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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query transformers score. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query transformers score. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Online petition for CD of Jablonsky's TRANSFORMERS score

I just set up the Transformers score by Steve Jablonsky CD online petition.


Here are some of the comments that people have made on this post and on its followup in recent days ...

"I love original score to movies and Transformers caught my ear as soon as the movie got 20 minutes in. Im hoping they release an original score soundtrack, if they don't, it would be a crime."

"Yup, I absolutely LOVED the score and I'm dying for it to come out! I've seen the movie twice, and I would absolutely go again just to listen to the score!"

"i saw it 3 times and the last two where just to listen to the score. i am a very big movie score kind of guy and i have to say it was the best on e out of any that i have heard in any movie. It set the mood and struck the emotional attachment to what was going on during the movie better than any score iv heard. i would put it up there with brave heart and Gettysburg. i definitely will be buying it when it come out"

"I hope the reason they are taking so long releasing it, is that they are perfecting it. Although, it was soooo wicked in the movie, its good enough!!!The autobots arrival scene gave me chills..."

"I'll put my vote in for the score as well, and my money. If it comes out I'll buy it."

"I got here doing the same thing, Looking for the score. The movie was awesome, seen it twice and the Score is EPIC."

"I know! I from sweden im also looking for the Score to transformers 2007."

"I agree with all of you 100% The score was fanominal. Particualy the Autobots arrival and Bumblebee's capture. I've seen the movie about five times now, and everytime i hear that music i get a lump in my throat. Truely amazeing, I can't wait."

"I've seen the movie 4 times myself and I absolutely love it. I too wish to have the true score of the movie. The soundtrack they released is okay, but the score would be awesome. I love the parts when the Autobots arrive and when the military men are fighting Scorponuk. Here's hoping."

"i agree the score in this movie is off the chain
i really hope they come out with the score soundtrack"

At least three people have told me personally that part of the reason they have gone back to watch Transformers again, is to hear the orchestral soundtrack by Steve Jablonsky.

This blog continues to get slammed with hits that, when I check the logs, are from folks who are doing Google searches for variations of "transformers", "score", "jablonsky", "cd" and the like. In fact, I would say that right now, out of the several hundred visits this blog currently gets per day, maybe 60-80 percent are from people looking for information - any at all - on a Transformers score album.

I can't say enough how much it looks like from this end that there is a demand for this CD.

Now, we know from SoundtrackNet that a score album is "in the works", and no doubt that I'm joining a lot of people who are thankful to hear that. So yeah I know: what's the point of petitioning for something that's supposed to be coming out anyway?

The purpose of this petition is to underline how much we really do want this outstanding orchestral score. As much as we enjoy having the soundtracks of the Star Wars movies and The Lord of the Rings in our collections, we would love to have Steve Jablonsky's score for Transformers among them. And we not only want this album, but we believe that this is a score that deserves a lot of care and attention be lavished on its production.

Here's the link to the petition again. Feel free to sign and pass it around, if you feel so led :-)

Monday, July 23, 2007

TRANSFORMERS Jablonsky score album update: Lot of stuff flying around

Here's the petition that was set up last week, asking for an album be released of Steve Jablonsky's magnificent score from the movie Transformers. If you loved the music in this movie too (and we're talking about the orchestral soundtrack) and haven't already, please feel free to sign it. At last count there were 438 signatures.

Since reporting last week about Sony Music saying that there are "no immediate plans" to release a CD of the Transformers score, a lot of people have been making inquiries with various parties about this. Fellow seeker-of-the-score Chris Barry has made the following compilation of answers that have been coming out about a score release:

1. Lorne Balfe (composed some additional music on Transformers) said: "There is talk of a score for transformers coming out but it will be at least another 2 months!"

2. Mel Wesson (ambient music designer for Transformers) said: That's a question a lot of people are asking but to tell the truth I have no idea what's happening with the album. It would surprise me if the score wasn't released, although people tell
me soundtrack albums without high profile songs seldom sell that well. That said it's a big movie, there's a market for the score and I'm sure it'll be available at some stage.

3. Frank Macchia (responsible for percussion/choir orchestration on Transformers) said: I have not heard that there will be a score release of Steve's music to Transformers. It's possible that down the road a CD will come out, but I do not know of any CD presently planned.

4. SonyMusicStore Customer Service said: At this time, there are no immediate plans regarding the release of the Transformers soundtrack score.

It's a good thing to know, at least, that the right folks who have been involved with Transformers's music do understand that there is quite a heavy demand for this score. By the way, when talking about a "Jablonsky Transformers score album", I hope that this includes every composer's contribution to this amazing soundtrack, if at all possible.

And in case you haven't seen Transformers yet (and you really should 'cuz it's a terrific movie), here's an example of why so many people want to own this soundtrack so much. I've no idea how long it'll be up on YouTube but someone has posted the "Autobots descent" scene. Here it is, in all it's glory:

I'm going to be contacting Sony Music pretty soon (can't today 'cuz there's a few things on my plate that need attention and I want to allow for however much time is needed to convey our desire on this) and will report back, hopefully with some encouraging word. In the meantime, keep spreading the word about the petition and encouraging people to sign it. Even if this is just a fraction of the people who want to buy a Transformers score CD, every signature is still going to help the cause immensely.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ANOTHER petition for TRANSFORMERS: THE SCORE?! Movement afoot to re-release album

By Primus, I never thought that we'd be going through this again. But, it looks like we will! :-)

If you've been reading this blog for awhile, then you're no doubt familiar with the hijinks (among numerous others) that happened this past year regarding the movie Transformers and it's amazing orchestral score by composer Steve Jablonsky. After seeing the movie I went looking for the score's CD in stores. It wasn't available. I made sure to write about it on this blog that I was looking forward to a release of Jablonsky's Transformers score. Lots of people were looking for it too and began coming to this blog, seeking any information for it. Almost on a lark, I set up an online petition requesting that the Powers That Be release the score. And it got slammed! Some drama ensued and I tried to chronicle it here. In the end, Warner Bros. Records published Transformers: The Score on October 9th, 2007. It sold very well on Amazon and became highly sought-after in stores. And for a time, everyone was happy...

Okay well...

It now looks like the victory was short-lived, because Transformers: The Score is no longer being published. At least in hard-copy CD. It's still available as a music download via Amazon and iTunes. But that's not good enough and the demand is still enormous for the Transformers score CD.

How enormous? Right now I'm looking on eBay: there are currently 20 bids for a copy of Transformers: The Score and it's now up to $83. During the past few months I've seen other copies of the CD that have likewise sold at astronomical prices.

So now, once again, there is... another online petition for the release of Transformers: The Score!

I've gladly signed this one, but otherwise I'm not involved in this petition. But I do wish them all the best, because this is a movie soundtrack that stands as tall as any other, and it deserves to have some more enduring space on the music rack in stores or wherever. Months later, and I'm still listening to Transformers: The Score quite a lot! And who knows: maybe Warner Bros. Records is still working on that 2-disc set that we've heard rumored about. If so, I can accept that. But if that's not in the works, then they should seriously consider re-issuing the original Transformers: The Score.

So... ya wanna sign? Because you know that you should. It's your choice, but not really.

Click here to sign

the Transformers: The Score

re-issue petition.

Thanks to Benechia for the heads-up!

"Transform and roll out..." them CDs! :-)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

TRANSFORMERS score CD news: ScoreNotes.com review, Amazon and store availability, and update on the signed copy eBay auction

There's not nearly as much news about Transformers: The Score as I wish I could relay to y'all tonight. But here 'tis...

First, word is that Warner Records is still "scrambling" to distribute the score CD. Someone told me that this past week was something of "a shock" regarding demand for this album.

Amazon is still reflecting the shortage. Earlier on Friday morning the site said that it would again be in stock on October 20th. Right now it's saying that the product "Usually ships within 1 to 3 weeks" although some who ordered the CD this past week said on Friday that they received e-mails from Amazon stating that their orders are either about to ship or are already on their way. As of this writing according to Amazon's product page for Transformers: The Score it is holding strong at #35 in music sales and #4 in movie soundtracks. That category, for some reason or another, also includes the soundtracks for Halo 3 and Twin Peaks Season 2, and The Best of the Three Tenors(?!?).

None of the Best Buy stores within a hundred-mile radius have the score CD in stock. Ditto for Circuit City. I went to the Wal-Mart Supercenters in both Reidsville and Eden on Thursday night. At each location there was probably a dozen copies of the soundtrack to Ken Burns's new documentary The War, as well as the soundtrack from Tyler Perry's latest film Why Did I Get Married?... but not a sign anywhere of Transformers: The Score. However at the Eden Wal-Mart I wound up getting some new Star Wars figures: Darth Malak, the Animated Debut version of Boba Fett, and the Ralph McQuarrie Concept of the Starkiller Hero (AKA "Luke Skywalker is a girl!"). But alas: no Transformers score CD! And much to Lisa's chagrin, Friday afternoon I found the McQuarrie Concept figure of Darth Vader: I'm now forbidden from bringing any more Star Wars figures into the house for the rest of the month :-P

But anyhoo, I still can't find the CD either. So my self-imposed fast - that I will not listen to Transformers: The Score until I can purchase two copies at some store's cash register - is still in effect. That's more than 2 days now that I haven't played the soundtrack at all: not a single note from the thing. And I'm dying to have it playing on our stereo again.

But if most people can't listen to this album, then I can't either. Not from CD or an MP3 player, I will not enjoy it... 'Til all have one!

ScoreNotes.com has a great review of Transformers: The Score. It gives the album an 8 out of 10.

Finally, in my review of Transformers: The Score it was announced that we had a copy of this CD signed by composer Steve Jablonsky, and that it would soon be auctioned on eBay, with 100% of the proceeds going to support something relating to music education. And there was something very particular that it was always intended that this would be going to help with.

A few days ago I was told that the needs of this situation had been provided for and that we didn't have to worry about it any more.

Except that we still have this copy of Transformers: The Score signed by Steve Jablonsky, that was always meant to help with music education. And there's no way that I can retreat from that commitment. Somehow, we need to auction this CD so that it honors not just the spirit of the original intended purpose but also Mr. Jablonsky, who we are very thankful that he lent his support in this matter.

I'm still trying to figure some things out (and there are a few ideas that I'm looking into) but I can absolutely promise you, that we will have the eBay auction for this signed copy of the Transformers: The Score CD and that it will be soon. As soon as can be managed. And that every penny from this sale will go toward music education in some worthwhile capacity. It matters to me tremendously that this all be above-the-board and subject to scrutiny.

That's been the biggest thing worrying me about Transformers: The Score the past several days, truth be known. Lord willing, we will be able to move forward with this very quickly.

And hopefully sometime early next week I will have some concrete word about the distribution problems especially for y'all in Canada and elsewhere :-)

'Til next time...

"Transform and roll out... them CDs!!!"

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sony Music: "No immediate plans" to release Jablonsky TRANSFORMERS score

A few days go I started an online petition to show support for an album release of Steve Jablonsky's amazing orchestral score from Transformers. At the time I intended for the petition to reach whoever was responsible for Transformers's marketing, and I thought that this should include Warner Records, since that's the label that produced the Transformers "soundtrack" with music "inspired by" the movie. I was acting under the impression that Warner Records would be the outfit that would release the CD(s) of the actual score.

(By the way, I've watched the Transformers "soundtrack" sales rank on Amazon go from #22 this past Saturday to #282 today, just 5 days later. A lot of people are buying this CD thinking it's the Jablonsky score, and some are returning it once they realize this isn't the score at all. And word about that is getting around fast.)

Well, apparently it's not Warner Records at all, but that it's Sony Music that will be responsible for what happens with a commercial release of the Jablonsky Transformers score. And the word from them is ... it might not be "in the works" right now after all.

Here's what user "Zophael" on the Superhero Hype! Boards got as a reply from Sony Music when he asked about the album ...

At this time, there are no immediate plans regarding the release of the Transformers soundtrack score.

SonyMusicStore Customer Service

I'm going to keep the petition going (click here if you haven't signed it already and would like to). Whenever's a good time to do so, I'm going to forward these names and comments to Sony Music. But I'm thinking that maybe it would be good to go for a direct appeal at this point also.

Here's the Sony Music website's feedback form where you can write to them from your desk.

There is also this mailing address that I found. It's for Sony Music Online Services, but I imagine any mail about a Transformers score would probably get forwarded to the appropriate department ...

Sony Music Online Services
550 Madison Ave, 24th Fl
New York, NY 10022-3211
There is also this phone number for Sony BMG Music Entertainment. I'm going to try to give them a call tomorrow and see what's the status on the Jablonsky Transformers score ...
Sony BMG Music Entertainment
If you write or call, remember: be nice! We very much want to have Steve Jablonsky's awe-inspiring score from Transformers in our music collections. So we need to impress upon Sony Music that they stand to make serious money by releasing this as a top-quality album, crafted with as much care and attention as any other epic movie's soundtrack.

Let's show 'em how much we want 'em to "transform and roll out" them CDs! :-)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Chandra Cogburn: TRANSFORMERS score "coming out soon"!

Some great news to report from the effort to see a Transformers orchestral score CD be made available!

First, the petition showing support for Steve Jablonsky's Transformers score has gone from 438 signatures on Monday afternoon, to 787 right now on Wednesday evening. I realize that some are saying that "online petitions don't work" but all the same, this is a pretty strong barometer of how much demand there is to see this album released.

The second bit of news is even more heartening. I sent an e-mail to Chandra Cogburn, who was one of the composers who worked on Transformers. I told her that the work she and the others did on this score was amazing and that there is a very large demand for an album of it. This is what Miss Cogburn said when she wrote back:

Hello Chris,

There will be an album of Transformers score coming out soon. I do not know the details, as I am not working on it. Thanks so much for appreciating the music, and all our hard work!

Chandra Cogburn

This is also what Chris Barry was told this week when he also asked about a Transformers score.

My gut feeling is that we are going to see this score released, and probably before the DVD of Transformers comes out around late fall. I can only assume that once the DVD is out that there will be an even larger demand for this score.

Anyway, there's the latest from the "give us that great Transformers score" front! Will report more as it happens.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

First review ANYWHERE of TRANSFORMERS: THE SCORE by Steve Jablonsky (and a peek at how you might be able to get a signed copy!)

The doorbell rang just after 11 this morning.

Usually that means it's Dad come by for a visit, 'cuz he's the only person who ever rings the doorbell: everyone else just knocks. So I took a looksee out the peephole to see if it was him.

It wasn't. It was a lady in a FedEx uniform holding a package.

I thought that it must be something Lisa had ordered, because she's all the time getting books and other stuff for her music classes. Although I had been told that something was coming to me via FedEx, but I wasn't expecting that particular package until sometime next week. So I signed the lil' computer pad thingy and the nice FedEx lady handed me the package and the first thing that I noticed is that it was addressed to "Chris Knight".

The second thing that I noticed is that it was sent from "Steve Jablonsky".

Here's some of what was inside:

Steve Jablonsky sent signed copies of Transformers: The Score to both Lisa and me! Lisa was especially thrilled about it: this is going to be quite a cool thing for her to show to her students! It must be said: between the Star Wars decor in her classroom, doing stuff that encourages appreciation of folk music and now this, she goes all-out to make learning music interesting.

And as for my copy, well... I already have some plans for it. This CD of Transformers: The Score signed by Steve Jablonsky himself is going to be put on display in a shadowbox, along with a printed-out copy of the online petition that I started a few months ago (including ALL of the signatures). And my original idea was to put a little plaque in between them saying "Some things are worth fighting for" but my friend Eric Wilson had an even better idea: his suggestion is that it should be emblazoned with "NO SACRIFICE, NO VICTORY!". So that's what it's going to say :-)

Along with these two CDs, Steve also sent a signed copy of the D-War soundtrack. And he sent one more signed copy of Transformers: The Score, which has a very special purpose which I'll talk more about to wrap-up this post. Which I can't thank Steve Jablonsky enough for not only sending us these nice copies of the Transformers score, but how he's helping out with a really groovy cause.

Okay, wellllll... here's the first review anywhere of Transformers: The Score. I just spent the past few hours listening to it twice. So what's it like?

In a word: "Magnificent!"

Folks, I can gladly report to you that the wait has been well worth it. In fact, as good as Transformers: The Score sounds, I now appreciate that they didn't rush this into production. It is exceedingly obvious that a great deal of care and attention went into putting this CD together. It is the common belief of many people that Steve Jablonsky's score for Transformers is among the finest in motion picture history, and a lot of us have wanted a CD that does justice not only to the movie and its score, but to the man who composed the orchestral soundtrack. Thankfully, Transformers: The Score does all of that, and more.

If you're a fan of the Transformers movie and you loved its instrumental soundtrack, you absolutely should do yourself a favor and purchase the actual CD, rather than buy a digital download. Why? Because I don't know if a digital file can come close to replicating the tremendous depth and splendor of a compact disc, and this score absolutely demands that you enjoy it at the fullest possible clarity. I cannot begin to emphasize this point nearly enough regarding Transformers: The Score. It deserves space on your CD rack, to be admired and appreciated. It's a beautiful CD to just look at, even.

There are 20 tracks on this CD. Only a few themes from the movie didn't make this cut, but don't fret: there's plenty of material here, including all of the most important pieces. And not only that but most of them are significantly longer than how they were used in the final film. The CD clocks in at just 2 seconds shy of a full hour: quite a bit longer than most CDs that I've bought in the past few years or so, but about par for the course so far as movie soundtracks go.

By the way, I can also report that the names of some of the tracks, which had previously been mis-spelled when details about Transformers: The Score first appeared online, are now spelled correctly. That is worth mentioning because not long after the track listing was revealed, some sources said that those would be the names printed on the labels because the CDs were already well in production. Now it looks like they went back and fixed these names. At least they are correct on the copies that we received. Those are noted below.

Okay well, let's get right to it! By the way, those tracks which are described on the CD as being different/longer than how they are in the movie will be marked with an asterisk ("*").

1. "Autobots"*: The opening theme from the movie, but greatly expanded. Sounds epic and majestic. Already, there's a sense of how much effort and appreciation went into this CD, because the crispness and clarity of the audio is astounding.

2. "Decepticons"*: MUCH longer than the "Decepticons" MP3 that first appeared on the Burger King tie-in website over the summer. Continuing the high quality that was introduced with "Autobots", there is also far more depth than anything we have heard before so far as available Transformers music goes, and it's especially apparent with the ominous chanting. More than any other track, I think here Jablonsky is really emphasizing the utter alien-ness of the Transformers race... which is something that hasn't been done nearly enough in the entire long history of the franchise.

3. "The All Spark"*: Music for a machine god. Has a nice, dark use of cello (I think that's what it is: my cello-playing buddy Darth Larry will doubtless tell me if I'm wrong :-).

4. "Deciphering The Signal"*: Very "cyberpunk"-ish and driving vibe here.

5. "Frenzy"*: Evil and sneaky, a fitting theme for the namesake Decepticon. This is a lot of the stuff that we heard when Frenzy was hacking into Air Force One.

6. "Optimus"*: Starts off as a soft, noble "new age"-ish theme for this, one of the most beloved characters from popular culture of the past two decades. Some beautiful strings in this track (reminds me a lot of what Howard Shore did for the Rohan theme from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers). It gradually becomes something more soaring and mighty.

7. "Bumblebee"*: A lot of the Autobot theme but "personalized" for Bumblebee's character. I thought it sounded really sweet and heroic.

8. "SOCCENT Attack": This was used twice in the movie: at the beginning when Blackout attacks the base in Qatar, and then later on when Megatron resurrects. So if you want the music for when N.B.E. 1 wakes up poky and declares "I am... Megatron!" here ya go! Wonderful music to accompany with mankind's first encounter with the Decepticons.

9. "Sam At The Lake": Pretty much what it says. For some reason I'm noticing it more listening to it from the soundtrack CD than I did in the movie. It sounds... I don't know, more "catchy". Yes, even the music from the scene when Sam and Miles are at the lake, sounds terrific on this CD :-)

10. "Scorponok"*: "BRING IT!!!" And no, your eyes are not deceiving you: the title of this track is fixed from what it was earlier reported to be! I'm looking at it on the CD label right now and it is spelled "Scorponok", not "Skorpinok". This is another one that is significantly longer than the movie version. Which will delight many because this was one of the most demanded themes from the soundtrack: Scorponok's assault on the SOCCENT survivors and then the Air Force's massive counter-attack. Of all the tracks on this CD, this is the one that I am most in fear of. Why? Because it's got that same kind of "FASTER GO FASTER!" vibe that "Duel of the Fates" from the Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace soundtrack had. Which actually caused me to get a speeding ticket a few days after it came out while driving to Elon University. I solemnly promise you, I will keep this track handy in the car when Lisa goes into labor someday and I need to get to the hospital fast.

11. "Cybertron": A very desolate, empty, haunting theme. For some reason I'm reminded a lot of Brian May's score from The Road Warrior. A sad requiem for a dead world.

12. "Arrival To Earth"*: THE MOST DEMANDED track on the whole thing, bar none! This is the track that was called "The Autobots Descent" by a lot of people over the summer (some still refuse to call it anything but that... yeah I'm looking at you Mr. Smart-Alecky Young Dutch Filmmaker :-P). Whatever it is you want to call it, "Arrival To Earth" is staggering in its majesty. The whole theme, from just before the "meteors" appear in the sky, to Optimus's introduction, is here. And there is a LOT more to it than what you heard from the movie, too! I actually had a tear in my eye listening to this one from the CD, just as I did when I watched this scene in the theater. Pretty much the heart and soul of the entire album.

13. "Witwicky": Mischievous. Notice that the title of this track is also fixed, where earlier reports had it as "Whitwicky". This is from when Sam arrives back at his house and the Autobots are trying their best to hide.

14. "Downtown Battle": This is the music that you'll probably have playing in your head when you know that something big and angry is about to arrive to lay some serious smack down.

15. "Sector 7": Trying hard to remember where this was from: when Simmons first arrives on the scene, perhaps? Good music for a government agency that doesn't really exist. Too bad the National Security Agency can't ask Steve Jablonsky if they can use it for their anthem 'cuz coming out to get permission like that would be an official acknowledgment that they are really there :-)

16. "Bumblebee Captured": A very moving track. This was a genuinely painful thing in the movie to watch: sorta like that very horrific scene in E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial that has scarred my mind ever since seeing it at the theater in 1982. "Bumblebee Captured" strongly evokes the innocence of this brave Autobot caught in tragic circumstance. Quite appropriate music for the scene's tone.

17. "You're A Soldier Now": A continuation from "Downtown Battle" with a nice reprise of all the major themes spread throughout, especially those of the Autobots and Decepticons.

18. "Sam On The Roof"*: There's a really nice use of the chorals from the Decepticons theme in this one. More continuation of the previous tracks used for the Mission City fight.

19. "Optimus Vs. Megatron": It all comes down to this: the battle between two brothers. "At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall."

20. "No Sacrifice, No Victory"*: They have lost a beloved comrade. But they have gained new ones. Ends with military-like drumming along with the closure of the Autobots theme, as the remains of the Decepticons are consigned by the U.S. Navy to the freezing depths of the north Atlantic.

By the way, I haven't looked at the interior fold-out artwork much. Since the front label is what Steve Jablonsky signed, I'm very reluctant to mess with that :-) I will be buying another copy this coming Tuesday from the local retailer, and make my fair contribution. Actually, I might buy more than one, maybe as Christmas stocking-stuffers for friends or something.

How do I rate Transformers: The Score? I'll give it the full five sparks!

That's pretty much all I have to say about the actual score itself, but there's one more thing that I need to talk about to finish out this post. As I said earlier, Steve Jablonsky sent signed copies of Transformers: The Score to Lisa and me. He also sent one more, which isn't signed to anyone in particular. We asked for his help on something, and he was very glad to oblige. For this, we are extremely thankful:

There are a few things I need to wrap up on this end before I can get this going. But this copy of Transformers: The Score, signed by Steve Jablonsky, will soon be put up for auction on eBay. Where everyone can bid for it. And 100% of the proceeds will be going toward something involving music education.

There will be much more about this very very soon. In the meantime, keep checking this blog for further details.

Very special thanks again to Steve Jablonsky, for his remarkable score and for how he's helping us with this.

So now you all know what to do to help Steve out: go buy Transformers: The Score next week and put some money in his pocket!! Go buy it because you love this music and you want to enjoy it at its fullest grandeur. Go buy it because in your heart, you know it's the right thing to do. Or, don't buy it, and perish in flame.

It's your choice. But, not really.

Monday, August 06, 2007

TRANSFORMERS score album update: Sony sez they ain't involved

It's been a week now since the last update regarding the drive to see an album released containing Steve Jablonsky's wonderful score from the movie Transformers. Don't take that to mean that things have been quiet on that front though. Far from it: the past seven days have seen a flurry of activity and investigating and conflicting rumors that some good people have been working hard to cut through. Most of this has had to do with it being thought that Sony Music had the rights to publish the score. And that's what a lot of people have been telling me over the past couple of weeks.

Among the biggest breakthroughs that have happened in this matter came about because of Marco van Bergen: an intrepid young film-maker (click here for the website for his movie Zero Hour) and journalist based in the Netherlands. Marco's been making some tremendous inroads in getting the word spread about the Transformers score petition. Well earlier today he received what may be the most substantive info yet straight from the sources at Sony Music. And that word is ... that Sony Music isn't in charge of the score at all, apparently! Here's what they sent Marco:

Hi Marco, unfortunately I don't have any information on this record as it is not a Sony BMG release. There might have been some confusion with the recent release of the Transformers Movie 20th Anniversary Edition soundtrack (the animated movie) since Sony BMG had put that record out.

SonyMusicStore Customer Service
"Your Source For Music And More!"

Okay so ... who is in charge of the score? Is it indeed, as some have said, Warner Records: the company that released the Transformers "soundtrack" (it's not a real soundtrack) album?

I don't know, but I'm going to be spending part of the next few days trying to find out. In the meantime, it might be worth bearing in mind that Transformers should hit the $300 million dollar mark in box office earnings by the end of this week. It's now the #4 highest-grossing movie of 2007. The Transformers score petition also received it's 3,000th signature earlier this evening. It sure seems that whoever has the rights to release a good album of Jablonsky's score for Transformers, is sitting on a gold mine that's just waiting to be tapped into. Let's hope they do it soon! :-)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Look! Info about Steve Jablonsky's score for TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON!

Hey gang, we are just a few days away from Transformers: Dark of the Moon and, starting to get stoked about this movie in the biggest way! Maybe it's something to do with having bought the Blu-rays of both the previous films last week and watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen for only the second time ever. And oddly enough, two years later I'm much more entertained by that movie. It still has its problems (namely "Car Car Binks" aka the Autobot twins, and I genuinely feel sorry for whoever it was at Industrial Light and Magic who was handed the task of digitally animating Devastator's ummm... "wrecking ball testicles") but y'know, I wound up digging it way more than before as a Transformers live-action flick. In fact, as I write this my desktop PC is busy ripping the Blu-ray so I can put both these movies on my iPad!

Awright, so we've got the third movie coming out next week. And a lot of you have been writing me about the score that Steve Jablonsky has composed for his third outing with the Transformers saga. Maybe the inquiries are coming here because of, ummmmmmm... how totally crazy I went for Transformers: The Score four years ago. Longtime readers remember how this lil' blog sorta wound up being where many people coalesced their desire to see that score released. We eventually got it and four years later, I've heard from bunches of people how it gets consistently played on their iPods or whatever (including my own :-). And thankfully we didn't have to go through that in order to get Jablonsky's score for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (a score which was no less epic than the one for the first film).

But what about the score for Transformers: Dark of the Moon?

Apparently the CD (and presumably iTunes availability) was supposed to have been June 7th. Those industrious Trans-fans at Seibertron.com are now reporting that it has been pushed back to June 28th: this coming Tuesday, just before the movie smashes its way into theaters. However it's not showing up on Amazon.com yet. And as of this writing the official Transformers: Dark of the Moon music site is merely stating that the score album is "Coming Soon".


I'm inclined to believe that it's gonna be coming out and sooner than later (likely much sooner) 'cuz Film Music Reporter has snagged the complete track listing! It's there if you wanna read all the track titles, but be warned: there might be (read as: "definitely are") some spoiler-ish details about the movie that can be gleaned from them.

Oh yeah, that's not the official album cover art either. Just a placeholder that I'm seeing on a few sites. No doubt the real score album cover is gonna look much better :-)

Anyhoo, there y'all have it. Don't fret: Steve Jablonsky's Transformers: Dark of the Moon score is heading our way. We aren't going to have to fight for it this time either! And there's a good chance that a week from now we'll all get to have it in our grubby lil' paws.

Good times! :-)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First details about the TRANSFORMERS score CD (including possibility of a 2-disc set)!

Since news broke here on Sunday night that the soundtrack CD of Steve Jablonsky's score for Transformers would be coming out on October 9th from Warner Bros. Records, I've watched the album's product page on Amazon reflect considerable demand for this CD. When it first listed on Sunday night it was somewhere in the 40,000-ish area so far as sales ranks go. Yesterday morning around 10:30 EST it was #1,618. Currently it's at #217 and some are saying it might be in double-digits within the next few days. The Transformers score CD has also jumped significantly at the Barnes & Noble site (currently at #669).

All of those are just from presales, for an album that word is only now really getting around that it's coming out.

Every indication right now is that this is set to become a major selling CD. And sales are probably going to soar even more after the DVD/HD-DVD release of the movie later this fall.

Well, The Knight Shift was proud to have been the first news outlet(?) anywhere to announce the October 9th release date, and now it gets to be the first to offer up some juicy details about the CD itself! This all comes from a highly trusted and well-placed source that I am going to dub "Emirate Xaaron" for sake of anonymity. But take my word for it: "Emirate Xaaron" is as good as his namesake Autobot! Here's what this steadfast agent has to report...

- The album is already in production. Meaning that they are pressing out CDs even now.

- Sources who have listened to the CD report that it sounds "AWESOME!"

- The album is one disc and is "as complete as possible".

- Warner Records may consider publishing a 2-disc set containing all the music that Steve Jablonsky and his crew created for Transformers, which presumably would include most/all of the music not used in the final cut of the movie (Jablonsky reportedly composed about 90 minutes of score). The possibility of a 2-disc Transformers score album depends on how well the initial release sells.

- It looks like the public demand for a proper Transformers soundtrack CD might have had some effect. Emirate Xaaron reports that Warner Records had already slated the score album for a release but that it was originally intended to come out "later", in November. Now they are "speeding up the process" to get the score out!

Sounds groovy! Now all we need is a nice juicy official press release from the Warners home office to post here in big bold font :-)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

TRANSFORMERS 2 shaping up fast and my vow regarding TRANSFORMERS: THE SCORE

Tonight I'm still getting plenty of e-mails from folks telling me their tales of woe regarding their not being able to find Transformers: The Score anywhere.

How bad is this? Enough that I'm now feeling some regret at having some copies of the CD here, knowing that most people aren't getting it.

So here's my solemn vow, as an Eagle Scout...

Being that I cannot in good conscience listen to Transformers: The Score and feel right about that after knowing that most people cannot purchase it at all, I promise to no longer listen to Transformers: The Score until I have bought two copies of this CD at a traditional retail outlet. That will be an assurance to me that the CD is finally getting the distribution that it deserves.
Hey, I held off on kissing Lisa until our wedding ceremony. Abstaining from the Transformers score is an easy thing to do after that :-P

Here's hoping and praying that we'll get some official word about the score CD situation soon. In the meantime, there is some good news regarding Transformers 2 or whatever it's title will be:

- Steven Spielberg says that the story for Transformers 2 will be finished within the next two weeks and that if the writer's strike doesn't happen in November then production should begin "pretty quickly".

- Spielberg also says that a full-fledged script may be ready within a month and that Shia Le Beouf is on board for "multiple" sequels.

- Digital pre-visualizations are already well underway! Some of this includes designs that weren't used in the first film... which may be a good sign for those Transformers fans who wanted (but didn't get) to see Arcee: maybe in Part 2 they'll have her at last.

And yeah, I've been following some of the story about the "treatment" that may or may not have been generated somewhere among The Powers That Be (mash down here for an intriguing comment by the admin of Michael Bay's forums). Don't really think we should be reading too much into it right now, 'cuz this early on in a movie's planning stages there's all kinds of ideas and crazy notions that get jotted down, then rejected, sometimes picked up again and almost invariably leading to permutations far different than how they were originally conceived. In the very early drafts of George Lucas's "The Star Wars" there was a guy named Darth Vader but he was a pretty minor character, so anything can still happen.

Oh yeah, only five more days until Transformers is out on DVD, too! :-)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Steve Jablonsky thanks YOU for supporting the TRANSFORMERS score!

Here is the e-mail that arrived earlier this afternoon from Steve Jablonsky, the composer of the orchestral score for the movie Transformers.
Hey Chris,

My assistant forwarded your email to me a while back. I checked out your petition, and I wanted to personally thank you and everyone that signed. Support from fans like you really means a lot to me, and it makes me very happy that so many people enjoyed the Transformers score. Sorry it has taken so long to get it released. A score release was always in the works, it just took a while to pull everything together. But I'm glad it's finally coming out.

So thank you again, and a big thanks to the thousands who signed. Feel free to post this on your site or blog or wherever you like, so I can pass along thanks to everyone.


Thanks Steve! And on behalf of a lot of people, thank you and your team for the awesome work you did on this score! We are really looking forward to having this album and enjoying your music wherever we go.

And to everyone who signed the petition and otherwise supported the release of the Transformers score: THANK YOU!! :-)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Just a friendly reminder that today, October 9th 2007, is the day that Transformers: The Score, the CD of Steve Jablonsky's beautiful orchestral soundtrack from the movie Transformers, goes on sale.

I had hoped to have photos of it on the sales rack, but the Wal-Mart here in Reidsville doesn't have it yet (they can be slow in putting new music and DVDs out anyway). But some reports have come in from Georgia, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Texas that the CD has been spotted at various Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target and Fye stores. So, it's out there. And it's also on sale via iTunes as a digital download. I'm still hoping that everyone will buy the physical CD though 'cuz it's a wonderful thing to hold and behold.

I won't be completely satisfied until I see it with my own two eyes and purchase a couple and see them ring up on the register. But if folks are able to get it now, then I'm a happy man :-)

THANK YOU, all of you, who have worked over the past few months by signing the petition and getting the word out that this score album was not only desired, but that we wanted a lot of care and attention to be given it. Here's my review of the soundtrack from a few days ago and just as I did then, I can attest that this CD is everything we hoped it would be.

Thank you also, to the good folks at Warner Bros. Records, who published this score and went all-out in its production. You guys did a great job. And I very much hope that you will pay attention to the sales figures for this CD and determine that it warrants that 2-disc set we have heard might be coming.

Thanks to Michael Bay and his crew for making such a kick-butt movie for this music to accompany!

Most of all, a most heartfelt thank you to Steve Jablonsky, and to his fellow musicians, for giving us this remarkable score. More than anyone else, I sincerely believe that you captured and presented the spirit and essence of the Transformers, in a way that hasn't been done in the entire 23-year history of the franchise. The score for the Transformers movie, more than you might realize, really did bring about a much-needed evolution for these characters: it helped to define and even re-define them, and grow into their own at long last. And even on its own it is an amazingly beautiful, epic and at times haunting score.

I can't wait to see what you have in store for Transformers 2.

Anyway, today is finally the day, and y'all should be able to buy Transformers: The Score most anywhere. What are you waiting for?! Go get it!! Do it now now now!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

TRANSFORMERS: THE SCORE continues to do well!

I just checked the Amazon page for Transformers: The Score. Almost two months since it came out and it's continuing to rack-up impressive sales: right now the overall Amazon music rank is #257, which isn't bad given all the other releases that have come out since then. In the category of Orchestral Pop it's at #6 and its #10 in both Classical and Movie Scores!

Where it's really shining though is the Amazon customer reviews: Transformers: The Score has been given a consistent average of 4 and 1/2 stars. And out of 52 ratings so far, 41 of them have given the CD the full 5 stars!

Okay, I'll share a lil' story about the CD. A few weeks ago, Lisa and I went down to Georgia for her cousin's wedding and then we stayed on through Thanksgiving (that's where we did the deep-fried turkey at). After the wedding, a whole bunch of Lisa's extended family came by her parents' house and we were hanging out for a bit and Lisa told her cousin the story about the whole thing to get Steve Jablonsky's Transformers score released: the petition, how we auctioned off on eBay the copy that Steve signed to help buy some music instruments for the schools here, etc. Lisa's cousin's girlfriend said that she didn't know the CD of that was out and she liked the score too when they saw the movie in the theater. Soooo long story short: I had the copy in our car that we found at Best Buy a week or so earlier (I haven't had my signed copy framed yet but I will soon :-) and I wound up giving it to her. So now that's another happy owner of Transformers: The Score.

The thing that I didn't realize though is that I had brought that copy to Georgia to be the accompanying soundtrack for this Thanksgiving's turkey-frying!

Well, it's like this: either I have the right music to fry to, or I don't fry at all. It's that important to The Ritual. It's part of what gives each turkey its own distinct history and personality. So a few days later, while Lisa was out shopping with her mom and her dad was off on an errand, I drove our rental car (yah still looking for a permanent one after the Corolla was totaled) to Marietta, got a few things (including more marinade for the turkey) and at the Border's there I bought another copy of Transformers: The Score. So now that's five copies of this one CD that have been in our possession since the beginning of October!

But at least it's pretty easy to find now :-P

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

TRANSFORMERS Score CD Roundup: "Good first day!" at Warners but distribution problems plague Canada and elsewhere

Okay, let's try to make sense of this...

Earlier today reports came in that Transformers: The Score was being found at a number of stores across the United States. I'm wondering how many copies those places got though 'cuz I've been asking these same folks who wrote in then and they all said that they got the last or next-to-last copy on the shelves. So some went out. But were they enough?

Apparently not 'cuz the vast majority of people who've written me are saying that they can not find the CD anywhere where they live. Count me among those 'cuz I haven't been able to find it either. I'm going to Greensboro tomorrow (the "big city" south of us here in Reidsville) and will be checking out Best Buy, Target and other stores, to see if it turns up there.

Like I said before, I'm not going to be 100% satisfied until I see the CD on the shelves with my own two eyes, and can put a couple o' copies down on the counter at the cash register. This Knight's crusade is still on: everybody needs to be able to get the score.

Unfortunately, I am hearing nothing but bad news from our friends in Canada: nobody there at all has been able to find it. Or at least nobody in Canada who has either written in here or on any of the Transformers-related forums has reported being able to find the score. Oddly enough, I'm hearing that the CD is on sale in Europe.

I intend to contact Warner Bros. Records tomorrow to ask about this. And if they can tell me what might be going on with Canadian distribution, I'll pass that along to y'all.

In spite of this, I am hearing from a source at Warner Records that "we had a good first day!" regarding sales of Transformers: The Score. "The results are better than we imagined: the pre-orders which have been placed all over the world just shipped out today, and web stores like Amazon are asking for more and more CDs!" The source later added that these outlets "can't handle the large demand for score CDs of Transformers."

Since Amazon was mentioned, according to its product page on Amazon Transformers: The Score is currently #30 on the music sales rank and is #3 on the movie soundtracks, after High School Musical 2 at #1 and then Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus.

I am already hearing that the unexpectedly high sales may bode well for the chances of a 2-disc edition of the soundtrack.

And that's basically it right now for the first day of this album's release: some folks are getting it, but most aren't and that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Pray that the morrow brings better news :-)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Steve Jablonsky writes this blog about TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON score CD!!!

When it comes to Transformers: Dark Of The Moon's orchestral score, you can't get much more authoritative a source than the man who composed it! A short while ago Steve Jablonsky sent me an e-mail about the current state of the score album's CD. In it he not only explains what's going on with it, he also provides a fascinating insight into the makings of a major summer blockbuster!

So without further ado, here is Mr. Jablonsky...

Hi Chris

Nice to hear from you. As you probably know the score is now up on iTunes. The physical CD situation has been more complicated. I finished the album weeks ago, but we didn't actually finalize it until a few days ago. Michael Bay is really happy with the score and he wanted to check out the album before it went out. As you might imagine, he's a busy dude. He's been flying all over the world promoting TF3, making it difficult to get approval. But I was happy that he wanted to be a part of the soundtrack and I did not want to release anything before he had his say. The record company tells me they need 4-6 weeks to get the album produced and into stores, which would put us into August at this point. A lot of discussion went into this, but the decision was made to wait on the physical CD, and release some kind of special edition alongside the blu-ray release (maybe autographed copies or other goodies, we don't know yet).

I know people are probably disappointed. Believe me I wish I could get physical CD's out there tomorrow. But it's just the way things went this time around. I can see why Paramount would rather not release a score CD almost 2 months after the movie release. To them it makes more sense to do something special around the blu-ray/DVD. I understand that.

So anyone interested in a CD should rest assured that it WILL happen. It just won't happen until later in the year unfortunately.

These big movies are so complex sometimes!! I hope you've been well!


In the past 24 hours a wazoo-load of folks have written in, wondering if there was going to be a CD at all, based on a number of indicators. But there it is from the man himself: Transformers: Dark Of The Moon: The Score WILL be coming out on nice and shiny physical media... and in comparatively the same amount of time that we had to wait for Transformers: The Score. Which in retrospect wasn't too awfully long a wait. It's just that too many of us wanted Steve Jablonsky's beautiful work to get the respect that it deserved... as it indeed it is getting this time, without a doubt :-)

In the meantime however, Transformers: Dark Of The Moon: The Score is already available on iTunes! I purchased it last night and have been listening to it like crazy all day!! This whole album is amazing and there are some positively powerful tracks on here. "Sentinel Prime" is particularly haunting (but that's all I'm gonna say, for sake of those who haven't seen the movie yet but who no doubt wil be doing so soon ;-)

So there y'all have it: the score CD is gonna be rolling out soon! Thank you Steve, for passing along the word :-)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


For well over a year now, I haven't heard much of anything at all about Transformers except for how it would suck donkey's balls to no end (my personal epithet for something that is as bad as possible and can't get any worse) when it came out.

Let's see, since early 2006 there's been: "Bumblebee is a Beetle not a Camaro", "this movie must have Soundwave", "Megatron should transform into a gun", "the script is lousy", "damn you Michael Bay!", and the ubiquitous "flames on Optimus equals rubber nipples on Batman" argument. Along with literally dozens of other reasons about why Transformers, the 2007 live-action movie, was doomed to fail. How it was T.I.N.O. ("Transformers In Name Only").

You know what? I don't want to hear another bloody word about how Transformers is supposed to be a crap-tacular waste of celluloid and computer-rendered carnage. Because I just spent two and a half hours watching Transformers, and this is the most absolute awesome movie experience that I’ve had in many, many summers!

Transformers is huge. It is epic. It will leave you stunned with wide-eyed wonder in ways you haven't felt since maybe even E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial. It is twelve scoops of crazy with sprinkles on top. This is the movie that will bring out the kid in you like very little has ever done before.

And as a Transformers fan from the very beginning of the franchise, I will also say this: Transformers the 2007 movie is definitely the best depiction of the Transformers in any medium since the brand burst on the scene all the way back in 1984.

For those who still might cry foul about this not being true to "the Transformers of our youth", I will raise a mighty positive point in this movie's defense. Transformers, the 2007 live-action movie, does for its namesake saga what Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns did for Batman: it refines it, it re-defines it, and not only re-launches the story but for the first time ever perhaps gives the story the form it was always meant to have.

All of the classic elements of Transformers that we have come to know and expect are found in Transformers the (real) movie. But at last this feels like a serious mythology, and not merely something to sell gobs of toys.

And... well, what can I say: watching it with my wife Lisa and life-long friend Chad, I felt like a ten-year old kid all over again. I said a few days ago that Chad and I used to imagine what a live-action Transformers movie would be like. I have to say: during the scene where the Autobots come together for the first time and Optimus Prime does that magnificent transformation into his "upright" form, my eyes welled-up with tears. This was something I had never thought I would ever really behold, and there it was at last. I think Chad summed it up best when he said the experience of watching Transformers was "mesmerizing".

I defy anyone to tell me that this is not a good movie.

And finally, I feel like I can forgive Michael Bay after that abortion of a movie called Pearl Harbor. For six years I've been talking junk about Bay whenever I could and however hard I could muster it. You've no idea how much I loathed Pearl Harbor. It was one of the worst atrocities ever put on film. And I will admit to having that squeamish feeling when I heard that Michael Bay had been chosen to helm Transformers. Well guess what: Michael Bay proved me wrong. He pulled Transformers off almost perfectly. Not entirely perfect, but probably as perfect as anybody could do it. With Transformers, Michael Bay at last redeemed himself in my eyes.

Make no mistake, this is a Michael Bay movie: the man just can’t say "no" to shaky cinematography and those weird 360-degree revolving shots. I've heard some people say that his style is too hard to watch, especially with all the Industrial Light and Magic eye-candy going on just about every frame of the action scenes. I thought it was the perfect style for this movie. Think about it: a lot of the perspective in Transformers is from that of us humans. Now imagine us being suddenly thrust into the middle of this inter-stellar war, with no idea about what's really going on. In that sense, Michael Bay established this great sense of "fog of war" confusion and hysteria, especially in the later action sequences.

Okay, about the movie itself...

It starts off with the voice of Optimus Prime (voiced, as he was in the original cartoon, by Peter Cullen, sounding more majestic than ever before) giving a prologue about the war among the Transformers and Megatron's lust for the Allspark: the source of Transformer life and that of their home world. The Allspark was lost to the depths of space, and was thought gone forever... until it was detected to be on a planet known as Earth.

Cut to a U.S. military base in Qatar: while one soldier named Lennox (played by Josh Duhamel) is chatting on a video link to his wife and newborn baby, an MH-53 Pave Low helicopter is inbound and has sent the base scrambling. Seems that this particular chopper and its crew was destroyed in Afghanistan months ago. The copter lands on the base's pad... and then proceeds to transform into Blackout, a massive Decepticon who proceeds to lay down some smack bigtime on these pesky fleshlings. Lennox, Epps (Tyrese Gibson), and several other soldiers barely escape the mayhem, but not before being plagued by a nasty bug-eyed insectoid 'Con called Scorponok (who Blackout launched out of his back during the initial attack).

Meanwhile state-side, high school student Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) is hocking his great-great-granddaddy's stuff – including a certain pair of eyeglasses – on eBay so that he can try to get a car. Sam's dad takes him to a car lot owned by Bobby Bolivia (a great performance by Bernie Mac). After a series of events which I won't ruin the fun by spoiling here, Sam ends up driving off the lot inside an old Chevy Camaro... which is, shall we say, "more than meets the eye". Suffice it to say, this is a particularly useful car to have, especially since it seems to know all the right moves in helping Sam score points with girl-of-his-dreams Mikaela (Megan Fox).

I'm not going to say anymore about the movie's plot. It's much like one that we would have come up with while playing with our Transformers toys back in the day. But about that plot: I didn't find anything wrong with it. It was actually a lot deeper than what I was expecting. And it didn't have many of the gaping holes that are found in some Michael Bay movies (or any of Steven Spielberg – an executive producer of Transformers – for that matter).

I thought the human acting was terrific. Jon Voight is great as the Secretary of Defense (and looking much better here than he did as Franklin Roosevelt in Pearl Harbor). John Turturro is over-the-top as Simmons, the head of Sector Seven: the group that is to the Transformers what Area 51 was to the aliens in Independence Day. I thought Turturro's character was the most "Bay-ish" of the humans in this movie (thinking mostly about the ones in Armageddon when I say that). The interaction between LeBeouf's Sam and Fox's Mikaela is sweet and cute and a lot of fun on its own.

But as good a presence as the humans have in Transformers, the big draw is gonna be the CGI-splendor of the Autobots and Decepticons going full-bore at it against each other. This may be Industrial Light and Magic's finest work to date: the computer-rendered Transformers blend in seamlessly with the real environments to such a degree, that you will honest-to-goodness swear that those massive metal behemoths are really there pounding the crap out of each other...

Which is part of why Transformers succeeds so well. The Transformers from the 1980s onward were called "robots in disguise". Let the word go out: Transformers in 2007 are not robots. A robot is a dumb automaton that follows its programming and nothing else. The battledroids in the Star Wars prequels were robots. Artoo-Detoo was not a robot: Artoo was a character with a unique personality all his own. Well, the Transformers in this movie are what they were always supposed to be: living alien organisms with an exotic physiology far beyond anything we can understand. That they are made up of steel and chrome instead of carbon and nitrogen matters not: they are alive, with souls as individual as yours or mine. In every scene that they are in - especially Optimus and Bumblebee and I loved Jazz - the Autobots and Decepticons show off their individuality in spades. And the success of that personification owes as much to the efforts by the ILM crew as it does to the Transformers voice actors, which includes Peter Cullen, and Hugo Weaving as Megatron.

(By the way, the Megatron of the 2007 Transformers movie is bar none the best incarnation of Megatron, ever! This Megatron is focused on a real, tangible goal: something that no other Megatron that I know of boasted of having.)

Even beyond the performances, Transformers brings a sense of realism that the basic story has never known before. When I say that the Transformers in this movie are "alien", I mean that in ever sense. They don't automatically know Earth languages: I thought the scene where Frenzy (I couldn't stand that little twerp... in a good way!) is jabbering to Barricade in "Transformer-ese" while we see the translation in subtitles, and later on as the Decepticons are doing their "roll-call" again in their own language, was a brilliant detail! And elsewhere in the story where this one computer specialist is talking about how this technology is based on quantum computing, something that is beyond anything known to man: I appreciated that little detail too, for a number of reasons.

And those action sequences? I've never heard an audience react with such exclamation before, as what happened this afternoon when we witnessed all of that "Bay-hem"-style destruction. Give it up for Michael Bay: the man knows how to blow stuff up real good!

I don't know what else to say at this point, except that I will probably see Transformers at least twice more while it's playing in theaters. And maybe even more times than that.

Transformers may be the best reboot of a fictional franchise that I've seen in my life so far. Heck, if Spielberg and Bay and DreamWorks and Paramount and Hasbro play this right, I could see this going from Transformers the movie and becoming Transformers the cinematic mythology, one standing tall on the same level as Star Wars and Indiana Jones and The Matrix and Pirates of the Caribbean. My only real fear at this point is that Transformers as a movie "franchise" might lose its way somewhat come the third sequel, as seems to be happening a lot lately.

But if they can keep that same sense of awestruck going, and keep us humans in jaw-dropped gawking wonder at this massive battle between good and evil that has come to our world, then I think Transformers as a film series could last another five or six movies, easily.

Transformers is the best movie of the 2007 summer season by far. I don't recommend something lightly... but I can't recommend Transformers as nearly enough as it deserves. And yes, if anyone's wondering: it did meet, and even surpass, anything that I ever envisioned a Transformers movie would be as a ten-year old kid.

(By the way, there’s a trailer for J.J. Abrams’s upcoming movie Cloverfield attached to Transformers that looks pretty darned wicked, too!)

I give Transformers, the 2007 live-action movie, a full five energon cubes (in spite of the one problem - a certain word - that I had with this movie). Prepare to roll out and go see it. Now!

And whatever you do, don't be so quick to leave the theater: there's a few quick scenes as the credits roll, including a shot of something headed toward the stars that screams out "sequel" in a huge way :-)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Review of TRANSFORMERS on DVD: 2-Disc Special Edition and that Wal-Mart exclusive

It's a funny thing: I've been so wound-up about the release of Transformers: The Score last week, after months of crusading for the thing, that when the actual movie came out on DVD a few days ago it was something that I had almost overlooked! I'm still ransacking the music shelves at all the local stores for the score CD, by the way: it's still not turning up anywhere. I may have to break down and get it off of Amazon, which I'd rather not do only because I like picking stuff off of shelves and ringing it up at the register. But Amazon really is a terrific place to find stuff especially if you can't locate it on your own, so that might have to be the route to go. In the meantime, the copy that Steve Jablonsky sent is still not being played, out of solidarity with everyone else who can't buy it in stores.

(But if you want a copy of Transformers: The Score signed by composer Steve Jablonsky to call your very own, remember the eBay auction we've got going on right now, with all proceeds going to benefit music education in Rockingham County schools.)

So Transformers came out in multiple packaging on DVD (and on HD-DVD) on Tuesday. I went to the Wal-Mart Supercenter here in Reidsville at quarter-'til 1 that morning, hoping to get the 2-Disc Special Edition. Wal-Mart didn't have that: only the regular one-disc version, and the one-disc packed with the Wal-Mart-exclusive Transformers: Beginnings, which is a 20-minute "prequel" to the movie. I really wanted the 2-disc edition with the bonus features, but since Transformers: Beginnings is something that I was wanting to check out anyway I bought the Wal-Mart exclusive version. And then later on Tuesday after doing some business in Burlington I went to Best Buy there and got the Special Edition. So I have two DVDs of Transformers here. And despite how cool my friend Eric Wilson tells me it is, I won't be getting the Target-exclusive set that has a box that transforms into Optimus Prime: Lisa has expressly forbidden any more Transformers DVDs to come into the house :-P

The Transformers 2-Disc Special Edition DVD is, in my opinion, the way to go so far as the home version of this movie goes. Disc 1 is the film itself, and this is one of the best-looking DVDs that I've ever watched. We have a 37-inch LCD high-definition television with a Philips DVP 5960 DVD player that "upconverts" standard DVDs for high-def sets. It's not true high-definition, but the picture quality has never been anything short of outstanding. Well, Transformers even from a regular DVD looks fabulous. The colors are bright, the image is crisp and the detail is remarkable. A lot of people complained about how in Transformers when it hit theaters, that a lot of the action sequences were way too blurry. For some reason the faster scenes (like the final battle in Mission City) really do seem much easier on the eyes on the DVD than they were on the big screen. The audio quality was likewise terrific. But as I'm still content to use the speakers built-into the television (no, we've yet to put in a Surround Sound setup in our place :-) I've no way of telling how "really" good this might be. But based on what I've heard from others, the audio from the Transformers DVD on more elaborate setups is pretty amazing. All told, Transformers stands tall as one of the finest titles that I've experienced in the DVD format.

Disc 1 of the Special Edition set also includes the option to watch the movie with commentary by director Michael Bay, which is interesting enough just to listen to his initial account about how he got involved with Transformers. The one-disc version doesn't have the Bay commentary, but otherwise it's identical in image and sound quality to the 2-disc set, right down to the same basic menus.

Disc 2 in the Transformers Special Edition is the bonus features, which is broken up into a number of sections. "Our World" delves into the more human-performance aspects of the making of Transformers, including the cast, stunts, physical effects and the logistics that came with shooting around the United States and making it look like a globe-spanning conflict. "Their War" is a lot of fun to watch for two big reasons: the computer-rendered artwork that brought the Transformers to life, and the extent of cooperation that Bay and his crew received from the United States military. "More Than Meets The Eye" contains a feature on the making of the Scorponok attack scene (his name is spelled "Skorponok" on the DVD features), conceptual art and a collection of trailers for the movie, from the original teaser up to the one that came out a few months before the movie's release in July.

There's 2-some hours of extra features on the bonus disc, which I thought really enhanced the overall enjoyment and appreciation of the movie itself. My only beef with the 2-Disc Special Edition is that it doesn't contain deleted scenes in the traditional sense of most 2-disc DVD sets. If you saw the IMAX release then you know that there are about six scenes (none of which really feature the Transformers themselves by the way) that weren't in the regular theatrical run. I didn't expect them to be include in the movie itself, but for the most part they were fun enough to merit featuring as bonus material on the second disc. Sadly, they aren't here, although we do see a couple of them during the "making of" segments. There is also some additional footage of the Transformers in action, like one shot of Devastator rolling down a highway in tank mode, but no real "deleted scenes" feature. I would love to see another DVD release of Transformers in the near future that did have these things, maybe even with some of this stuff integrated into the movie itself as a true "extended cut", because I definitely believe the market is there for it.

And so far as the two-DVD pack that's the Wal-Mart exclusive goes, which also gives you Transformers: Beginnings... if you're a Transformers "completist", I would recommend getting it. But otherwise, go for the 2-disc Special Edition. Transformers: Beginnings is a 20-minute "faux"-animated adaptation of the Transformers: Prime Directives prequel comic that Dreamwave published leading up to the film's release. That story revealed how the Allspark was first jettisoned into space, then how Megatron went after it (following his grievously wounding Bumblebee's voicebox) and eventually came to Earth, where the history of the Transformers became intertwined with that of humanity. If you want the full tale of how Captain Witwicky discovered the frozen Megatron and the origins of Sector Seven, and then how Bumblebee arrived on Earth with the Decepticons in close pursuit, you'll like this exclusive DVD (in spite of some inconsistencies with the movie's canon). It's also worth noting that the voice acting is terrific in this animated short, especially with Frank Welker back as the voice of Megatron (Welker was Megatron in the original 1980s cartoon). But if you only need one DVD sitting on your shelf and don't really care for intricate backstory, the 2-Disc Special Edition is the better deal. I'm the kind of guy who is going to like having Transformers: Beginnings there anyway though, but that'll hopefully give you enough to decide if you want to spend some extra coin for it.

Transformers on DVD is a sweet lil' package, and it's pretty cool that they were able to put it together so relatively fast (the film is still playing in some theaters even). Definitely worth getting 'cuz this is one movie that you'll no doubt enjoy many time in years to come.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Paramount confirms: TRANSFORMERS score CD is rolling out!

Warner Bros. Records will "shortly" be releasing the album of Steve Jablonsky's orchestral score from the movie Transformers, according to a Senior Vice President in the Music Department at Paramount Pictures.

The Knight Shift blog received this confirmation a short while ago. And you've no idea how happy I am about being able to report this!

The word comes from a source wishing to identifying himself as "Sam Witwicky all the way from New Zealand" (and in case you're wondering, I already asked if his eBay username was "ladiesman217" and he said that it's not :-). "Sam Witwicky" was able to correspond directly with the good people at Paramount Pictures: the studio which along with DreamWorks was responsible for producing Transformers. Our man Sam told them about the interest there's been in a CD release of Jablonsky's score and he mentioned the online petition (which may hit 5,000 signatures in the next few days).

Here's what Sam received back...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Butler at Paramount
Date: Aug 16, 2007 4:12 AM
Subject: RE: Transformers Original Score
To: Sam Witwicky

There will be a score album released shortly on Warner Bros. Records. Thanks for your interest!

Dan Butler

Senior Vice President

Business Affairs & Legal - Music

Paramount Pictures

So there's the word pretty much from the top: soon, we'll be getting to put our grubby lil' paws on a shiny new CD containing that majestic score from Transformers by Steve Jablonsky!

To all of you who have signed the petition and have otherwise been showing support for this album and getting the word spread about how much we'd love to have it in our collections: THANK YOU!! Nothing would please me more than to be able to shake hands with every single one of ya :-)

And very special thanks to Dan Butler and the folks at Paramount for having this great news sent along to us!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Here we go again! Online petition for a full release of TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN score by Steve Jablonsky

Two years ago, an online petition drive spun out of this very blog and may or may not have convinced The Powers That Be to release a CD of Steve Jablonsky's amazing score for the motion picture Transformers.

In 2009, Warner Bros./Reprise did release a CD of Jablonsky's score for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. And everything was cool this time, right?


A LOT of folks have written in here over the past few weeks about how much of Jablonsky's score for the new movie is missing from the current CD release. And we know for certain that there were plans to publish the full score (or a much bigger chunk of it than we have now anyway) but now, those plans have been officially dashed. It's currently not set to happen.

But now, a warrior has arisen "to light our darkest hour"!

Mike Casteel, a fellow fan of Transformers and Steve Jablonsky, has started a NEW online petition dedicated to getting a full score CD of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. It just went live tonight... but we all know how fast the last one drew support, aye? Let's hope and pray that Mike's will get even more! And I'm heartily asking EVERYONE who signed the one from two years ago to please sign this new one.

Have faith, friends. I believe that there will be a release of this CD, if there is substantial enough support and we nicely convey that. And from what I've seen on this end, the support is definitely there! So be a good fan of Transformers and Steve Jablonsky and everyone else at Remote Control who worked on this score, and sign the petition today!