100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Knight Shift has an official Facebook page!

At long last, this blog has a bona-fide presence on Facebook!  It's been up for awhile now but I wanted to make some posts on it to sorta "furnish the place" before going public with it Anyhoo, the URL thingy is facebook.com/theknightshiftblog (pretty clever, huh?).  The Facebook site's primary function will be to share posts that I make here on the blog. ...

There is no possible contesting it: The IRS must be abolished

The Founding Fathers would "repent in Heaven" - as John Adams threatened those early Americans - if they could see the country they founded and what has come to light in the past few days. If anybody can tender any argument whatsoever in defense of the Internal Revenue Service, I for one wish to hear what it is. I am not a conspiracy theorist but hey, whaddya know: the conspiracy...

Kermit Gosnell has chosen life

And by that I mean, Kermit Gosnell has chosen life in prison. He could have chosen death.  Gosnell dropped his appeals in exchange for life, not death. I'm not the first to note the irony that given a choice, Gosnell chose life. If only his victims had been given the same choice... Kermit Gosnell: He chose life for himself, death for babies. Kermit Gosnell, abortion...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Nightmare in Silver": Neil Gaiman restores horror to the Cybermen on DOCTOR WHO

It's been three days since "Nightmare in Silver" - this season's much-anticipated episode of Doctor Who penned by Neil Gaiman - aired and the thing I still can't get out of my head is how fast that Cyberman was. Look, it takes an awful lot for a TV show or a movie to scare the ever-living crap out of me.  But when the girlfriend and I saw that one Cyberman arrive at...

This week's Tammy Tuesday is all tired out

Tammy in one of her all-too-rare quiet moments... Miniature dachshunds might be small... but they more than make up for it in hyper-activity!  If you are contemplating getting one, you'll love them like nothing else... but you'll also come to appreciate those fleeting minutes of rest and quiet ...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Just saw IRON MAN 3

Definitely THE best of the series by far! And one of the finest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date. Go see it. Now! Or, perish in flames. It's your choice. But not really... (And do not do not DO NOT leave the theater until you've seen the end credits. All of the end credits. You have been warne...

Today's DILBERT a must-read for people with bipolar (like me!)

Dear Scott Adams: Today's edition of your comic strip Dilbert is one of the most encouraging - and one of the funniest - cartoons that I've come across in a long time. As a person with bipolar disorder and on behalf of many others who must deal with having a mental illness, thank you for giving us something to laugh and smile about :-) I think after reading this, I'm...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Want good comedy? Have a dose of THE AMOS 'N ANDY SHOW!

Awright, I got a secret to share: I'm a longtime fan of The Amos 'N Andy Show from the early 1950s. This was a television series that in my opinion was way, way ahead of its time. The writing was sharp and witty and as clever as anything, and this show had an amazing cast. Especially Tim Moore as George "Kingfish" Stevens and Nick Stewart, who played Lightnin'. So since its Saturday and a time to kick back and have some good laughs, let's check...

A flapper and a slacker

Last night was Great Gatsby Night at Kristen's dance studio! Everybody was supposed to come in 1920s-era attire. Kristen made a terrific flapper girl ensemble! However her ne'er-do-well boyfriend couldn't put a proper costume together in time so he showed up looking more like a flood refugee... And here is Kristen with two other fine ladies in period attire! And...

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Department of Defense has 3D printed gun yanked... but I got it anyway (and so can you!)

The Liberator: Coming soon to a desktop near you! Defense Distributed has made a lot of headlines lately about the Liberator: a firearm which is completely fabricated by "3D printing", apart from the firing pin.  I think the success of this gun already is that it's got politicians like Charles Schumer and Steve Israel all steamed-up about it.  Schumer wants 3D...

The Cleveland kidnappings and abortion

Like many others, I have been watching the news out of Cleveland this week: the three young women who escaped after more than a decade of captivity, rape, torture and other abuse.  There is a lot to be said about this story, but most of that has been discussed at considerable length already. However, tonight I happened to catch something that has led me to articulate some thoughts aloud... Apparently, at least one of the women became pregnant...

Scientists create "injected breathing": breakthrough could save lives of millions

"Liquid breathing" from The Abyss. Do not try this at home. Remember in James Cameron's movie The Abyss, where Ed Harris' character was put into that funky diving suit which got filled with "breathing fluid" and he had to respirate through the liquid in order to survive a deep, deep dive? (Incidentally, that was in 1989 and at the time it wasn't far from reality. ...

Zero-tolerance out of control: Pencil leads to boy's suspension, while Eagle Scout hit with felony

I'll be damned if (Lord willing) I get blessed with children and I put them in a government-run school. They're not here yet.  But I already love them too much than to subject them to the insanity of a modern public school.  And few things exemplify that madness more than do zero-tolerance policies. (Hey, I ran for school board once.  It can't be said that...

Trailer for THE BROTHERS RAPTURE fan-made BioShock movie!

BioShock Infinite has been out for over a month. It's a game I haven't played an I'm not inclined to either. Why? Because in this blogger's opinion it's not a true BioShock game. For me, the BioShock mythos will always be focused on Rapture: that city beneath the waves of the North Atlantic, not a brightly-lit metropolis floating Lord-knows-where in the sky. The first BioShock game was and remains the most intellectual and even enlightening...

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Tammy Tuesday this week is a hyper dog

Tammy found herself last week at one of my favorite places: HyperMind in nearby Burlington!  So while the place was packed with people playing Magic: The Gathering, Settlers of Cataan and several other games there was this cute lil' miniature dachshund running up and down the store.  I think everyone stopped what they were doing to give her a pat on the head or a...

Alien abduction in Roanoke, Virginia!

It's true! Two are missing after an alien abduction in Roanoke, Virginia. And frantic parents are desperately searching for answers. It's not a headline ripped from the pages of Weekly World News.  This is happening and it's happening now!  Dan Casey of The Roanoke Times is the first to break a story which will no doubt be soon going national. Click here to read more!...

Well, here we go... the trailer for ENDER'S GAME

I shall remain cautiously optimistic. Ender's Game comes out on November 1...