.  But I use the phrase "settled in" lightly.  It turns out that in Orthodox worship, if you are at all able to, you stand up... a lot!  And that's what we did for most of the two and a half hours that we were there for.

Obviously for those coming from the Methodist, Baptist or similar persuasion, this is something rather unheard of.

(And speaking of that: I met three people at Holy Trinity who are former Baptists.  One of them was among the ministers praying the Matins.  More on those in a sec, but I thought that was rather intriguing that there were quite a number of what are considered "Protestants" who have since become Orthodox, and these are far from the only ones.  For reasons which again, I shall examine shortly...)

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Roanoke, Virginia
Prayer Matins at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
So we were standing and the Matins were already well underway  This is... well, in my mind this is the primary part of Orthodox congregational worship.  It is a continuous time of prayers and chants - in our English vernacular as well as in Greek - which I saw three or five black-garbed ministers intoning at a podium toward the front of the sanctuary.  Kristen had asked me to keep my photography to a bare minimum and I agreed to do so... but even if she hadn't asked, I think I would have done so anyway.  And it was only because I wanted to write about it for this blog that I even felt a need to take pictures at all.  And why is that?

Because I was... and I still am... overwhelmed by the sense of wonder and majesty and piety and devotion that I saw and heard from the two and a half hours we spent there.  Most of that was because of the Matins.  I cannot recall ever hearing prayers so beautifully offered up to God.  They were praise and appeals and music and much more all in one, made melody from the heart.

(Something I noticed during the service and mentioned to Kristen: at no time did we see any musical instruments.  The Matins, if they are considered "singing" from our modern perspective, are strictly a cappella.  Musical instruments are a fairly modern innovation going back four or five hundred years or so, but Orthodoxy has never found a need for them.)

The reason for that is something that, as a student of history, I found most intriguing: that Orthodoxy is perhaps the one organized church which can claim a continuous, unbroken thread of form and worship to the times of the earliest New Testament-era Christians in the region of Palestine.

Let me be clear on something: my Orthodox brethren do not and have never claimed to be "the one true church".  In fact, such a boast would be completely alien, even sacrilegious to Orthodoxy!  Their tenet could be summed up as such: "Christians only, but not the only Christians".  There were certainly others who did not necessarily subscribe to "Orthodox" style (history indicates that the churches in India founded by Thomas the Apostle were independent of anything recognizable by European standards, as were those of Ethiopia which traced their beginnings to the eunuch converted by Philip recorded in Acts chapter 8).  Rather, Orthodoxy is a chain of followers of Christ sharing a singular form of worship, one end of which is what we witness today and at the furthest end, the Apostolic Fathers.

And there is considerable historical evidence for this.  I found it... most fascinating.  And I can readily understand the appeal that Orthodoxy has for many believers.  For those searching for worship of Christ in its purest and most native form, there is a lot of appeal to be found in Orthodoxy.

The Matins went on until noon.  People came into the sanctuary to pray (and to stand of course) and then... they left.  After however long their hearts led them.  Ya see, in the Orthodox church there isn't a set time of worship where everyone comes in and prays and worships and listens to sermons together.  It's a much more individual and reflective experience than what many of us are accustomed to.  And I can understand the appeal of that, also.  It's the thing about Orthodoxy that I find most appealing to myself, I must admit.  Prayer and devotion to God should be a matter between the person and the Lord.  And that isn't glossed-over in Orthodoxy.  It is, instead, one of the foremost items of worship.

At the front of the sanctuary there was a partitioned-off area with three open doors.  This is intended to be analogous to the Holy Place of the Temple in Jerusalem, and the Tabernacle before it.  Only the priests and their attendants are allowed in this area, but it is completely visible from the sanctuary.  This is where the altar is placed, and upon it the church's copy of the Holy Bible: something which is maintained in special reverence and sanctity.  At least twice, the priests brought the Bible out and carried it around the sanctuary.  When this happens, everyone turns to face the Bible.  The acolyte parading in front of it walks backwards so that his own face is turned toward it.  So while standing Kristen and I and everyone else did a complete 360-degree turn.

Now, I gotta mention this, because it's become something that a lot of people have found, well... comical.  While the Matins are going on the priests are carrying a censure of incense around the altar.  This incense was some strong stuff.  I mean, REALLY strong.  Later we learned that it was probably burning sandalwood with roses.  A priest carries the censure and that incense before the Bible as it's being carried around the sanctuary.  And here is where things got funny...

I don't know what it was about that incense, and I did NOT see anyone else reacting this way.  PLEASE remember that!  But as for me personally, well... that smoke smelled incredibly lovely but it also made me high as a kite.  I mean it: for the first time in my life I felt stoned (I've never done marijuana or cocaine or any of that junk so I've no way to compare it but... there it is).  How much so?  Kristen saw me nearly stagger while standing.  And then there was the icon of Christ on the cross on the ceiling: so help me, I saw Him waving His arms up and down.

I'm absolutely certain that it was an allergic reaction.  I'm no doubt in a solid minority of those who might have that happen to.  And it's not the same incense that they use anyway: one person told me that there is a variety that gets used.  It wouldn't be the first time that something smoky has had an affect on me either: at a Boy Scout event in Indiana years ago the smoke needed to illuminate a laser show caused a reaction which sent me to the hospital a few days later.  So now I know I've a quirky allergy or something (along with all my other problems but anyhoo...)

At around 11:30 we heard a homily that I enjoyed immensely.  It was about how the worship in the sanctuary stretches across space and time, back to the early Christians.  That in our worship we truly are one body of believers in Christ.  The ekklesia as the body of Christ is something unbound and unfazed by geography or politics or the wear and tear of eons.  It is a mystical communion with those who have come before, and with those who will come after us.

Speaking of communion, this was the final part of the service.  In Orthodoxy, the Eucharist is reserved only for those baptized and joined to the church.  I understand why, and it is something I learned from a Catholic friend: that those partaking in communion must examine themselves before God, and find themselves worthy to share in the sacrament.  It's not meant to be something exclusive to Orthodoxy for exclusivity's sake.  Rather, it is a spiritual "safety mechanism" for the individual believer.  The Apostle Paul taught that we must be sure of our worthiness to take part in the communion, and in Orthodoxy (as well as Catholicism) this is a matter of grave policy.  However, there is also a "communion" of sorts with visitors not of the Orthodox persuasion.  The bread used in the Eucharist is deemed "consecrated bread".  But after the Eucharist is over, the non-Orthodox are offered the same bread... which is now considered to be "blessed bread".  I found this to be quite a joyful and unifying experience: that though Kristen and I were not Orthodox, we were still considered to be friends and brethren in the larger fellowship of Christ.

I would be remiss if I did not write about the Orthodox practice of kissing the Bible and the icons.  This is a sign of faith and devotion to God.  The Bible, I think many Christians will understand why.  But what of the icons: those beautifully painted depictions of Christ, Mary, the Apostles and the events of their lives?

Although we were never told so during our time at Holy Trinity, I think I can understand why, and it has to do with that "unbroken apostolic chain" spoken of earlier.  The premise of an icon is that it "transfers" from one to another.  That is, an icon produced in the present day has been presented and touched to an icon painted earlier.  And that icon has likewise touched an earlier icon.  And so on and so on, all the way back to the earliest days of the church.  Indeed, it is said that before the fall of Constantinople in 1453 that there were collected the earliest icons produced.  One was said to have been painted by Luke himself.

Now, THAT is something which I can't help but marvel at.  That the icon we saw the congregants kissing at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox in Roanoke might have a "lineage" descending from one made by an author of the Gospels.  Given what I've learned about Orthodoxy, it's altogether possible.  It's not that the icon is worshiped or is even a requisite of the faith.  It is, rather, evidence within our midst of the endurance of the church which was promised by Christ.

After the service, there was a meal in the fellowship hall.  Kristen and I got to meet and talk with many of the members of Holy Trinity.  As we left I made sure to pick up quite a number of brochures in the narthex about Orthodoxy.  The icon used in that day's service was also present on a stand.  I couldn't tell how old it was but it did look... well, old.  And again, as we were leaving I was left with another lasting impression of Orthodoxy and its history.

Every time that I have visited a church or denomination which I have not previously enjoyed fellowship with, I have come away... and I sincerely believe this... more edified and enlightened from the experience.  A few years ago I was invited to attend a Seventh Day Adventist service, and in retrospect I came away with a greater sense of how much I needed to have Christ-like love and humility in my life.  Then a few months ago I attended a Catholic Mass for the first time, and Christ as the mystery we still see through this glass darkly left an impression on my heart: that we should never cease to seek for Him.  The handful of Pentecostal congregations I have visited demonstrated the joy and the gladness that can only be found in the presence of God.

But it has been, and always will be I believe, a most unique experience that I had last week in those few hours with my Orthodox friends.  And though I may never become a member of that aspect of the body of Christ, I certainly respect, appreciate, even have great admiration for it.  For there is found the greatest evidence that I have discovered of the greatest promise that Jesus gave us...

"I am with you, even unto the end of the age."

A proposal for American citizenship

I have had an idea, which may or may not address a myriad of problems affecting these United States...

We should begin letting all natural-born Americans be citizens.  But only at age 18 can they become full citizens, with all the rights and privileges that comes with such citizenship.

However, for that to happen a person must be made to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that he or she is up to handling the responsibilities that comes with being a fully-functioning member of a democratically-elected republic.

Each individual would have to demonstrate basic knowledge of the Constitution, some simple geography (i.e. be able to find the United States in a world map) and basic English.  Perhaps along with some understanding of American history, economics and accounting.  Let the examinations be done in the randomly-applied style of the SAT, the GRE and similar tests.  It shouldn't be too hard but neither should it be ridiculously easy: people should be made to learn material which once was standard throughout America.

Once a person has shown such competence and understanding, only then can they become citizens with the right to vote.  With the right to run for office.  With the right to have access to resources like government college assistance, food stamps, Social Security etc.

"But Chris, what you're advocating will lead to taxation without representation!"  No it won't.  All eligible persons will be able to demonstrate that they can be represented.  This government already enforces income taxes on young people under the age of 18 but work part-time jobs... and they still can't vote yet.  I don't think it's unreasonable that if an individual desires to be represented, that there be obligated some measure of thoughtful competence in deciding the matter.

If we expect naturalized citizens to be sufficiently qualified before partaking of our government and its full complement of services, then we should expect everyone else to be qualified as well.

We've too many politicians who keep getting elected because of ignorant, irresponsible voters who only want a place at the public trough without contributing anything.

It is time to compel them to start contributing something. Even if it is only having responsible consideration about what it means to be a citizen in this society.

Lovecraft the prophet

The Call of Cthulhu, H.P. Lovecraft, Ryleh"That cult would never die till the stars came right again, and the secret priests would take great Cthulhu from His tomb to revive His subjects and resume His rule of earth. The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom. Meanwhile the cult, by appropriate rites, must keep alive the memory of those ancient ways and shadow forth the prophecy of their return."
-- from The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft
It was 1928 when Howard Phillips Lovecraft published The Call of Cthulhu: his seminal classic which forever altered the nature of horror fiction.

That passage has stuck with me from the first time that I read this short story in the fall of 1996.  And I've thought about it countlessly in the years since.  It has been difficult not to see mankind through the vision of those cultists waiting for when the stars are right: when the incomprehensible horror that is Cthulhu will arise at last from the cyclopean city of R'yleh far below the waters of the Pacific and lay waste to the Earth.  Until then dead Cthulhu waits, dreaming...

Mankind, "free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside."  Men "shouting and killing and revelling in joy."

It has been eighty-five years since Lovecraft wrote those words.  And with each passing year it seems as if humanity... or at least the civilized realm of it... is descending further and further into the barbaric, unrestrained frenzy of pleasure and pain that he described in his tale.

Slaying the innocent for sake of money and convenience.  Government gone lawless.  Men and women descending beneath their nature.  Wars without reason or end.  Conscience and ethics spurned utterly.  Good proclaimed to be evil, and evil to be good.

Perhaps more than we have realized... maybe more than we would like to acknowledge... H.P. Lovecraft had a prescience of far greater clarity than any prophet or futurist of this age.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mormon bishop with Samurai sword rescues woman from stalker, takes punk's ChapStick for DNA and screams "YOU ARE SO DONE!"

Read.  Just read.  From the Associated Press courtesy of TheBlaze.com...
Samurai Sword-Wielding Mormon Bishop Saves Woman From Attacker: ‘You Are So Done’

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Samurai sword-wielding Mormon bishop helped a neighbor woman escape a Tuesday morning attack by a man who had been stalking her.

Kent Hendrix, Mormon bishop, Samurai sword,
Hendrix and his weapon of choice (Photo Credit: AP)
Kent Hendrix woke up Tuesday to his teenage son pounding on his bedroom door and telling him somebody was being mugged in front of their house. The 47-year-old father of six rushed out the door and grabbed the weapon closest to him – a 29-inch high carbon steel Samurai sword.

 He came upon what he describes as a melee between a woman and a man. His son stayed inside to call 911 while he approached the man along with other neighbors who came to help. The martial arts instructor didn’t hesitate in drawing the sword and yelling at him to get on the ground.

“His eyes got as big as saucers and he kind of gasped and jumped back,” Hendrix said by phone Tuesday afternoon. “He’s probably never had anyone draw a sword on him before.”

The man ran down the street with the barefoot Hendrix and others in pursuit. Hendrix said he couldn’t catch the man before he fled in his car, but he picked up ChapStick that the man dropped and memorized his license plate.

“I yelled at him, ‘I’ve got your DNA and I’ve got your license plate: You are so done,’” Hendrix said.
The suspect, 37-year-old Grant Eggersten, turned himself in to police an hour later, said Unified Police Lt. Justin Hoyal.
No wonder!  Hendrix said this was his first time in thirty years of martial arts instruction that he's ever had to draw his sword.

 Tip of the hat to the one and only Erik Yaple for such a wacky good find!