100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Big Bird almost flew on the doomed Challenger flight

Nearly thirty years after the Challenger disaster, it is now coming out that the first "regular citizen" to fly on a space shuttle mission was originally going to be an eight-foot tall yellow Muppet loved and adored by what has become generations of devoted fans. Strange, but true: Big Bird almost had a seat on Challenger for its final flight. In the new documentary I...

For the first time since late February...

...I am writing for my book. Let's summarize for a moment.  Last May and up until late October, my book was going at a very good pace.  Oh sure, there were some fits here and there, and I made a few mistakes from which I learned a great deal (and made the book much better, I think) but as this sort of thing goes, it's my understanding that this was going along better than a lot of first-time authors. Then Dad had his stroke.  And...

Friday, May 01, 2015


Okay, it's not a "perfect" movie.  I for one would have appreciated more of Ultron's legendary Oedipus complex between himself and his "father" (who in the Marvel Cinematic Universe continuity is Tony Stark).  But those little problems aside, Avengers: Age of Ultron is a gob-smockingly powerhouse of a ride comin' at ya, and in this viewer's opinion it's more than...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Iron Man by Cameron Hobbs

Tomorrow (or later tonight depending on how you gauge this sort of thing) is the premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron in cinema houses across the country.  And just in time for that, Cameron Hobbs has delivered another work of art: this time it's a frontal profile of Iron Man poised for action: Worthy of hanging in the office of Tony Stark himself! Find more of Cameron's...

Saturday, April 25, 2015

One hundred years ago today: the Battle of Gallipoli

Yesterday on this blog we remembered the one hundredth anniversary of the start of the Armenian Genocide.  One day after that came another historic event of World War I, also happening to be associated with Turkey. It was on April 25th, 1915, that Great Britain along with most of her Commonwealth nations (Australia, New Zealand, Newfoundland, and India) as well as France...

Friday, April 24, 2015

What a lousy day to be a Batman fan

First it was the news that Frank Miller is making ANOTHER sequel to his legendary graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns. And now tonight it's this: the first look at Jared Leto as the Joker in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie: Disney shareholders, be of good cheer.  Your Marvel Cinematic Universe need not fear any competition from DC. Romero.  Nicholson. ...

One and a half million dead: the one hundredth anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

They had been ridiculed and spat upon for hundreds of years.  The ultra-nationalists in power launched dehumanizing propaganda against them.  Their semblance of official protection had been stripped away and made them relegated to a class of life undeserving of life.  Their property was confiscated.  And in the end they were beaten and butchered and starved...

So, Chris Hardwick featured me on Comedy Central last night...

Not for the first time, not for the last, I am smacked with the realization that the rest of my life is going to be dogged by my being the man who ran for school board by blowing up a little red schoolhouse with the Death Star... Yes, it's true: Chris Hardwick used my school board commercial - the one with the Star Wars theme - on his Comedy Central show @Midnight...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Human embryos, genetically modified for the first time ever

Isn't this how Khan Noonien Singh came about? "Superior ability breeds superior ambition."...

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Photos from my Florida odyssey

I needed this trip, severely.  Looking in the mirror this morning, I barely recognize the guy who set off eleven days ago on what became over a week in Florida.  It's not the face of the Chris who's spent most of the past several months in grief over the passing of a parent, or in frustration of other things that have tested my perseverance. Sometimes you need to...

Monday, April 20, 2015

Dear people of Jacksonville, Florida...

Driving south down I-95, your stretch of which must be the most treacherous length of interstate in the continental United States.  The GPS blaring red alerts of "stay in the left lane" practically the entire time from the Georgia border until well past town.  Hopped-up on Dr. Pepper and Lindsey Stirling's "Shatter Me" playing over the car stereo. It was one of the most crazy awesome experiences I've ever had as a driver.  But please......

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Well, here it is: the new trailer for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS!

"Chewie. We're home." I've watched this at least ten times so far and I still can't believe that I'm looking at something this mind-droolingly epic... It's happening. Good lord... this is really happening. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens gets unleashed this Christm...

Friday, April 10, 2015

Does this drug stop hay fever? You may not want it...

Please note: I am not a physician or a chemist or a pharmacological engineer or anything of that nature.  I'm only your friendly neighborhood blogger who comes across interesting things to share, and more importantly musings and observations from my own peculiar vantage point on the world.  So you know to take what I'm about to say for whatever that's worth. That said, this is by now something worth putting out there.  Maybe others...

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Another work of art from Cameron Hobbs

Last month I was honored to introduce this blog's readers to Cameron Hobbs, a young artist who has come a long way already.  And I've no doubt he's going to go much, much further. Well, Cameron has unleashed another creation upon the world and I'm again honored to publish it.  So without further ado... Letting Go, by Cameron Hobbs, 2015 You can find more of...

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

It was a dance for the ages...

 Congratulations Duke and especially Coach K!...

Monday, April 06, 2015

David Lynch should direct a new Star Wars movie

Just a wild idea that popped into mind while thinking about yesterday's horrid news about the revival of Twin Peaks: If David Lynch won't be returning to helm the new Twin Peaks, then he should be allowed to direct one of the new stand-alone Star Wars movies. I'm serious. It's been thirty years.  He's ready. It almost happened anyway, with Return of the Jedi. ...

Sunday, April 05, 2015

UPDATE! Showtime cancels new TWIN PEAKS

Sorry Laura, but Showtime just made a liar out of you. I guess it was too much to hope for.  Just as it seems that now, as then, this show really is too innovative for any network. News coming out of WonderCon this afternoon, lighting up Twitter like a Christmas tree, is that the new episodes of Twin Peaks have been cancelled by premium cable network Showtime. You...